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  1. #1
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default I hate UMD. I love UMD. I hate UMD.

    So I've been a proponent of UMD since I found the forums for the first time way back when and realised that in DDO you can put cross class skills in it (while in pnp you'd have to splash rogue or bard (or artificer) to invest in it).

    Since then I've maxed out UMD on just about every character that I've made (90%+), even if the most use that I got out of it on the particular character might have been to once bypass a racial restriction on an item (on account of not capping the character for favour reasons).

    I love UMD. It has so many amazing uses across a wide array of possible UMD scores. Some examples:
    1. Invisibility scrolls. OMG, most OP ability ever to be able to go invisible. Anyone can get enough UMD for this and it is undoubtedly the best use of UMD.
    2. Fireshield scrolls. Whether tanking shadows in ToD, laughing in Harry's face or doing a base in ev6 being able to pop off one of these scrolls will definitely save your life once or twice.
    3. Raise Dead scrolls. No good when the only healer dies and everyone stands around looking dumb. Even if you can only manage ~30% success it is still enough and worthwhile to be able to get a healer up when it comes to "the crunch".
    4. Cure Wands. Better and cheaper than pots.
    5. Heal scrolls. This is why we come right?
    6. Teleport scrolls. I'm rich and lazy, aren't you?
    7. Dimension Door scrolls. Being able to make a hasty exit can certainly save some quests/raids.
    8. Resurrection scrolls. When raise dead just won't cut it (like in many raids with AoE damage).
    9. Displacement scrolls. Cut incoming damage by 50% for 30 seconds. Need I say more?
    10. Alignment restricted items. 20 for most, easy to achieve, great way to use particular randomly generated items.
    11. Race restricted items. See above.
    12. Artificer scrolls. Wow (though I haven't played a character that could utilise them lately).
    13. And many more ...

    Now, to the actual reason for this post.

    I've had 2 characters on the go of late, a palemaster wizard and a human sorcerer. I prefer the wizard as it is stimulating and challenging to play a character that is capable of so much (restrictive SP pool notwithstanding). I've had fun tanking shadows in a hard ToD, leading various tough raids, tanking various bosses (including epic Turigulon) and generally relishing any opportunity to push my abilities when those Oh ****! moments happen and someone needs to fix things.

    Then there's my sorcerer. He's got a slightly messed up spell list and less than optimal stats but he's still pretty fun to play. I stand in the back cycling through my SLA's generally trying to avoid aggro or kiting mobs back through the melees if I get it and passing buffs as necessary. It's a nice lazy character to play that doesn't make me think too much.

    However, a guildy has gently bullied me into actually trying to play my sorcerer to it's potential be getting enough UMD to reliably fire off heal scrolls by forcing large mats on me. Why couldn't I just keep on being a lazy freeloader?

    (Some literary license here for dramatic effect, <3 you guys)

    So I can empathise now a bit with players who choose to intentionally gimp their characters by skipping UMD. It's easy to just say that you do A or B but not C to Z; in fact, you do A or B so well that you don't need to do any of C to Z and you should be my ***** and do them for me. Even though the hardest thing you would have to do to do a majority of C to Z is having to swap a few items occasionally. It's nice to be lazy (I mean, it's nice to play my role).

    Not sure if this applies to anyone anymore, just reminded of a few people that I've run across from time to time.

    Conclusion? No idea.

    /rant off
    Last edited by wax_on_wax_off; 11-16-2011 at 07:35 AM.

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