Tried joining 3 ToD's today, the first took too long to fill and i had to do some work, the second lfm had been up for ages and healers weren't joining. While it was up I saw another run already with healers, I was doubtful of the players in my party as well. The other LFM has a few people I've played with before, however I know the WF 12/8 is a rubbish tank as I've stripped myself of gear and dropped boosts and autocleave and still taken agro off him (even with time to build agro). ToD normals easy so I join their group and we get going relatively quickly.

Instructions are given as to who was doing what and we get going. During the wait I've MyDDOed the party and although I'm not the set tank, I know I'm tanking no matter what I do. Anyway I say nothing as to not offend anyone.

Fight starts and the 12/8 and caster healing him die fighting the orthon after 30 secs. Two melee die fighting the "fake sulu" as the party leader called him. I take the opportunity to say that I recommend that I tank Horoth as I have the highest DPS. At this point I've held agro on both judge and jailer missing ~30% of my DPS and am asked if I think I can hold agro on Horoth.

Part two the kiter dies along with half the party because of Mabar lag, I did not have any lag. I did not know it specifically targeted partiular members of the party to stop them providing vital roles. Buy a PC that's not a piece of ****.

Part 3 starts fine until I stop receiving heals while tanking Horoth (at 30%) he's back to 100% by the time I've got agro back. Would have had no problem killing Horoth and kiting or tanking sulu for the rest but the party leader suggests a reform instead. People DDoor out and I say thanks for the party and I wont be running with you again.

/story time

I would have been happy to run it with them again if they had taken it more seriously. However they treated it like a guild fun run even though only a few of them seemed to know each other, most of the party was PUGers. The in jokes between the 3 or 4 of them were flying around throughout the quest while they ****ed the raid for everyone else.

I've got 8 completions since I've been back at cap and that was the first wipe and the only one that wasn't taken seriously. My point is to take raids seriously (can still joke around to a degree) unless your in a guild party or you're competent enough to combine fun and raids.