While not allowed by PnP (last I knew) does DDO grant retroactive skill points if you raise your base Intelligence modifier?
While not allowed by PnP (last I knew) does DDO grant retroactive skill points if you raise your base Intelligence modifier?
Last edited by SpiderEternal; 10-18-2011 at 12:50 PM. Reason: I meant retroactive, yes.
If you're talking about gaining extra skill points for levels 1-3 if you increased your INT to an even number at level 4, then No. You will, however, get extra skill points for every level after you've increased your base INT (so with the above example, you'd get an extra skill point from level 5 to level 20).
Remember that Enhancements and gear don't count to the above, only Tomes and adding Level-Up points every 4 levels.
No it does not, but at the same time there IS a way.
The game doesn't seem to remember when you ate a tome during a LR or GR, it applies the tome you at at the ML of the tome.
So you could LR+0 to the get skill points gained for a +2 (or better).