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  1. #1
    Hero Djeserit's Avatar
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    Default Why +3 Tomes in Store is Huge for Me

    Much written on this topic already, but none so far expressed my perspective. In fact, I've heard a number of people say +3 tomes aren't a big deal and won't influence them much.

    Respectfully, +3 tomes for all my toons will be huge. What it means for me is Action Points.

    I will have the flexability to drop that last level of enhancement to whichever stat and still come out even.

    FvS charisma III becomes charisma II. Save 6 action points. Same end bonus.

    This could mean 0 -10 extra action points at the end, depending on build and gear, while ending at the same stat.

    Action points are just about the only thing in the game you can't grind more of, can't enhance with a better item. In some sense they are the great equalizer, a noob having just the same AP per level as a completionist.

    (Personally I tend to spread them out, preferring a lot of weak abilities instead of one maxxed out, but it does depend on build.)

    Anything that gives me a few more action points to spend is a very big deal.

    Note: I only have a few toons, so it's easy for me to buy supreme's on them.

  2. #2
    Community Member wolflordnexus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djeserit View Post
    Much written on this topic already, but none so far expressed my perspective. In fact, I've heard a number of people say +3 tomes aren't a big deal and won't influence them much.

    Respectfully, +3 tomes for all my toons will be huge. What it means for me is Action Points.

    I will have the flexability to drop that last level of enhancement to whichever stat and still come out even.

    FvS charisma III becomes charisma II. Save 6 action points. Same end bonus.

    This could mean 0 -10 extra action points at the end, depending on build and gear, while ending at the same stat.

    Action points are just about the only thing in the game you can't grind more of, can't enhance with a better item. In some sense they are the great equalizer, a noob having just the same AP per level as a completionist.

    (Personally I tend to spread them out, preferring a lot of weak abilities instead of one maxxed out, but it does depend on build.)

    Anything that gives me a few more action points to spend is a very big deal.

    Note: I only have a few toons, so it's easy for me to buy supreme's on them.
    Honestly the biggest thing +3 tomes do is make Qualifying for feats way easier 14 dex vs 15 for TWF line saves 2 build points 16 dex vs 17 for IPS saves 3. this is going to be where the tomes are huge.

  3. #3
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    +3 tomes are huge for me, because now I can spend real life money instead of running
    • 20x Reaver
    • 20x Hound
    • 20x Shroud
    • 20x VOD

    Hell, there's no reason for me to raid anymore.

    wait... I already ran them and got my +3 tomes. Now everyone w/ $20 has them. Yaaah
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  4. #4
    Community Member wolflordnexus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldeneye View Post
    +3 tomes are huge for me, because now I can spend real life money instead of running
    • 20x Reaver
    • 20x Hound
    • 20x Shroud
    • 20x VOD

    Hell, there's no reason for me to raid anymore.

    wait... I already ran them and got my +3 tomes. Now everyone w/ $20 has them. Yaaah
    I don't think to manny folks are going to be buying +3 aside from dex and then only on first life toons I don't agree that they should be in the store either but I'm really not going to sweat folks saving 2 build points on their melee and 3 build points on their arti's 20 shrouds go by fairly quick and I always see at least 1 +3 there.

  5. #5
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    I won't buy any +3 tome but I'm happy some can: everything that makes Turbine gain money, without requiring me anything than enjoying the game, to continue running the game is good for me.
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  6. #6
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    Very few people argued against the benefit of +3 tomes - how can another stat point hurt? Some people dismissed them because either they are already geared out to the max and don't really need an extra point, or just plain sour grapes.

    The problem with selling +3 tomes is that you are now in a play to win situation. The tomes used to be rare drops from end game quests or rewards for completing a raid 20 times. Now, instead of a +3 tome being earned it can be bought and that cheapens them.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolflordnexus View Post
    I don't think to manny folks are going to be buying +3 aside from dex and then only on first life toons I don't agree that they should be in the store either but I'm really not going to sweat folks saving 2 build points on their melee and 3 build points on their arti's 20 shrouds go by fairly quick and I always see at least 1 +3 there.
    Just wait, with this line of thought Turbine is going to eventually drop a "Tome Set" with +3 Tomes instead of the +2 set the already actively market in the store.

    The big difference is, +2 Tomes are "fairly" easy to find in quest or on the AH. +3 Tomes, not so much.

    Don't think, not for a single second, that there won't be people lined up to drop $25-50 for a Universal Tome of Uberness- +3 to all stats in the DDO Store.

    For as many people here that complain they won't, there are that many people more who are Premium who won't mind dropping that $$$ one time on the single toon they run.

    Bank on it, literally.
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
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  8. #8
    Community Member arcticsparro's Avatar
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    Ah - when the +3 tomes were in they did have a +3 supreme tome... It was expensive, but available. IMO - who cares - either ya have it or you don't - you're willing to spend big bucks or you're not - what difference does it make? Only in the pickiest of groups does that extra point here or there make a difference. Hell I still have a few 28 pt. builds kicking around that haven't been upgraded because there is no point - not all characters are rolled up as the most-uberest. For those that are, I have no problem with them dropping bucks to support a game I like to have better stuff than I would get without paying anything more - provided there is a way for me to get the same thing WITHOUT dropping those bucks. IMO they could put ANYTHING they want in the store and it won't matter as long as it's available in game as well. Don't agree with that - don't buy the stuff... no biggie.

  9. #9
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldeneye View Post
    +3 tomes are huge for me, because now I can spend real life money instead of running
    • 20x Reaver
    • 20x Hound
    • 20x Shroud
    • 20x VOD

    Hell, there's no reason for me to raid anymore.

    wait... I already ran them and got my +3 tomes. Now everyone w/ $20 has them. Yaaah
    On my main I have:
    80+ reavers
    40+ hounds
    40+ shrounds
    20+ VoD's
    20+ ToD's

    That is 200+ raid runs with a chance at a +3 tome. Also 10+ chances at the choice of raid item end reward. I have pulled 1 +3 str tome and 4 +3 con tomes. Needless to say I didn't take all those con tomes. You aren't guaranteed a +3 tome, let alone one that you want. Heck I have yet to even get a +4 tome.
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