I'm going to make a monk.I am kinda new to monks to i could use some advice on what feats and all that at the beginning.
Thanks for any advice![]()
I'm going to make a monk.I am kinda new to monks to i could use some advice on what feats and all that at the beginning.
Thanks for any advice![]()
In general feats for a monk should be along the lines of:
Stunning Fist
Full twf fighting line
Feats required for pres (eg. dodge for ninja spy)
Power attack
Impr crit Bludgeon
Probably others that I have missed.
Usually when I start a new monk my first few feats are Stunning Fist, toughness, power attack and two weapon fighting in no particular order.
Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)
Mandatory: Toughness, TWF, iTWF, gTWF, Power Attack, Improved Critical: Bludgeoning, Dodge (dark), Cleave (light), Stunning Fist (light
Suggested: Stunning Blow, Toughness, Weapon Finesse (if you are trying for AC), Toughness
Id recommend starting with dark if you have the resources. Light monks have the healing fist strike, but I find darks have a lil more survivability if you have the plat for things like cure moderate pots (72 plat a pot unless haggled down)
It's not really noticeable until you hit around lv 13 and find stuff that doesn't just die quick and can dish out equal of what you can back. In which time you really need stuns and the wis to hope they land. Darks however are more sneaky, get a sort of 1hitko, and even some extra ac to get up there.
Now that's just the class itself. Next you have to decide what race. You could go for a rounded out character like dwarf. Could go for a lil more versatility with human gaining human traits and the extra feat, you could go for almost pure dex and wis with a halfling, or what im toying with is going half elf for the bennifits of elfs with human benefits, and a dili feat. (Casting heal scrolls on urself at lv 9? How hella win is that for survivability.. raise dead to, no need to take that light monk line to get those over costly phoenix rise spell)
All up to what you want him to be. I can tell ya this though, doing the dmg is great, made me a horc monk and I love his fists and crits, but theirs no mistake in knowing he can fall just as quick in a few moments with the wrong timing.
the feats listed before are perfect. just make sure you read up on the monks in the previous builds already posted. There are some solid builds.
as for dex/wiz? im not a fan of that due to the fact i had one already and they didn't seem to utilize the dps as much as a str/wiz does. I have a str/wiz based light monk and she rocks. Once you hit lvl 18, they are awesome!!! As for my other monk he's more of a str/con/wiz dark monk build and he's a halfling. Both are great.
A half-elf build might be something worth looking into. Might i suggest a half-elf dark monk with a cleric dilly.... The benefits of all the dark monk goodies with the soling ability to heal yourself. Kinda a nice flavor. Or even rogue dilly for the extra sneak attack you can stack with the ninja spy sneak. The dps would be nice.
as for feats.
Full TWF
stunning fist
Improved crit bludgeon
dodge/CE (either for dark/light build)
power attack
all of these are great for a monk.
as for enhancements.....
dark- ninja spy, t.o.d., racial toughness, at least tier III in earth stance for good dps strikes, tier IV in fire stance (for healing amp and max dps), and even can fill in void IV line if you would like. I believe the dilly can still be squeezed in as well. You still will be able to max out wiz, healing amp, and other amenities.
I would suggest to max out wiz as much as possible for extra ac (not needed for end content), but DC's for stunning fist and other goodies a monk can provide.
hope this helps you out.
Sprulok TR 20 dark monk/ Spruloki lvl 20 TR'd Exploiter / Magnetik "aka Miss Piggy" TR'd 12ftr/6rgr/2monk/ tank / Trixxii lvl 20 TR'd light monk/ Bllaak Stabbath lvl 20 tr'd assassin/ Axetress lvl 14 juggernaut Zenaidemule --------------- Ghallanda server-------------Officer of the Captain's Crew
At bare minimum take the full Two-Weapon fighting line. Everything else is gravy. And, of course, what you need for your PrE if you take one.
Officer and Webmaster for Fallen Immortals, a guild of Thelanis.
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I would suggest improved sunder feat top of other.. the no save -3 fort save that stacks 5 times is just great against tough enemies to soften them for stuns. and once a while it also lowers enemies ac and fortification too which isn't bad thing either.
full twf and toughness all else is what you want out of your monk
Beware the Sleepeater