Although I usually wait to for someone else to put up an LFM for a dungeon I want to run and then join their group, I do sometimes put up my own LFM's. Up to now, I have been having a hard time getting groups together that match what I thought I had asked for in the LFM. I would like some advice in how to word the LFM's to maximize my chances of a fun group. Here are some questions I have:
1. Although the portion of the LFM that displays the quest name also shows what difficulty at which you will run it, I still always get people who ask to join and and then are unhappy with the difficulty I have chosen. I guess people just don't run the cursor over the quest name and check. If I always spell it out in words in the comments, will that solve the problem?
2. I try to attract people who will stick together and work together by putting in things like "team players only", "stick together" etc. It still seems like the majority of the people run off in all directions and do their own things. This is especially annoying when I am playing my Cleric toon, and have to try to hunt these people down when they need healing. What could I do differently to get people who will behave as a team instead of an uncoordinated mob.
3. Is it worth it to specify "no microphones" or "typing only"? Usually I prefer the voice chat, but if someone has a poor microphone, everything they say gets garbled. Generally, they do not want to switch to typing, and will keep repeating what they just said, even though it is every bit as garbled as the first time they said it.
Just a little more info on my toons and how I like to run dungeons: I have only 2 toons, a capped Barbarian and a level 5 Cleric. Neither is a TR and neither is uber. I like to go slow enough to enjoy a dungeon, kill every monster possible and get every scrap of loot possible. Especially on my Cleric, I want to be able to practice healing and buffing. This is hard to do if the team splits into 3 or 4 different groups or if they all run off at top speed. The last dungeon I ran in a pug with that toon she spent most of her time beating Kobolds with a mace and almost none of the time healing.
There must be people out there who share my preferred playing style. How do I tap into them?