Topic: "NOTE: For a limited time, all Artificers will need to start at level 1, and play through all levels of the class. Players can True Reincarnate into an Artificer if they have the Artificer class unlocked, but players cannot swap non-Artificer levels for Artificer levels using Lesser or Greater Reincarnations, and cannot take Artificer levels from the Veteran Status boat."

Question: When is this getting changed? Not being someone that haunts the boards, preferring to actually be playing the game, I missed this little tidbit. Since there was no warning in game in any form, I did a LR to raise dex high enough to get improved precise shot. Was not going to change anything else but only had a +3 heart of wood. Rather than feel like I wasted the +3, I was going to switch my two levels of monk from level 9 and 18, to 9 and 10..makes no difference at all in the final build, doesn't change how many levels of either I had, but made me feel least until i ran into that whole "no artificer levels on the lr ship thing.
Now I cant even fix it with another heart of wood. Yes, my fault for not reading the boards, but I was relying on a mechanic that is stated clearly in game and no longer functions that way.

Stupid for relying on in game knowledge ( lord knows I've known the loading tips have been lying to us for a long while now), but since its my main character, I'd like to know WHEN this is getting changed so I know when to log in again ><