My 16th level cleric (Radiant Servant build) has been flagged for the Shroud and has just started running it. He is built as a healer primarily, though he does have a feat spent on Greataxe Proficiency and he does moderate-to-good DPS.
In most quests I buff the group and then just keep my healing aura going and jump into melee with my greataxe. When I see someone get down to half on their red bar I throw them a heal. At some endfights I hang back and focus on healing, but it is usually not necessary except in some raids and a few of the harder quests. When I go into "full healing" mode I put away my greataxe and equip my Staff of Fleshshaping.
I haven't made any blanks yet and was wondering if other healing-focused clerics find it better to make a GS weapon first? Or maybe a Conc-Opp set of goggles? Or maybe a blindness ward/disease/poison/deathblock set of goggles?
Any feedback from the more experienced clerics would be appreciated.