Lol at crazy aka all alts he is a epic running multi tr that is pretty picky on his epics and raids I have ran many many with him, there are a ton of ppl on the server who also keep up myddo so they can check toons before letting you into epics. Now that being said your a healer and should be able to get into any epic you want with ease as long as you dont stand next to me swinging a GS weapon wearing madstones .......... wont mention names. As everyone else has stated start them now and build the tokens and seals/shards/scrolls now. I have done epics like von1, big top ect with no healer at all. Just be smart I think someone said know when to call it, once you have burned 3-4 pots used your baubble raised the same idiot 10 times and burned a stack of scrolls take the fail no shame in it dont waste all your plat trying to save a group that just is not going to make it. Most epics you can drop a DW and pick someone to set mass heals on and be good, if you can heal a shroud your good to go on most. Have fun epics are great and about all I really run anymore (unless im helping guildies) If its your first time in something let someone know as epics do require some special attention during some and certain ways to do others have been established. (like big top its all about a jump/invs and running the right way over anything else, some epics require certain spells to be prepped.. ect ) Have fun look me up sometime and I can take you with me I have a pretty static group who run and are good ppl who will let you get the seals/shards you need and not ninja everything. Tygerstylz on kyber.
Its running Epics not starting a major landwar in Asia (which is ALWAYS a mistake BTW)....
Heal Scrolls are the only essential really ~ I setup a potency item/something else in a two weapon setup so that when I grab out a scroll the potency item is still in my off hand. Its a small thing but it helps when alternating scrolling/casting
The Bauble is really nice and not hard to farm just tedious. Its the equivalent of a pot per shrine. Since I will be working less for a couple of weeks I'll be farming it on my Wizard so keep an eye out for the LFM
Actually its pretty easy to get groups for Bauble farming ~ just avoid LFM like "Dont join if you want Bauble" as you'd have to be pretty crazy to be that selfish...
If you can solo heal Shroud you can do most of the Epics. There are a few (Chains of Flames springs to mind) that can be really nasty due to the length and sudden massive damage spikes. Want an easy training Epic do eBig Top and go from there...
Good Luck and happy hunting...
Member of Wanderlust
Paulao (TR2 IP) ~ Paulbo (TR2) ~ Paulco (TR1) ~ Pauldo (TR3) ~ Pauleo (FL) ~ Paulfo (FL) ~ Paulgo (FL) ~ Paulho (TR1) ~ Pauljo (FL) ~ Paulpo (FL)
^^^^ I love the LFM farming bauble selling for 1mill or other stuff, I have ran maybe 100+ weapon ships farming out stuff for guildies (devils ect ) and I have never once thought about selling this item due to the fact that it may just be the item that keeps your party alive in a epic one day and should be given up for roll to the people who can use them, same with other stuff that drops. Now if im running with a farming group and 1 person has gotten 2-3 things ( had a guy get 2 keepsakes and a arrowhead and not offer any of it for roll b/c he has other toons ect that needs this stuff ) then you will prob not get a chance to roll on it.
Yes jump in a epic big top or von 1 for your first go these are both simple!!!!!!!!!!
He has zero raid items (I did myddo him) aside from a tier2 shroud goggles.
Would you accept any character into an epic group that had zero raid/shroud items if they were NOT a healer?
An ungeared arcane? A melee using a metalline pure good icy bursted and no other items? I probably wouldnt, but thats because I dont like carrying people through quests.
The fact is, most of you are making an exception for "healers" to take along into epics, because lets face it, heal botting is a piker position and as long as you are willing to use as many scrolls/pots as it takes to get the job done then you could adequately do a job.
That doesnt change the fact that 5 other appropriately geared characters would still be dragging you through as a heal bot.
If the OP was anything but a healer, most of you would be telling him to get more items.
This is about 80% correct and would depend on the epic , if it was a von 1 i would let in just about anyone Echrono im looking for ppl i know others know or i have myddo up. Yes slack is being given for being a healer and you would prob get the scrolls i am after and would need some carrying as stated. Healers that actually heal can get away with much much more than melees with poor dps or casters with low low DC's.
I ran a E big top the other day and i was painting with a rhals in a pug group and as you know a rhals does not break any DR on her and I watched for 5 mins as her life stayed about the same, switched to dps wraps and just about had to carry the group through the end, my friends list is made of people I wont run with again and i put ppl like that on them,
Irony is that when I first started playing. I ran my shrouds/hounds/vods and worked up some basic gear (leviks bracers, spectral gloves, min2 falchion, bloodstone, GS HP item etc) BEFORE I even attempted my first epic. Even still, a prominent member of your guild refused to group with me for the longest time, although he has since changed that position.
The OP has earned no raid items and he is thinking about jumping into epics. Many of you are encouraging him to do it.
I personally think he should go do some raids hound/vod/shroud, TOD flag himself, do a TOD. Once he can do all those things then he can start running epics. Freshly capped characters do not belong in epics, not even house P or D laugh fests.
Do TOD first, then do epic.
I'm interested in knowing where I'm coming up short. I've played MMO's a long time and know how frustrating it is to drag along people that aren't geared. Generally I would only make exceptions for guild members or real life friends.
I don't expect PuG groups to put up with me if I'm not geared enough for the run. It's good to know that I should be able to handle some of the easier ones, and to know what a couple of those are.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I've learned a lot.
Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk
Different standards for healers is entirely logical. Healers gain less from gear, and require less of it, to do their job. There's no inherent reason to require the same level of gear from healers as from everyone else. A well geared melee can be genuinely hugely more effective than a poorly geared one. That's not nearly as true of healers.
Pure healing spell amplification is easy to get, and SP is only an issue if they run out. Which in the easier epics, is not likely.
As long as the healer provides the necessary healing, they are not being "dragged" by anyone. And I remain unconvinced that anything but basic healer gear is required to do that for the easier epics.
Your derision of "heal botting" would be founded in most quests, but not in Raids, or in Epics. A "healbot" is already providing enough value to the group. If they do more, great, but generally, there will be others around that are better at DPS or CC. And many of them, especially DPS, will need external heals to do their job properly.
Also, who did you MyDDO? The OP, or the person you replied to with a wish to squelch? Because that person has a healer with great gear, and is in a great guild.
Last edited by dkyle; 06-19-2011 at 07:55 PM.
OP i will definately take you on my epic big top runs. If you want to do something while on shroud/hound/vod timmers. You can at least do house P epics and build up some tokens, shards/seals while you are waiting for your raid timmers to get the stuff that crazy mentioned.
As said before OP, stick to the easier epics and you will be fine, learn the feel of epics in general and keep doing your shrouds.
As you close in on your 20th completions of all the raids the gear thing will start to work itself out. As you start finishing your shroud gear and start getting better defensive and offensive gear you can start looking into the harder quests. You may wish to petition some of your better geared friends to help aid you along your 1st few times in the tougher epics.
Keep in mind undergeared but well led teams sould have little problems in the easier epic and most people are willing to help teach people as long as its in the easier quests.
Id highly recomend starting with the carnival as they are the easiest exept "a small problem". As well evon1 alot of times is shortmanned by casters, if you see some people doing this tell them you would like to join them for training.
Edit - Id help you along myself, but im on Argo sorry.
Gasoline(tr) Favored Soul - 5th Life
Deadwall(tr) - Soul Survivor - 2nd Life
Gasolinex - Pale Master
Gasomatic Systematic - Bard
Without getting into past lives, that is an entirely reasonable SP total. Do not worry about players who insist that 3k is bare minimum - that's garbage.
If you stick to the healer role, you can contribute effectively in an epic with only basic gear. You can learn the quests as you gather more end game gear. Let your group know you're new to the quest but can heal efectively, and you'll be fine.
But, he is a healer - which is one of the few roles you can do pretty much naked.
I think my FvS had 2600 SP or so (they are currently being TRed a few times and will end up FvS again). Most Epics (except the notoriously shrine-starved ones) I'd hit each shrine with 1000+ SP left.
If you have Quicken Spell, Heal, Mass Heal, one or more Mass Cures, 100% Fort and 400+ hp, you are ready for Carnival epics except Small Problem, VON1, 2 and 6, Last Stand, Claw of Vulkoor, Fathom the Depths and most of the Sentinels chain.
Stay out of VON3/4, Into the Deep, all of the Desert, Devil Assault, Small Problem, whatever that stupid Sentinels trap quest is called, and Chronoscope until you are confident in the easier epics.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
Ignore Crazydamage, he prefers to have everyone else to have perfect gear so that:
A) They can carry him and he can hide behind their skill so no-one realises he can't play the game.
B) They will give him all the stuff he wants because he only wants to take people who have everything already.
Aside from that, as a healer, all you really need is spell points, and a head on your shoulders (twitch skills help on some of the harder epics where you need to respond quickly) enough hit points so you don't die all the time helps as well, and heavy fort.
Healing is something like 80% player skill (and proper feat choices), 20% gear, if that.
........................................... I <3 22/7
Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package
Epics like Big Top, Von 1, Snitch, Claw and Partycrashers (Probably the 5 most straighforward ones) are the best LFMs to look out for if you're new to Epics. As said previously, let the guys in the group you're joining know you're new to the quest and unless the LFM is obviously not accepting inexperienced players, there shouldn't be any problem with the group you're joining (For those quests listed).
I personally like how the Epic scene as it's structured at the moment. You have a handfull of fairly easy ones that don't need a lot of good gear to get through. A few more a little more gear dependant and a few more that most players will want a solid group to make it as pain free as possible.
Most PUG groups will welcome you with open arms as you're a divine class. Most won't even care if all you do is heal. It's probably the best class to learn these quests on as well if you plan to be bringing up the rear etc.
Calvet ~ Ghalnem ~ Noobforged ~ Sorgant ~ Gimpsong
All on Khyber.