I've decided to make a pally and im wondering what are some nice builds. I prefer TWF/Khopesh. I have acess to all content and also wondering what I should twink him with becuase i have the time and money.
thanks in advance.
I've decided to make a pally and im wondering what are some nice builds. I prefer TWF/Khopesh. I have acess to all content and also wondering what I should twink him with becuase i have the time and money.
thanks in advance.
I would suggest Junt's guide. It may seem a bit dated but the info and builds are still pretty solid.
For a TWF Khopesh wielder you should look at going human, pure paladin. I also recommend reading Junt's guide as it's very thorough and accurate.
The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
"From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."