note: this is a rant, and its kind of an overreaction.
"i hit for more than a thousand with my acid blast". have you ever heard a sorc say this? this has been the most consistent "claim to credibility" sorcs make.
well, ive got news for you. I HIT MORE THAN 1000 TOO. You can hit for a 1000, good job sparky, but guess what, we ALLL CAN. I am willing to bet that literally any savant who meets the reqs for t3 savant can hit above 1000 pretty regularly with max/emp on. Heck, my wizard crits for more than a thousand. so stop saying it, you arent special. This is like bragging to your video game club that you beat halo, this is like bragging to your cooking school you can make scrambled eggs, this is like bragging that your fighter has 36 STR, or that you have above DC 36 on your wizard. Its not special, come back when you get hits over 6k or something on bosses pretty often, then maybe we can talk.