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  1. #21
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truga View Post
    You're now clinging onto a straw here...
    agreed. if the reason you get banned for buying an eardweller is that you didn't work for it, then it shouldn't matter *how* you didn't work for it, merely whether or not you worked for it.

    so how about if someone pays to have an eardweller farmed, and then just pikes inside the quest instead of outside. same basic scenario, really (and probably a better idea, since it means you've got less loading/run time to get to your eardweller before it disappears).

    mind you, i personally would not pay for an eardweller... after all, i know how to farm it for myself, and now that i'm burning all my vendor trash on crafting i don't have as much plat to burn on other stuff (if i do burn plat, it'll be on something like vale larges, probably... but even then, not likely)

  2. #22
    Community Member fluffybunnywilson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gogetta101 View Post
    They paid for it so........ I really dont see any problem..

    If I'm understanding u correctly, They need to run the quest in order for them to have 1, When instead they could just pay someone to run it for them..? Besides There is no Official rule stating u cant do that.... Is there..?
    I don't have a problem with this either, but it is a violation of Turbine's ToS.

    It is explicitly against the ToS to get rewards in quests without overcoming the challenges that are required to achieve that reward.

    One example of this is Sins of Attrition - if I solo Sins and kill every single enemy in the entire quest and then invite 5 other people in to open the chests, then all 6 of us are in violation of the ToS because those chests were locked until I killed the critters that were guarding the chests and the other players were not in the quest at the time when those critters were killed.

    I don't know of anyone who has gotten a DDO vacation for doing that, but it is still a violation of the ToS.

  3. #23
    Community Member Nephilia's Avatar
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    I would give u even a red!

  4. #24
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffybunnywilson View Post
    I don't have a problem with this either, but it is a violation of Turbine's ToS.

    It is explicitly against the ToS to get rewards in quests without overcoming the challenges that are required to achieve that reward.

    One example of this is Sins of Attrition - if I solo Sins and kill every single enemy in the entire quest and then invite 5 other people in to open the chests, then all 6 of us are in violation of the ToS because those chests were locked until I killed the critters that were guarding the chests and the other players were not in the quest at the time when those critters were killed.

    I don't know of anyone who has gotten a DDO vacation for doing that, but it is still a violation of the ToS.
    However, under this logic doing slayers in a group (say vale for ingredients) is against the ToS, since only one member trained and destroyed a part of the map, then everyone came and looted the chest... Does anyone have a direct link to this ToS? If this is really the case, I'm going to troll turbine until they revise it, because this is just open for exploiting (i.e. reporting people to get them banned).

  5. #25
    Community Member Kralael's Avatar
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    Sold 2 of mines for 2 LDS.

    Got eve offered 2 reds, but I didn't want to rip off XD Peeps get crazy with that thing :P
    Kralael /// Kralwar /// Kralzu /// Kralheals /// Proud 'tard of Imperial Assassins

  6. #26
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kralael View Post
    Sold 2 of mines for 2 LDS.

    Got eve offered 2 reds, but I didn't want to rip off XD Peeps get crazy with that thing :P
    I can understand tbh. I get an LDS on almost 50% of my shroud runs, but after like 30 runs for eardweller (both solo and some in group), I've yet to see it drop. For others it seems to be the other way around, so I don't see the problem with people trading this stuff.

    @Asketes: I don't even have a problem with people selling raid loot. I personally don't do it (I either loot it if I need, pass it to a guildie or put it up for roll), but if someone wants to sell their loot, they really should go ahead.

    If everyone just used plat for everything (say, like in real life), there would be a lot less hard feelings (and subsequently loot drama). Though if that's a bad or a good think is up to individuals

  7. #27
    Community Member fluffybunnywilson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truga View Post
    However, under this logic doing slayers in a group (say vale for ingredients) is against the ToS, since only one member trained and destroyed a part of the map, then everyone came and looted the chest... Does anyone have a direct link to this ToS? If this is really the case, I'm going to troll turbine until they revise it, because this is just open for exploiting (i.e. reporting people to get them banned).
    Each person was actually in the quest/explorer area when it happened, though.

    I think that the logic there is that Turbine doesn't want to try to put itself in the position of deciding if someone was piking or generally not carrying their own weight in a quest, but they don't want people getting rewards when they are absolutely guaranteed to have nothing to do with actually achieving the goals that grant those rewards because they weren't in that quest at all when it happened.

    Again, I don't personally care if that happens - I just like when people know the rules even if they're going to ignore them (as we all sometimes do).

  8. #28
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffybunnywilson View Post
    I don't have a problem with this either, but it is a violation of Turbine's ToS.

    It is explicitly against the ToS to get rewards in quests without overcoming the challenges that are required to achieve that reward.

    I don't know of anyone who has gotten a DDO vacation for doing that, but it is still a violation of the ToS.
    Please post where in the ToS, CoC, or EULA it states anything you've listed above. I just read all 3 and, unless I missed it (which is possible since none are formated for easy reading), it never says anything to that effect.
    Last edited by Shyver; 05-18-2011 at 02:38 PM.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  9. #29
    Community Member fluffybunnywilson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shyver View Post
    Please post where in the ToS, CoC, or EULA it states anything you've listed above. I just read all 3 and, unless I missed it, it never says anything to that effect.
    Anybody have a link to the old list of what is/isn't considered an exploit?

    I can't find it at the moment, but that's where it was. I want to say that KommunityKobold was the one that posted it once upon a time, but I could be entirely wrong about that.

  10. #30
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffybunnywilson View Post
    Anybody have a link to the old list of what is/isn't considered an exploit?

    I can't find it at the moment, but that's where it was. I want to say that KommunityKobold was the one that posted it once upon a time, but I could be entirely wrong about that.
    Found it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kommunity_kobold

    The following activities are considered to be violations of the Terms of Service:
    Using summoned items or creatures to trigger a game bug
    Purposely using any method that causes monsters or NPCs to become completely unresponsive.
    Bypassing a door, forcefield, barrier or other geometry which causes monsters or quest events on the other side to become unresponsive.
    Purposely causing monsters to become stuck or unresponsive on geometry.
    Using a game bug to remove any or all danger to yourself and/or party.
    Using any method to repeatedly loot a chest without repeating the quest objectives/content/monster encounters associated with the chest.
    Using any method to loot a chest or accept quest reward with any character who did not complete the related quest objective from start to finish.
    Bypassing a quest timer or flagging mechanic which allows you to complete a quest or objective more often than allowed.
    Any method of removing quest-only weapons, soul stones, or items from a quest instance and/or selling them on via the Marketplace or Auction House.
    Communicating details on how to exploit, or indicating quests which may be exploited in public. (Including in the LFM panel. Vague comments on your play style are welcome in the Who Panel or your Character Profile.)
    So you're right, it's considered a violation of the ToS.

    However it being listed in one forum thread from 3 years ago that's been locked is hardly listed in the ToS, CoC, or EULA that a player may be able to reasonably find. I had to search out Kommunity_Kobold by name to find the thread. Searches for ToS, CoC, EULA (and the long form of each) turned up nothing.
    Last edited by Shyver; 05-18-2011 at 03:28 PM.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  11. #31
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    What about all those people who've solo'd epics and before the end fight put up an LFM that says "FREE EPIC END CHEST"

    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  12. #32
    Community Member fluffybunnywilson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shyver View Post
    However it being listed in one forum thread from 3 years ago that's been locked is hardly listed in the ToS, CoC, or EULA that a player may be able to reasonably find. I had to search out Kommunity_Kobold by name to find the thread. Searches for ToS, CoC, EULA (and the long form of each) turned up nothing.
    Turbine wants us to follow the rules. That doesn't mean they want us to actually know what the rules are.

  13. #33
    Community Member Bladedge's Avatar
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    Using any method to loot a chest or accept quest reward with any character who did not complete the related quest objective from start to finish.
    This is a generalize rule written so they can cover every aspect without having to write a rule for every single unique circumstance in the game. Only time it would really be enforce if it was a raid or a some type of quest mechanic like a barrier didn't work properly. If they did enforce it like its written which they are not one would be playing ddo.

  14. #34
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladedge View Post
    This is a generalize rule written so they can cover every aspect without having to write a rule for every single unique circumstance in the game. Only time it would really be enforce if it was a raid or a some type of quest mechanic like a barrier didn't work properly. If they did enforce it like its written which they are not one would be playing ddo.
    While I agree with you, unless you're a dev/GM, you can't speak to when it would/wouldn't be enforced. As a player, we have to abide by the rule "as written", it's not within our rights to interpret the intention of the rule.

    And as written, selling/buying/gifting/recieving the eardweller to someone who wasn't in the quest for the whole thing is in violation of the ToS. As is putting up for an epic end chest, a muckbane/doom chest, an SoS flagging stone, ect, ect, ect.
    Last edited by Shyver; 05-18-2011 at 04:25 PM.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  15. #35
    Community Member Mister_Peace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truga View Post
    However, under this logic doing slayers in a group (say vale for ingredients) is against the ToS, since only one member trained and destroyed a part of the map, then everyone came and looted the chest... Does anyone have a direct link to this ToS? If this is really the case, I'm going to troll turbine until they revise it, because this is just open for exploiting (i.e. reporting people to get them banned).
    Having more people in-zone for slayers increases the mobs' stats.
    Quote Originally Posted by havokiano View Post
    you are boring. And you rosik a lot. bye.
    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    With the amount of facepalming we do, it's a wonder DDO players have any noses left.

  16. #36
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    What it all comes down to is Yes, it's in the tiny fine print that nobody reads. Is it bannable if you get on turbines bad side? Yes. Will they actively try and find you for this. No.

    So in other words don't tick off the powers that be and they won't actively try and find even the smallest reason to get you.

    I had an issue I won't discuss here that was grey in the tos about a year ago. I called turbine and they basically told me the same above thing I stated. Don't make a problem of it, there won't be a problem of it.

    Overall, this comes down to what I read a dev posting once.

    If it smells like an exploit, feels like an exploit and most of all if you have to ask if it's an exploit, 99.9% chance it is.

  17. #37
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    To the question asked- I would pay zero. Easy to run and get your own if you really want one (I have only bothered once out of many toons that could use it).

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

  18. #38
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Maybe the lucky bloke got a second drop. It's really not that big a deal.

  19. #39
    Community Member Kovalas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    What about all those people who've solo'd epics and before the end fight put up an LFM that says "FREE EPIC END CHEST"

    These are heroes of Stormreach....


  20. #40
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Is it wrong to say join a epic dq1 where they have soloed till the end fight and just need people to finish it off?

    Actually i should ask instead is it against the rules to do that?

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