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  1. #1
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    Default An Air Savant Build

    Okay just looking for feedbacks on my build, dont be rude :P



    Str 12 (+2 Tome, +6 Item) = 20
    Dex 8 (+2 tome, +6 Item) = 16
    Con 16 (+2 Tome, +6 Item, +1 Ench) = 25 (missing the +3exc, the litany and the +7 Item for a total of 30 Con)
    Int 10 (+2 Tome) = 12
    Wis 8
    Cha 18 (+2 Tome, +6 Item, +4Ench, +5 Lvls, +1 Exc) = 36


    - Empower
    - Maximize
    - Extend
    - Toughness
    - Heighten
    - SF: Evocation
    - GSF: Evocation
    - Spell penetration

    When and IF i TR, i plan to swap the Spell pen for the Wiz past life.

    Old Spells:

    Lv1 : Jump, Master's touch, Nightshield (Going for Ray of enf here), Prot from evil
    Lv2 : Knock, Resist Energy, Web, Invisibility
    Lv3 : Haste, Rage, Displacement, Halt undead (any better choice? I usually scroll HU, using spell really rarely)
    Lv4 : DDoor, Fireshield, Solid Fog, Wall of Fire
    Lv5 : Ball lighting, Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Prot from energy (scrolling break enchantment)
    Lv6 : Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Reconstruct (was hard to let GH go for scrolls )
    Lv7 : DBF, FoD, Ottos Sphere (scrolling Wave)
    Lv8 : Summon Monster VIII, Polar Ray, Otto's dance
    Lv9 : Energy Drain, Power Word: Kill, Mass Hold Monster

    NEW Spell list edited thanks to some of the suggestions here:

    New Spells:

    Lv1 : Jump, Master's touch, Nightshield (Ray of enf), Prot from evil
    Lv2 : Knock, Resist Energy, Web, Invisibility (Blur)
    Lv3 : Haste, Rage, Displacement, Halt undead
    Lv4 : DDoor, Fireshield, Solid Fog, Wall of Fire (Ice Storm)
    Lv5 : Ball lighting, Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Prot from energy (scrolling break enchantment)
    Lv6 : Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Reconstruct (was hard to let GH go for scrolls )
    Lv7 : DBF [Waves of Ex), FoD, Ottos Sphere
    Lv8 : Summon Monster VIII (Symbol of Death, tried it today and it works really good. It was hard to let the air ele go), Polar Ray, Otto's dance
    Lv9 : Energy Drain, Power Word: Kill, Mass Hold Monster (Wail of the Banshee)

    In red there are the changes ive made.

    Have full Electric Ench, some AP's into Cold, 1 into Fire for free 20% damage, Improved Spell Pen III, Capstone, the 3 tiers of toughness, Charisma 3

    Basically an Air Savant with a little bit of specialization in Cold too.


    Helm: Minos
    Goggles: GS goggles, +150 sp, +6 Cha skills (could have done +5 with blidness and disease immunity but thought too late)
    Neck: Torc
    Trinket: Eardweller, Good Hope, Pouch of jerky, Event trinket for +100 sp (Litany maybe when i get it)
    Cloak: +6 Cha cloak at the moment, Epic Envenomed cloak when i get the shard
    Belt : GFL Belt
    Rings: +6 Con and +6 Str at the moment, TOD rings with +9exc con and cha as soon as i get them
    Gloves: Gloves of the glacier
    Boots: Kundarak, Firestorm, Epic boots of corrosion if i can get them
    Bracers: Bracers of the glacier, GS +45 HP bracers when i make it
    Robe: DT with +5 Res, +1 exc cha, Earthgrab guard for now
    Weapons: Greenblade + Event dagger

    Pretty much its all, accepting critiques and feedbacks
    Last edited by Tid12; 05-14-2011 at 05:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Stats -

    I would max con, but that's just my personal preference.

    Feats -

    Greater Spell Pen might serve you better than GSF: Evocation - it would also free up some AP that you've used on spell pen.

    Spells -

    level 2 - You can scroll invisibility if there is a level 2 spell that you like better.

    level 5 - Drop Ball Lightning for Cloud Kill

    level 6 - Are you seriously going to be using Reconstruct? I would not carry this unless I was in a guild with many (many) Warforged main tanks and even then I probably wouldn't. Circle of Death or Otiluke's is better here than Reconstruct.

    level 7 - DBF is probably not worth carrying either since you aren't really focusing on Fire enhancements.

    level 9 - MHM is much weaker in U9, especially in epics. Wail however is worth carrying.

    I'd suggest maxing out your cold enhancements, or at least the damage line with 4 ranks in the crit % and multiplier lines, one point into each of the force lines. Then you can swap wall of fire for ice storm, dbf for something else that you like at level 7. You'll be hard pressed to find something that you can't kill with electric or cold, but if you do you'll have force as a back-up and still be able to sling around insta-kill spells with some success.

    EDIT: I'd also drop the third tier of Toughness and Human Greater Adaptability Con - 7 AP for 20 HP is not worth it, re-purpose those to damage lines and healing amp, possibly scroll mastery.
    Last edited by Ridag; 05-11-2011 at 11:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridag View Post
    level 5 - Drop Ball Lightning for Cloud Kill
    I'd keep BL. It's far more reliable than Chain Lightning.

  4. #4
    Community Member unknownturok's Avatar
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    how would this build be for a person new to sorc

  5. #5
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    level 5 - Drop Ball Lightning for Cloud Kill
    Cloud Kill is useless for an air savant, other than the concealment which he could get with Solid Fog or Sleet Storm.

    - Empower
    - Maximize
    - Extend
    - Toughness
    - Heighten
    - SF: Evocation
    - GSF: Evocation
    - Spell penetration

    When and IF i TR, i plan to swap the Spell pen for the Wiz past life.
    I strongly recommend reincarnating twice: sorcerer-wizard-sorcerer.
    On mine, which is a Half Elf, I have room for all the feats I need and have room for one extra which I can not decide. Two past lives make a huge difference in how your build will be.
    Last edited by soulaeon; 05-11-2011 at 04:01 PM.

  6. #6
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    Last edited by soulaeon; 05-11-2011 at 04:02 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridag View Post
    Stats -

    I would max con, but that's just my personal preference.

    Feats -

    Greater Spell Pen might serve you better than GSF: Evocation - it would also free up some AP that you've used on spell pen.
    Id rather keep my GSF since i dont need much Spell Pen (maybe for PW:Kill, enervation, not worth it i think) while the GSF: Evo might be usefull for the mobs with evasion in epic

    Spells -

    level 2 - You can scroll invisibility if there is a level 2 spell that you like better.[/quote]

    Any suggestion? I didnt pick one better than invi, maybe Blur? But displacement is enough i think

    level 5 - Drop Ball Lightning for Cloud Kill
    Why? Ball lightning isnt awful and do a lot of dmg if the mobs are grouped. Maybe its AoE is a little smaller than spells like DBF but not really small

    level 6 - Are you seriously going to be using Reconstruct? I would not carry this unless I was in a guild with many (many) Warforged main tanks and even then I probably wouldn't. Circle of Death or Otiluke's is better here than Reconstruct.
    Recon is for healing in raids. I didnt want to pick it either but i found many pugs ask for arcanes to heal a WF and scrolls are just not enough

    level 7 - DBF is probably not worth carrying either since you aren't really focusing on Fire enhancements.
    Any suggestion here?

    level 9 - MHM is much weaker in U9, especially in epics. Wail however is worth carrying.
    Probably ill go with this and pick Wail instead of MHM, not using MHM lately, not even in epics.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulaeon View Post
    Cloud Kill is useless for an air savant, other than the concealment which he could get with Solid Fog or Sleet Storm.
    It's a long duration cloud that offers concealment and and generates agro for kiting in numerous situations without being obtrusive to the rest of the party. Ball Lightning is a 15d6 spell that is fairly redundant if you're already carrying Chain Lightning (which has been vastly improved),more so if you secondary spec cold and carry Otiluke's.

    [QUOTE=Tid12;3786142]Id rather keep my GSF since i dont need much Spell Pen (maybe for PW:Kill, enervation, not worth it i think) while the GSF: Evo might be usefull for the mobs with evasion in epic[quote]

    Fair enough, it' more down to playstyle than anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Any suggestion? I didnt pick one better than invi, maybe Blur? But displacement is enough i think
    Blur is good for dropping on party members. Scorching Ray is good for a no save alternate damage type. False Life is an added 20 HP buffer. Gust of Wind is nice for clearing persistent AEs and knocking Halflings over....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Why? Ball lightning isnt awful and do a lot of dmg if the mobs are grouped. Maybe its AoE is a little smaller than spells like DBF but not really small
    As I said above, it is a 15d6 AE that is redundant with Chain Lightning and if I can talk you into carrying Otiluke's in my next response will be completely useless on this build.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Recon is for healing in raids. I didnt want to pick it either but i found many pugs ask for arcanes to heal a WF and scrolls are just not enough
    If a pug raid is counting on a Sorc for healing then it is not a group that you want to be in in the first place. Plain and simple. You bring so much more to the table as a participating DPS character, and the WF are going to be in the melee ball getting hit by masses regardless. Carry scrolls for emergency, but your repairing is not going to be the difference between a successful raid and a wipe.

    Also, what server are you on? This must be a server specific thing as I've never been asked to take care of WF healing in any raid on G-Land.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Any suggestion here?
    Well you can carry Waves of Exhaustion instead of scrolling it, I'm not sure how often you are going to get past SR by scrolling it anyway. Other options are Protection from Elements, Mass - which also would open up a level 5 spell slot for you. Or Prismatic Spray, which is a fun spell to carry on any high Evocation build.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Probably ill go with this and pick Wail instead of MHM, not using MHM lately, not even in epics.
    Yeah MHM is just not worth carrying in U9, Wail is better mileage by far but again you need some spell pen to get the most out of it.

  9. #9
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    It's a long duration cloud that offers concealment and and generates agro for kiting in numerous situations without being obtrusive to the rest of the party. Ball Lightning is a 15d6 spell that is fairly redundant if you're already carrying Chain Lightning (which has been vastly improved),more so if you secondary spec cold and carry Otiluke's.
    Again, there are other ways to do that. Cloud Kill is a waste of a spell slot on an air savant; the duration would be much shorter than anything else, and since you mentioned a long duration, I'd think one would go for something that persists longer.
    Sleet Storm and Solid Fog are much better, and most people have Freedom of Movement in raids and epics so the slippery effect is not a reason against taking Sleet Storm of the latter can not be added. I wasnt saying anything about Ball Lightning.

  10. #10
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    Any suggestion? I didnt pick one better than invi, maybe Blur? But displacement is enough i think.
    One of Scorch, Scorching Ray, or Knock. No reason not to have Blur, because you cant always stop what you are doig to Displace everyone.
    Knock scales with your modifiers, so you will be able to open any lock that can be picked by a rogue. The Knock scrolls have a fixed DC, so they can not work after a certain point.

  11. #11
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I carry cloud kill on my air savant. The duration change (40 + 2/level cap 80) means the difference in durations difference between an earth or air savant isn't that horrible ... 60 seconds vs 80 seconds for Air v Earth.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  12. #12
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    I must thank this thread. Not for the build, but because it made me wonder about what you need to become an Air savant III. After looking at the wikia, I realized that I in fact do not need a GSF: Evocation, and am going to swap that for the Empower that I have been headaching at what to swap for.

  13. #13
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulaeon View Post
    Again, there are other ways to do that. Cloud Kill is a waste of a spell slot on an air savant; the duration would be much shorter than anything else, and since you mentioned a long duration, I'd think one would go for something that persists longer.
    Sleet Storm and Solid Fog are much better, and most people have Freedom of Movement in raids and epics so the slippery effect is not a reason against taking Sleet Storm of the latter can not be added. I wasnt saying anything about Ball Lightning.
    As an Air Savant the duration on Cloud Kill is 60 seconds instead of 80 and the damage is reduced to 2d6+11 instead of 2d6+20 the hit it takes from -9 CL is immaterial to its usefulness.

    Sleet Storm? He already says that he is in pug raids, Sleet Storm would be a nightmare. Heck I'm in a high level raiding guild and I could see Sleet Storm being a nightmare even in A-team guild runs. Death and debuffs happen and FoM can be forgotten.

    Solid Fog works yes, but can obscure vision for some and I prefer my concealment cloud to be as unobtrusive as possible and my agro cloud to have a damage component.

    To each their own of course, and I can agree to disagree.

  14. #14
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thesoulgazer View Post
    I must thank this thread. Not for the build, but because it made me wonder about what you need to become an Air savant III. After looking at the wikia, I realized that I in fact do not need a GSF: Evocation, and am going to swap that for the Empower that I have been headaching at what to swap for.
    For any of the Savants you only need 2 feats - Tier 1 requires either Maximize or Empower (Air can substitute Least Dragonmark of the Storm) and Tier 2 requires Arcane Prodigy, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Focus: Evocation (Air can substitute Lesser Dragonmark of the Storm). Tier 3 has no feat requirement.

  15. #15
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Okay just looking for feedbacks on my build, dont be rude :P



    Str 12 (+2 Tome, +6 Item) = 20
    Dex 8 (+2 tome, +6 Item) = 16
    Con 16 (+2 Tome, +6 Item, +1 Ench) = 25 (missing the +3exc, the litany and the +7 Item for a total of 30 Con)
    Int 10 (+2 Tome) = 12
    Wis 8
    Cha 18 (+2 Tome, +6 Item, +4Ench, +5 Lvls, +1 Exc) = 36


    - Empower
    - Maximize
    - Extend
    - Toughness
    - Heighten
    - SF: Evocation
    - GSF: Evocation
    - Spell penetration

    When and IF i TR, i plan to swap the Spell pen for the Wiz past life.


    Lv1 : Jump, Master's touch, Nightshield (Going for Ray of enf here), Prot from evil
    Lv2 : Knock, Resist Energy, Web, Invisibility
    Lv3 : Haste, Rage, Displacement, Halt undead (any better choice? I usually scroll HU, using spell really rarely)
    Lv4 : DDoor, Fireshield, Solid Fog, Wall of Fire
    Lv5 : Ball lighting, Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Prot from energy (scrolling break enchantment)
    Lv6 : Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Reconstruct (was hard to let GH go for scrolls )
    Lv7 : DBF, FoD, Ottos Sphere (scrolling Wave)
    Lv8 : Summon Monster VIII, Polar Ray, Otto's dance
    Lv9 : Energy Drain, Power Word: Kill, Mass Hold Monster

    Have full Electric Ench, some AP's into Cold, 1 into Fire for free 20% damage, Improved Spell Pen III, Capstone, the 3 tiers of toughness, Charisma 3

    Basically an Air Savant with a little bit of specialization in Cold too.


    Helm: Minos
    Goggles: GS goggles, +150 sp, +6 Cha skills (could have done +5 with blidness and disease immunity but thought too late)
    Neck: Torc
    Trinket: Eardweller, Good Hope, Pouch of jerky, Event trinket for +100 sp (Litany maybe when i get it)
    Cloak: +6 Cha cloak at the moment, Epic Envenomed cloak when i get the shard
    Belt : GFL Belt
    Rings: +6 Con and +6 Str at the moment, TOD rings with +9exc con and cha as soon as i get them
    Gloves: Gloves of the glacier
    Boots: Kundarak, Firestorm, Epic boots of corrosion if i can get them
    Bracers: Bracers of the glacier, GS +45 HP bracers when i make it
    Robe: DT with +5 Res, +1 exc cha, Earthgrab guard for now
    Weapons: Greenblade + Event dagger

    Pretty much its all, accepting critiques and feedbacks
    I don't have extend or toughness on my sorcerer. Without needing a past life feat I'd suggest to go half-elf and take the paladin dilettante. I would take greater spell penetration instead of extend. I'd suggest to you to keep toughness as not taking it is a bit masochistic.

    I'd definitely want to start with 18 constitution though I suppose more skill points might be worth it.

    Skills wise (which you didn't mention), I'd prefer concentration, UMD, diplomacy and (after +2 int tome at 7) balance. 1 rank in tumble is a given. I don't have diplomacy on my sorcerer and I think I might regret it.

    Expeditious Retreat is a great level 1 spell, I use it all the time. I scroll fireshield, ice storm might be a good option for you. I'd take cyclonic blast instead of protection from elements to get rid of disintegrate, then slot in mass prot elements at 7 instead of ... something, I'm not a fan of DBF though I guess just scrolling either or both of the prot elements spells is an option. Freeing up the level 6 slot lets you take circle of death which is a really nice spell now.

    Gear wise I have and am thinking:
    Helm: Epic Helm of Frost (have Minos atm, just need shard)
    Goggles: GS goggles, +150 sp, +5 Cha skills, conc-opp (+10 HP too)
    Neck: Torc/Noxious embers
    Trinket: Eardweller, Good Hope, Pouch of jerky, Event trinket for +100 sp (Litany maybe when i get it)
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed cloak when i get the scroll (reavers napkin at the moment)
    Belt : Savant belt of your choice (GFL Belt at the moment)
    Rings: TOD rings with +9exc con and cha as soon as i get them (ring of thelis atm
    Gloves: Gloves of the glacier atm, probably put my GS HP item here
    Boots: Kundarak, Firestorm, Epic boots of corrosion, anchoring boots if i can get them
    Bracers: Bracers of the glacier,
    Robe: Infused Chaosrobe (this is a really nice spell DPS robe, trade up when epic abishai set is achieved assuming it doesn't stack)
    Weapons: Greenblade + Event dagger (just have greenblade + major lore item atm)

    I'm an earth savant so just transfered my experiences for your benefit, good luck with it.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulaeon View Post
    Cloud Kill is a waste of a spell slot on an air savant
    Cloudkill provides a 20% concealment bonus against purple named raid bosses. Solid Fog does not. Cloudkill is also one of the least visually intrusive fogs you can cast, as it basically does not interfere with player vision at all. It's by far the best concealment effect available, and everyone really should make room for it. Here, scrolling Protection from Elements is an obvious choice.

    I haven't tested Sleet Storm to know if it affects purples (although MrCow didn't list it), but even if it did, the divine casters are not going to be happy having to cast FoM on everyone (and re-cast it if they die and get rez'd). And it's a mess visually. Plus it won't affect anything with a Mantle.

  17. #17
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridag View Post
    As I said above, it is a 15d6 AE that is redundant with Chain Lightning and if I can talk you into carrying Otiluke's in my next response will be completely useless on this build.
    It's 18D6 + 54 at Air Savant III. I'd recommend taking Cloudkill, BL, Eladar's and Niac's at 5 and Mass PfE at 7.
    I've been soloing Sins a lot recently (got 3 LDS in one run, heh) and Ball Lightning is far superior to Chain
    Lightning in there.

  18. #18
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctigis View Post
    It's 18D6 + 54 at Air Savant III. I'd recommend taking Cloudkill, BL, Eladar's and Niac's at 5 and Mass PfE at 7.
    I've been soloing Sins a lot recently (got 3 LDS in one run, heh) and Ball Lightning is far superior to Chain
    Lightning in there.
    I think you mean 18d3 + 54 at ASIII, and Chain Lightning is 23d3 + 69 and arcs over a larger area than BLs ball effect. I can understand preferring a ball type AE to Chain Lightnings bolt type arc though, I just prefer the higher damage. Also if Cold is your secondary damage line you could always use Otiluke's for 20d3 + 60, or carry all three if you like over-kill.

    But again, to each their own. My level 5 spell list is CK, EES, NBC and PfE - everyone should use what works best for them.

    As for soloing Sins for LDS, that's great! I prefer solo farming eChrono for scrolls

  19. #19
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotSomeQuestions View Post
    Cloudkill provides a 20% concealment bonus against purple named raid bosses. Solid Fog does not. Cloudkill is also one of the least visually intrusive fogs you can cast, as it basically does not interfere with player vision at all. It's by far the best concealment effect available, and everyone really should make room for it. Here, scrolling Protection from Elements is an obvious choice.

    I haven't tested Sleet Storm to know if it affects purples (although MrCow didn't list it), but even if it did, the divine casters are not going to be happy having to cast FoM on everyone (and re-cast it if they die and get rez'd). And it's a mess visually. Plus it won't affect anything with a Mantle.
    An excellent point!

    CK is one of the spells that is locked in on any of my caster builds, I wouldn't run without it.

  20. #20
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    but isn't CK iffy given the air savant worsening of acid?

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