How do I get the Dragon Scales and armor?
I did all the quests including Reavers Fate and still got no Dragon Scales.
Can you tell me?
How do I get the Dragon Scales and armor?
I did all the quests including Reavers Fate and still got no Dragon Scales.
Can you tell me?
In Gianthold tor, you attack and murder three dragons (blue, white, and black). In their chests, you have a chance of getting a dragonscale of the color of the dragon you just killed. Once you have 20 of the same color scale, you can turn them in at an NPC in gianthold for the dragonscale armor.
Try doing Gianthold Tor about 30 to 50 more times.
Note that the process of obtaining those scales is a serious game design flaw: they are an ex-endgame item that should've had the availability modified when the level cap was increased to above 14.
Go back and do Gianthold Tor again. Kill the dragons again. You might get lucky after you kill a dragon and find a scale in the chest. You probably won't. Repeat 50 times. Finally get enough scales. Get your dragonscale armor.
Buy all the scales you need from the AH and other players. Get your dragonscale armor.
Start grinding for Dragontouched armor instead.
Is there a plan in the works to reduce the number of scales you need to craft the stuff? Crazy as is, would take far more runs than is feasible.
Making a blue/white/black armor is a pre-requisite part of making a red armor, so it is correlated to an extremely high-value item. While it's extrmeely grindy and irritating, I'm not sure they are interested in removing what is, at the moment, about 20% of the plat cost of the acquisition of a set of red dragonscale armor. Acquiring the base item is a significant added overhead in either platinum or time for each copy of the games most versitile piece of body equipment.
They're allegedly reducing the number of relics for the flagging and armour, and scales also. They had planned to do that in U9, but apparently it missed release and is more likely to make U10.
Knight of the Silver Legion, part of Guild Medieval
They already reduced the number of relics required to flag, but I haven't heard anything about for the armor, nor dragonscale armor.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
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