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  1. #1
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    Default Looking for viable solo build

    I'd like to play a Monk, as much Solo as possible. Preferably with one/two Longsword, or a Quarterstaff.
    Is this not viable? Should I stick to Unarmed Strikes? Do they ever get +X to hit enhancements?

    I read around on the forum, but all the slang is confusing me. I have alot of Pen & Paper experience, but I have the distinct feeling that this probably won't help me much. I have played DDO before, but way, way back when you could only reach lvl 10.

    At the moment, I'm free to play, but I seriously consider switching to paying.

    Is there anything else that I should know?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Monks are awesome and great soloers.

    IMO unarmed is clearly your best choice.

    Be forewarned - there is a million ways to build a monk and they can all play very different.
    If you don't have 32 point build your challenge will be greater as monks need high scores in many stats. (wis, str, dex, con)

    Although I'm personally partial to dark monks it sounds like you would probably be happier with a light monk for the self-healing.

    Look at the different builds and pick what direction you want to go as there are many possibilities.
    Haflings, Half-orcs, Dwarfs, Humans, WF, Half-elf all make viable monks. You can go finesse or not. You can try to get AC or go for more DPS.

    My advice would to not dump any of the four key stats too much regardless of your direction.

    Try something out and don't be annoyed if you need to re-roll to get it right. The important thing is to have fun while you learn the ins and outs of a challenging class to build the way you want to play.
    "It is like a finger pointing toward the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory." - Bruce Lee

    Edit - Sorry if that's not helpful in a specific way but there are so many possibilities with Monk that it's almost like saying "I want to be a musician. Any advice for which instrument I should play?" I don't want to recommend the electric guitar, oboe or banjo without some idea of what kind of music you want to play.
    Last edited by phillymiket; 04-17-2011 at 06:13 AM.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  3. #3
    Community Member N-0cturn's Avatar
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    Looks like you should play a pure light monk. You can go Human for some nice Healing Amp and heal yourself with Cure Serious potions and Healing fist/healing Ki.

    Unarmed combat is the beste choice, because the monk unarmed attack sequence in DDO is faster than other attack sequences. There are some solo builds thats uses Longswords but these are pretty gear dependent and not a good choice for a new character.

    you may want to look at this:

  4. #4
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    Thanks to you both. Are there magic items that enhance your unarmed strikes? This is my P&P experience speaking, but not being able to enchant your unarmed strikes is in part the cause of Monks being weak there. I assume this isn't so in DDO? Thanks for the link. It sure is a good read!

    I'd very much like a Path of Light Monk, yes, since I could both use the healing, and prefer "Light" anyway. Are paths like Shintao Monk and Henshin Mystic exclusive of Path of Light?

  5. #5
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GawainBS View Post
    Thanks to you both. Are there magic items that enhance your unarmed strikes? This is my P&P experience speaking, but not being able to enchant your unarmed strikes is in part the cause of Monks being weak there. I assume this isn't so in DDO?...
    There are many ways to enhance your unarmed strikes.

    1. Handwraps - you can get a variety of effects on handwraps, but even the most basic (+1 handwraps) will enhance them.

    2. Rings - A high level raid called "Tower of Despair" (or The Devil You Know) has rings that allow you to put additional affects that stack with non-identical affects on your handwraps.

    3. Outfits - There's a very tasty Bound to Account outfit that moves your unarmed attacks to the next level of unarmed damage (for example, a level 12 monk that normally deals 2d6 would instead deal 2d8)

    4. Gloves - a recent event for DDO's birthday had epic Brawling Gloves that added 1d4 piercing damage and the ability to daze an opponent when you roll a natural 20 on your attack.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  6. #6
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    Are you intending to go pure monk or are you happy to multiclass? If you are willing to go multi a cleric/monk combo is one of the most powerful solo builds out there. Check out Valiance's build as a starting point on Clonks

  7. #7
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    Default the

    Don't choose a path. Do a customer character following a strong build plan that you can find on the forums. I would recommend staying pure monk as a new player and get the hang of that before getting into multiclassing. As it is monks are a difficult class to play well.

  8. #8
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    Paths and Multiclassing are two distinct things, right? What's the drawback of choosing a path?
    I'd prefer to start single-classed. Maybe multiclassing for my next character.
    Last edited by GawainBS; 04-17-2011 at 12:07 PM.

  9. #9
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    If you're looking for a good monk build, as well as suggestions for changing parts of it, reasons for taking certain feats, boosting certain stats etc. I cannot advise anything higher than this:

    If you want a super-survivable build, change from dark path to light path, which not only grants you the fists of light (targeted vampirism) but also allows you to discharge your ki in the form of an aoe heal. By level 10 you will be healing everyone near you for at least 30 per heal burst, and yourself for something closer to 50 (courtesy of the healing amp options). Furthermore, this costs NO mana, and the ki required to charge these abilities is slight. You will also receive less damage due to a high AC and improved evasion.

    Go have fun!

    Edit: Oh, did I mention that as a light monk, not only do you get the normal stunning fist, but you also get a ranged stun, a flesh-to-stone-esque punch, the ability to banish (OHK) "tainted" creatures, including beholders, and can also buff the party, such as a group blur, all for no mana? Gotta love monks :L
    Last edited by Ecoski; 04-17-2011 at 08:00 PM.

  10. #10
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    You can solo pretty well with Light or Dark (I solo'd my Dark monk to 20), but I can tell you Light would've been way easier with the self-healing.

    Of course, you could always make a Half-Elf Dark monk with Cleric dilly and just use Heal scrolls. Good DPS AND self-healing? Sweeeeet. Of course, you don't get the buffs and DR bypass of a Light monk, but we can't have everything, can we?

    I'd suggest maxing Wis for AC & Saves, then 15 Dex with a +2 tome for enough on the TWF enhancements. Then put stats into Con then Str. Your raw DPS won't be as amazing as monk builds who sacrifice Wis completely, but it'll be good enough to not make content slow while soloing. Great handwraps can help make up this gap, too.

  11. #11
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    It depends what you mean by "solo".
    If you intend on using a hireling to heal you, then either path is perfectly acceptable. Dark will allow you to do great "burst" damage to quickly take down bosses via touch of death after level 9; Light will (eventually) offer you better stuns via kukan-do and tombs of jade.

    If you're going at it completely by yourself, then I'd go with light path.

    For the record, my light monk went from 1-20 with some grouping but 90% of the time soloing. It's a very survivable class. There were some quests where I was very thankful I was light path, and other quests where I cursed the fact I had no touch of death for burst dps (i.e. meleeing down the red-named cleric mob in Cabal for One is next to impossible unless you're very well geared).

  12. #12
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    Yes, I'm planning on going solo all the way, but with Hirelings if available. I gather from the responses that Monks aren't TOO gear dependant? I have to start from nothing.
    You recommend "only" 17 DEX? Isn't GTWF worth it then?
    Is Wind Stance really worth the loss of CON? From my gut, I'd opt Earth or Fire Stance...

  13. #13
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GawainBS View Post
    Yes, I'm planning on going solo all the way, but with Hirelings if available. I gather from the responses that Monks aren't TOO gear dependant? I have to start from nothing.
    You recommend "only" 17 DEX? Isn't GTWF worth it then?
    Is Wind Stance really worth the loss of CON? From my gut, I'd opt Earth or Fire Stance...
    Wind stance, if solo and using a healing hireling, will be optimal dps. It offers self-haste and a chance to double strike, which ups your dps astronomically.

    If you're rich and can afford to drink 30sec haste potions constantly (which you won't, as you're just starting out), have a bard hireling which will haste you, or grouping/raiding in which case you'll be perma-hasted, then the other stances start to shine. Right now fire is the main dps stance, but as of update 9 (aka U9) earth is getting a significant boost and will be quite viable. Fire will be your stance for ki and dps via ki strikes; earth for flat out dps via crits.

    As for dex, all you *need* for GTWF is 17 total. So 15 base + 2 tome, or 16 + 1 tome, or just plain 17, whatever works for you. I'd wager you'll be able to find a +1 tome readily enough. +2s first time around a bit more tricky, so build accordingly.
    If you're on Cannith, give me a shout on Jarendil or Kaluan. I might be able to help you out.

  14. #14
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    Alright, thanks for the awesome answers.
    Aerendil, I *might* take you up on that offer.

    My last question: Human or Halfling Monk? I like both equally, and both guides that were linked recommended something different. The Halfling-guide (Rockna Robin) seemed to be more noob-friendly, though.

    Thanks for the support!

  15. #15
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    If you take Wind Stance and max it (which is optimal for Soloing, from what I've seen) then you'll need to start with 16 Dex and get a +2 tome.

  16. #16
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    If you have it as an option, Half Elf provides extremely good self healing through scroll use at level 15 with the cleric dilettante feat. This is right about the time that your ac may start to be lacking without high end gear so high burst heals can help a lot.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  17. #17
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    Started out as a Halfling Monk on Canith. Went with Rockan Robin and the DEX route.

    Also, the +DEX from Windstance counts for the requirement for GTWF? Odd, but welcome.

    Got yet another question: is there an indicator about which Strikes I've used/got queued for a Finisher? I prefer not to keep track of it mentally.

    Thanks in advance!

  18. #18
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GawainBS View Post
    Also, the +DEX from Windstance counts for the requirement for GTWF? Odd, but welcome.
    No, it doesn't. Only your BASE Dexterity plus any Tomes you have used qualify you for feat requirements.

    Your Base dexterity is what you start with plus any level up points you put into Dex at lvls 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

    Tome bonuses show up as Inherent bonuses on the character sheet.

    Quote Originally Posted by GawainBS View Post
    Got yet another question: is there an indicator about which Strikes I've used/got queued for a Finisher? I prefer not to keep track of it mentally.

    Thanks in advance!
    Nope, there isn't. Nice idea though, put it in the Suggestions forum
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

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