So I was on my level 12 halfling barbarian minding my own business attacking level 20's in the wayward lobster when I saw a pug for gateway to kyber on hard, I thought to my short uber self "Now thats some fine XP and barbarian haste myself to clipse to take part in a orgy of bloodlust.
Awaiting at clipse was some TR half orc barbarian and some warforged monstrosity who were my party members, and I was told in party chat "ew halfling barbarian" and promptly ejected with a tell to the effect "sorry, no squishes" after all, a start of 16 con and 300+ hitpoints at level 12 when raging is "squishy"
So in a fit of barbarian nerd rage I squelched the said half orc and started my own PUG, same quest on hard and jump in solo with my favourite hireling, within a few minutes had a lovely TR caster and we two manned it, eventually more casters joined us and we aced it with only a few hireling deaths and the occasional beholder love.
When exiting the half orc still had a pug up asking for casters, while I had three of the best wiz's and sorcs in mine.
I love this game.
Halfling power!