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Thread: Trade List

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Trade List

    Looking for:
    Gloves/bracers of the claw scroll
    Helm of frost
    Boots of corrosion

    scroll of the dusk heart
    scroll of bracers of the hunter
    scroll of the staff of inner sight
    scroll of cloak of silver concord
    scroll of kundarak delving goggles
    scroll of shard of vollun
    scroll of the collapsible shortbow
    scroll of chainmail coif
    scroll of ward of undeath
    scroll of flint
    scroll of cloak of zephyr
    scroll of siken mail
    scroll of wolf whistle
    scroll of bracers of deftness
    scroll of spiked turban
    scroll of dynastic falcata
    scroll of ancient vulkoorim dagger
    scroll of the neackle of the crimsos propechy
    scroll of the ring of the silver concord
    scroll of the kundarak delving boots
    scroll of kundarak delving suit
    scroll of neackle of the silver prophecy
    scroll of xuum
    scroll of the hammer of life
    scroll of belt of mronanon
    scroll of kundarak warding bracers
    scroll of ruby encrusted gauntlests
    scroll of dragon eye
    scroll of aeherenth's pendant
    scroll of the ironweave robe
    scroll of kundarak warding shield
    scroll of the elder's cap
    scroll of robe of dissonance
    scroll of the golden graves
    scroll of docent of grace
    scroll of the wearhered targe
    scroll of the whirlwind
    scroll of helm of the mronanon
    scroll of the bow of the elements(air)
    scroll of the unkor's cleaver
    scroll of bloodstone
    scroll of spectral gloves
    scroll of the sword of shadows
    Last edited by Balordo; 04-19-2011 at 10:43 AM.
    Gordonn - Cannith - Youtube Channel : - Twitch - GordonnDDO

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    ADDED: Scroll of the sword of shadows
    Gordonn - Cannith - Youtube Channel : - Twitch - GordonnDDO

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