Aw gorgous!
have always thought kobolds were the cutest creatures in DDO, sure they live in sewers and have less then perfect hygiene but gosh, if I could I would date one, preferably one of the shamans as they seem VERY flexible and agile.
Aw gorgous!
have always thought kobolds were the cutest creatures in DDO, sure they live in sewers and have less then perfect hygiene but gosh, if I could I would date one, preferably one of the shamans as they seem VERY flexible and agile.
Heh, you should get together with Khandee and start a kobold fan club. XD
They are sooo adorable on DDO. I've thought kobolds were cute since the 2nd ed, hard cover MM (the earlier loose leaf images had.. pug noses and strange faces.. not so cute at all).
I've had Khandee dance for a good half hour with the kobolds in the Reaver's Refuge, singing along with their Transformers quote.
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-27-2011 at 10:42 AM.
...from her My.DDO page.
My fav so far (that I can link here) ...
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-27-2011 at 11:13 AM.
+1 if I could!
Ghallanda: Brizithra ~ Alenita | Some other folks elsewhere
Yeah, that was a quickie pic. I only spent maybe an hour and a half on it, probably closer to 2 hours. Usually I spend all day, to a few days on my art. ^^; I can usually get a good, one figure, picture done within a day though.
Heee.. SNAP! That little faerie dragon is a character of an online friend of mine. She loves to regale me with Snap's adventures. (2nd ed Faerie Dragon, obviously. lol) He believes himself to be a swashbuckler, loves useless/strange wands, and tames ostriches.
I'm a bit overloaded with work for the next month or so (art commissions and adoptables on another site), but when I'm more caught up I plan to get more DDO pics up on here. Somedays I take a break from drawing for others to.. um... draw. >.>
Fantastic. Looking forward to more good stuff from you.
All of us get lost in the darkness.
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars.