May have possibilities for the Monk / Wizard battle casters too ... either Monk 3 / Wizard 17 (see the Dreamstealer build in the builds forum) or a Mok 6 / Wizard 12 / Fighter 2 (for more melee oomph, less casting). Pale Master for either should help with the HP costs.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Shadow Staff is also Vampiric, so another option there. Fun fun fun!
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Oh, niice.. My completionists next life is a planned QS dark monk..
With the Helf Cleric dilly line (she has it now.. I love it).
Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...
Next question...and someone may know the answer to this...when it says your 'next attack' gets the effect does that mean the next time you trigger an attack or does the attack happen when you hit the finisher. Application here would be that if it doesn't trigger until you hit the attack you take cleave as a feat. You set up the finisher (possibly even out of combat), run up, cleave, and all mobs are hit for a critical + level drain. Again, not sure how it works as I've never played with this finisher.
Building towards this myself with an acrobat dark monk TR. Haste boost, dreamspitter, air stance, fire-dark-fire finisher...should make cleaning up high HP mobs like Prey easier, run the shadow staff on bosses for the vampirism with about 260% healing amp. Should make
Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS