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  1. #1
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Default So, how bad is the firewall nerf, really...

    My original thought-process when looking over the spell changes post was "This Firewall change, it is bad..." like most people. But, I also decided that it really isn't fair to not consider all changes, not just that one, to help balance the game a little.

    For instance, do people really think casters should be able to run around soloing epic quests with mass hold / dreamsplitter, mass holding them in a firewall, ect...Several exceptional gamers even completed the Epic DQ2 raid as a solo caster (of course a broken spell also allowed that, doubt it is do-able now). The biggest change that I absolutely don't agree with, under any circumstances, is not allowing extend spell to be used on it - or other persistent AoE's. But that is another topic, another argument..Let's discuss the math behind the scenes to really see how bad the "nerf" is. The following is a presentation of Sorcerer-oriented numbers to compare our current system now to the new system and changes - I won't be calculating damages for a wizard yet (which I have the feeling is going to 'really' hurt).

    Help me out here, I am almost certain my math is not 100% correct so I will be posting my exact calculations and will adjust if anyone corrects me on it:

    Pre-Update 9 changes

    -here is what firewall currently is capable of doing, I am only posting calculations for a level 20 caster with a few key pieces of gear to maximize fire damage (because I am mostly concerned about epic content).

    Wall of Fire - 2d6 +1 per caster level (max level 20).

    Items, Feats and Enhancements that effect wall of fire damage:
    -100% increase - maximize feat
    -50% increase - empower feat
    -40% increase - sorcerer enhancements
    -50% increase - superior potency item
    -20% increase - sorc capstone

    Crit Multiplier variables:
    -2.25x - sorcerer enhancements
    -0.5x - rakhir's set bonus.
    -9% - sorcerer enhancements
    -9% - greater arcane lore item
    -5% - rakhir's set (Don't know if this stacks so I am not including it in calculations yet)

    Ok, so those are all the variables currently pre-update 9 that I know of, that will affect firewall damage. Let's apply all of them to the 2d6+20 to see how much damage is currently outputted:

    22-32 base damage

    22 * (1 + 1(maximize) +0.5(empower)) * (1+ 0.4(sorc enhancements)+ 0.5(superior potency) + 0.2(sorc capstone)) = 115.5
    32 * (1 + 1(maximize) +0.5(empower)) * (1+ 0.4(sorc enhancements)+ 0.5(superior potency) + 0.2(sorc capstone)) = 168

    critical damage (each number applied by the 2.75x multiplier)
    317.625 - 462 critical hit

    Replacing potency with eardweller(100% increase over 50%):

    143 - 208 normal hit
    393.25 - 572 on crit

    raw damage, not including any fire resistance:

    115.5 - 168 per tick
    317.625 - 462 critical hit
    635.25 - 924 versus undead (on crit)

    ear dweller:
    143 - 208 normal hit
    393.25 - 572 on crit
    786.5 - 1,144 versus undead

    Now let's be honest, those numbers look fairly broken (math updated). let's examine how firewall is affected in Update 9 with the proposed changes:
    new update 9 calculations with PRE's and firewall nerf
    Here are the new factors to consider for firewall changes:
    - +2 to caster level when casting fire spells (with fire savant) +1 to maximum caster level - bypass 5 points of fire resistance
    - +2 additional caster level when casting fire spells (fire savant II) +1 additional maximum caster level added - bypass 10 points of fire resistance
    -awaken elemental weakness: fire
    benefit: you are able to curse an enemy, increasing fire damage they take by 15%. this effect can stack with itself up to 5 times (5sp, 20 second cooldown, 30 second duration)
    so far, looks like a pretty nice addition to damage...let's look at fire savant II now and see what it adds to the table:
    +2 additional caster level when casting fire spells (didn't see that coming) +1 additional maximum caster level added - bypass 15 points of fire resistance
    heat death ability - fort save or take 2,000 points of fire damage due to boiling blood. 50SP, 60 second cooldown.
    so with the new prestiges, a level 20 sorc can now use firewall as 2d6+23 instead of 2d6+20.

    new math:
    25-35 base damage range.
    40% enhancement
    50% empower
    100% maximize
    50% superior potency
    20% sorc capstone

    131.25 - 183.75
    360.9375 - 505.3125 on crit.

    the 2d6 versus undead confused me on how the math would really be done to apply it, so I am assuming that all the multipliers are added to it same as the base numbers:
    2-12 base dmg : (multiplied by 2.5 for metamagics and 2.1 for enhancements)
    10.5 - 63
    28.875 - 173.25 on crit for a total range of:
    141.75 - 246.75 on undead (non-crit)
    389.8125 - 678.5625 critical damage versus undead.

    My current speculation is at end-game, Firewall is stil going to be an extremely potent spell - especially when considering the curse that gives another 15% damage to fire spells, which I am assuming will help keep it outputting quite a bit of damage on red-names that aren't immune to fire damage.

    The two biggest factors that make lower level players get shafted are the static 30-second duration, and the reflex save on initial contact, which seems to be a really cheesy way to stop people from kiting mobs through multiple firewalls, or back and forth through the same one.

    It seems in any situation, firewall is going to be pretty pitiful if you are not a sorc with the fire savant PRE. The game has always been about SP conservation for casters (divine and arcane), and I don't like the idea of it being changed to the cookie-cutter standard of every other MMO out there of turning casters into...essentially arcane archers with all the SLAs. Unfortunately only time will tell on how this will play out on the live servers, and whether or not I will be accepting any arcanes into my raids and/or undeleting my sorc.

    I appreciate any feedback on the math presented here, I am certainly no numbers guru and welcome the help to make it as accurate as possible

    EDIT: thanks for Requiro for helping me correct damage formulas:

    The formula is:

    Damage = Base * Sum of Metas * Sum of Gear and Enhancments

    So it suposed to be:

    22 * (1 + 1(maximize) +0.5(empower)) * (1+ 0.4(sorc enhancements)+ 0.5(superior potency) + 0.2(sorc capstone)) = 115.5
    32 * (1 + 1(maximize) +0.5(empower)) * (1+ 0.4(sorc enhancements)+ 0.5(superior potency) + 0.2(sorc capstone)) = 168

    to compare damage versus undead:

    pre-update 9:
    - 635.25 - 924 versus undead (on crit)
    after update 9:
    - 389.8125 - 678.5625 critical damage versus undead.

    the damage versus undead is quite significant, but if the trash mobs in epic wiz king (only place you really have to worry about undead at this point end-game) get the HP nerf like the rest of the trash mobs, then this really shouldn't be an issue anyways - undead would drop way too quickly otherwise, making it extremely broken.
    Last edited by protokon; 03-22-2011 at 07:46 PM. Reason: note to self: don't copy from a text file, what a mess.
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  2. #2
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    I don't know about sorcerer capstone though i image it would fall in to the damage amp, but some of those a additive not all multiplicative bonuses... for example...
    raw damage 100%
    Potency 50%
    capstone 20%
    Enhancement 40%
    =base damage 210% (or 110% extra)

    Then this gets multiplied again by
    Maximize +100%
    Empower +50%
    = spell does 250% extra
    2.1(base)*2.5(meta) = 525% extra, (2d6 average 7 + 23 new sorc fire savant = 30) so about 157

    Of course a crit would add a whole additional multiplier of 2.75, so 433ish average

    At least 100% sure with magic missile (easy to test since its base is only going to be a 4 or 5)

    However I'm curious were did you hear about firewall change? <yeah sorry if its common knowledge and somehow epic missed it>

  3. #3
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    Cant even count sorc capstone as it still doesnt work.

  4. #4
    Community Member Zachski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zalendar View Post
    Cant even count sorc capstone as it still doesnt work.
    This is assuming that it won't be fixed for this update.
    The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
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  5. #5
    Developer Eladrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zalendar View Post
    Cant even count sorc capstone as it still doesnt work.
    It appears to be functioning as expected. The capstone increases your base damage by 20%.

  6. #6
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    I don't read all but here you get mistake:

    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    22 * 2(maximize) *1.5(empower) *1.4(sorc enhancements)*1.5(superior potency)*1.2(sorc capstone) = 166.32
    32 * 2(maximize) *1.5(empower) *1.4(sorc enhancements)*1.5(superior potency)*1.2(sorc capstone) = 241.92

    The formula is:

    Damage = Base * Sum of Metas * Sum of Gear and Enhancments

    So it suposed to be:

    22 * (1 + 1(maximize) +0.5(empower)) * (1+ 0.4(sorc enhancements)+ 0.5(superior potency) + 0.2(sorc capstone)) = 115.5
    32 * (1 + 1(maximize) +0.5(empower)) * (1+ 0.4(sorc enhancements)+ 0.5(superior potency) + 0.2(sorc capstone)) = 168
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
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  7. #7
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    You mean I wont be able to rely on one spell alone to get me through 90% of all content?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  8. #8
    Community Member jortann's Avatar
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    Default the rising cost of firewall


    Last edited by jortann; 03-22-2011 at 08:57 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jortann View Post
    Biggest problem is not the damage it is this....

    Pre mod 9 ... a one minute firewall was 25 sp

    With mod 9 ... one minute of firewall is going to cost you 70 sp

    Its not that it is going to be a bad spell, its just that you will not be able to afford to cast it.

    If they had done all the changes except the duration, I think it would be ok.

    What they are trying to sell us is a weaker fire wall that is half as long for more spell points... For people who have invested a lot of time into thier toons, this stinks.

    It would be like making greensteal half as effective.... sure you could use other weapons, but none of them will be as good as your greensteel... and you invested a lot of time into your greensteel.

    You should read about the changes to Critical Hits....
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  10. #10
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    It appears to be functioning as expected. The capstone increases your base damage by 20%.
    Hmm thats news to me. I thought it was still broken from back in the day.

    But then again, you've said in the past that fog spells are slowing enemies, when we experience something different.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    Hmm thats news to me. I thought it was still broken from back in the day.

    But then again, you've said in the past that fog spells are slowing enemies, when we experience something different.
    Actually they came back and said it was slowing things down to much that they didn't like it.

    You know.... They can DA harry us, but we can't slow them at all in turn like we used to do. I think Freezing Rain still slows them down.

  12. #12
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jortann View Post
    Pre mod 9 ... a one minute firewall was 35 sp (Base + Extended metas)

    With mod 9 ... one minute of firewall is going to cost you 70 sp
    It would be like making greensteal half as effective.... sure you could use other weapons, but none of them will be as good as your greensteel... and you invested a lot of time into your greensteel.
    What are you invest (a lot!!) to cast Wall of Fire spell? Can you enlighten me?
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
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  13. #13
    Founder Barumar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    You mean I wont be able to rely on one spell alone to get me through 90% of all content?
    And of top of that, they are actually making other spells useful? For Shame!!!

  14. #14
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barumar View Post
    And of top of that, they are actually making other spells useful? For Shame!!!
    nope thats the point they aren't making other spells useful so far all we've been told was nerf to fw and slight spell point decrease in base cost of some spell which is nothing in the total cost of a spell.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    nope thats the point they aren't making other spells useful so far all we've been told was nerf to fw and slight spell point decrease in base cost of some spell which is nothing in the total cost of a spell.
    Umm they also increased damage on some spells and removed caps on others among other changes.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jortann View Post
    Biggest problem is not the damage it is this....

    Pre mod 9 ... a one minute firewall was 25 sp

    With mod 9 ... one minute of firewall is going to cost you 70 sp

    Its not that it is going to be a bad spell, its just that you will not be able to afford to cast it.

    If they had done all the changes except the duration, I think it would be ok.

    What they are trying to sell us is a weaker fire wall that is half as long for more spell points... For people who have invested a lot of time into thier toons, this stinks.

    It would be like making greensteal half as effective.... sure you could use other weapons, but none of them will be as good as your greensteel... and you invested a lot of time into your greensteel.
    cost = 70 sp for one minute? did torc edit his post to 35 sp after change from 45? 45*2=90sp.

    if i have to spam cheaper spells to manage equivalent damage then nothing has changed save the wear level on my mouse button or keyboard. except the time factor of course. and the odds of missing. or the mob phasing/burrowing. or dying before it goes off due to melee. guess on the last one at least i lose less. of course with many effects it'll now take more casts in general. and then there's still the issue that lead to limited spell slots in the first place( it'd get unmanageable in realtime to have every spell or near to it on a bar at once.). each class gets identified in certain ways by the playerbase. when pugging it's vital that this works. lest we lfm for clerics because we need healing and get bb monsters who melee and don't heal. rangers who don't range, but tank, rogues with esos and 110 ac and intimidate.. eff the sp and time changes to wof. give it a cast time equivalent to incendiary cloud or just below otto's dancing sphere. you want old style spam use quicken and eat the cost as it stands. otherwise problem fixed.

    its not as bad as the debuff and cc mess. twice the casts taking twice the cooldowns with the same sp pool is, well, not effective. only saving grace is bosses like harry don't have real debuffs to land carrier save penalties. else that chain lightning and hold, would present whole new worlds of raid failure. they of course still have infinite sp while djinn/efeeti do not..
    Last edited by steelblueskies; 03-22-2011 at 06:57 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    nope thats the point they aren't making other spells useful so far all we've been told was nerf to fw and slight spell point decrease in base cost of some spell which is nothing in the total cost of a spell.
    So we basically say "meh" to anything good that comes out of this and riot about anything bad that comes out of this. I understand being passionate about the game, but if players were equally passionate about the positive as they are about the negative, we would all look like a bunch a fanbois.

    Other spells are being made useful. A caster can blast anywhere but epics and maybe amrath elite effectively as it stands now. After the changes take place, not only are we having to damage through half as many HP, but a mass hold or stun ensures that we are doing 150% damage to a mob that has 50% less HP than it did before. Sounds to me like all other damage spells got ramped up. Top that off with the fact that most of them cost less to cast after the changes take place.

    ...and thus we move away from the nascar strategy of firewalling, running fast, and turning left. First perching crit fishers, and now this!!! What ever will we do??
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  18. #18
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steelblueskies View Post
    cost = 70 sp for one minute? did torc edit his post to 35 sp after change from 45? 45*2=90sp.(...)
    No. You failed in read comprehension.

    There was always 35 SP, but you talk about Incendiary cloud spell and we talk about Wall of Fire.
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
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  19. #19
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    nope thats the point they aren't making other spells useful so far all we've been told was nerf to fw and slight spell point decrease in base cost of some spell which is nothing in the total cost of a spell.
    Are you suggesting we will actually have to use our brains and decide when to not user max/emp and get more damage per mana, and when to use them to get more damage per second?????

    Say it isn't so!!!!11!1one!!eleventyone!!1!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    nope thats the point they aren't making other spells useful so far all we've been told was nerf to fw and slight spell point decrease in base cost of some spell which is nothing in the total cost of a spell.
    This to me says diferent..

    It just means you will have to use combinations of spells now so that you lay a fire trap which costs much less sp, start your firewall going and throw some fireballs which will also now cost much less sp and since its epic maybe the rest of your party can contribute damage too. If you are an annoyed it hurts soloing I dont think the devs care too much as that isnt really what DDO is about. Its just nice that some folks can do that.
    • Instant AOE spells got discounted some, to make them more appealing compared to waiting on kiting monsters through aoe dots.
    • Single target damage and bolts are getting much cheaper, single target dots are getting cheaper and getting their effectiveness boosted
    • Trap” type spells got really cheap to hopefully make them with consideration given the prep time they take, but had their cool downs increased to make them not a strict replacement for other in combat AOEs.
    • HD/HP caps we’re removed from most effects (yeah, I guess I should talk about death effects now, but oh, sleep works now!)
    • Many debuffs had their cost reduced, and some had carrier debuffs added to them that temporarily reduced will saves regardless if the target saved against the original debuff.
    Last edited by joneb1999; 03-22-2011 at 07:12 PM.
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