Yesterday I posted some information about the Elemental Savant Prestige Enhancement lines that are coming out for the sorcerer class in Update 9.
Here are the full details that I’ve released so far:
Sorcerer Air Savant I
Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Storm Manipulation III, Charged Spellcasting I, Deadly Shocks I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, or Least Dragonmark of Storm.
Cost: 4 AP
Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over lightning. You gain +2 caster levels when casting electrical and air spells and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting acid or earth spells. You gain 5 points of electrical resistance and bypass 5 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Shocking Grasp spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Tumble skill.
Inherent Shocking Grasp
Benefit: You are able to cast Shocking Grasp as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 1 sp, 3 sec cooldown)
Sorcerer Earth Savant I
Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Acid Manipulation III, Corrosive Spellcasting I, Deadly Acid I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell or Maximize Spell.
Cost: 4 AP
Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over acid. You gain +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting air or electricity spells. You gain 5 points of acid resistance and bypass 5 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast the Acid Spray spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Balance skill.
Inherent Acid Spray
Benefit: You are able to cast Acid Spray as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 1 sp, 3 sec cooldown)
Sorcerer Fire Savant I
Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Flame Manipulation III, Combustive Spellcasting I, Deadly Flame I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell or Maximize Spell.
Cost: 4 AP
Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over flame. You gain +2 caster levels when casting fire spells and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting cold or water spells. You gain 5 points of fire resistance and bypass 5 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Burning Hands spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill.
Inherent Burning Hands
Benefit: You are able to cast Burning Hands as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 1 sp, 3 sec cooldown)
Sorcerer Water Savant I
Prereqs: Level 6 Sorcerer, Frost Manipulation III, Glacial Spellcasting I, Deadly Ice I, Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II, and either Empower Spell or Maximize Spell.
Cost: 4 AP
Benefit: You have focused your training on elemental mastery over ice. You gain +2 caster levels when casting cold spells and increase the maximum caster level of these spells by 1, but suffer -3 caster levels when casting fire spells. You gain 5 points of cold resistance and bypass 5 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Niac’s Cold Ray spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis, poison, and sleep, and a +2 bonus to the Swim skill.
Inherent Niac’s Cold Ray
Benefit: You are able to cast Niac’s Cold Ray as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 1 sp, 3 sec cooldown)
It’s not just damaging spells that are affected by these enhancements. The following spells were thematically considered appropriate for various savants to excel at:
Air Spells:
Ball Lightning, Chain Lightning, Cyclonic Blast, Electric Loop, Gust of Wind, Eladar’s Electric Surge, Electric Loop, Featherfall, Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy (Electricity), Resist Energy (Electricity), Shocking Grasp, a couple of Summon Monsters
Technically also includes Call Lightning Storm. May be modified to include sonic spells like Shout.
Earth Spells:
Acid Blast, Acid Fog, Acid Rain, Acid Splash, Acid Spray, Burning Blood, Cloudkill, Flesh to Stone, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Meteor Swarm, Protection from Energy (Acid), Resist Energy (Acid), Stoneskin, Stone to Flesh, a couple of Summon Monsters
Fire Spells:
Burning Blood, Burning Hands, Delayed Blast Fireball, Finger of Fire, Fireball, Fire Shield (Hot), Fire Trap, Flame Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Incendiary Cloud, Meteor Swarm, Protection from Energy (Fire), Resist Energy (Fire), Scorching Ray, a couple of Summon Monsters, Symbol of Flame, Wall of Fire
Technically also includes Flame Strike, Firestorm
Water Spells:
Cone of Cold, Fire Shield (Cold), Frost Lance, Horrid Wilting, Ice Storm, Merfolk’s Blessing, Niac’s Biting Cold, Niac’s Cold Ray, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere, Polar Ray, Protection from Energy (Cold), Ray of Frost, Resist Energy (Cold), Sleet Storm, Snowball Swarm, a couple of Summon Monsters, Water Breathing
Now, for everyone that’s read this far, a little bit more…
Sorcerer Air Savant II
Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Air Savant I, Storm Manipulation V, Charged Spellcasting III, Deadly Shocks III, and any one of Spell Focus: Conjuration, Spell Focus: Evocation, or Lesser Dragonmark of Storm.
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over lightning. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting air and electricity spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your acid and earth spells. Your electrical resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of electrical resistance of opponents. You can cast the Electric Loop spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to electrical damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Tumble skill, and have a permanent personal Featherfall toggle.
Inherent Electric Loop
Benefit: You are able to cast Electric Loop as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 3 sp, 4.5 sec cooldown)
Personal Featherfall Toggle
Benefit: You glide slowly through the air, taking no damage from normal falls. (At will.)
Awaken Elemental Weakness: Electricity
Benefit: You are able to curse an enemy, increasing electrical damage they take by 15%. This effect stacks with itself up to five times. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
Sorcerer Earth Savant II
Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Earth Savant I, Acid Manipulation V, Corrosive Spellcasting III, Deadly Acid III, and any one of Spell Focus: Conjuration or Spell Focus: Evocation.
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over acid. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting acid and earth spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your air and electricity spells. Your acid resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of acid resistance of opponents. You can cast the Melf’s Acid Arrow spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to acid damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Balance skill, 10 additional hit points, and +2 stacking Natural Armor.
Inherent Melf’s Acid Arrow
Benefit: You are able to cast Melf’s Acid Arrow as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 3 sp, 4.5 sec cooldown)
Awaken Elemental Weakness: Acid
Benefit: You are able to curse an enemy, increasing acid damage they take by 15%. This effect stacks with itself up to five times. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
Sorcerer Fire Savant II
Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Fire Savant I, Flame Manipulation V, Combustive Spellcasting III, Deadly Flame III, and any one of Spell Focus: Conjuration or Spell Focus: Evocation.
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over flame. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting fire spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your cold and water spells. Your fire resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of fire resistance of opponents. You can cast the Scorching Ray spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to fire damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Intimidate skill, and a permanent fire guard effect (deals 1d6 fire damage to opponents that strike you in melee).
Inherent Scorching Ray
Benefit: You are able to cast Scorching Ray as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 3 sp, 4.5 sec cooldown)
Awaken Elemental Weakness: Fire
Benefit: You are able to curse an enemy, increasing fire damage they take by 15%. This effect stacks with itself up to five times. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
Sorcerer Water Savant II
Prereqs: Level 12 Sorcerer, Sorcerer Water Savant I, Frost Manipulation V, Glacial Spellcasting III, Deadly Ice III, and any one of Spell Focus: Conjuration or Spell Focus: Evocation.
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: You have continued to focus your training on elemental mastery over ice. You gain an additional +2 caster levels when casting cold and water spells, increase the maximum caster level of these spells by an additional 1, but suffer an additional -3 caster level penalty to your fire spells. Your cold resistance grows to 10 points and you now bypass 10 points of cold resistance of opponents. You can cast the Snowball Swarm spell as a spell-like ability. You also gain the ability to render an opponent vulnerable to cold damage, an additional +2 bonus to the Swim skill, and the ability to breathe water as if it were air.
Inherent Snowball Swarm
Benefit: You are able to cast Snowball Swarm as a spell-like ability. (Cost: 3 sp, 4.5 sec cooldown)
Awaken Elemental Weakness: Cold
Benefit: You are able to curse an enemy, increasing cold damage they take by 15%. This effect stacks with itself up to five times. (Cost: 5 sp, 20 sec cooldown, 30 sec duration - refreshing a stack restarts its duration)
The Awaken Elemental Weakness ability of the Elemental Savants is one of the places they shine in those long fights against major bosses, along with their cheap damage spells that accept metamagics for free. At tier two, the Savants begin to diverge a little more than they did at tier one, gaining some minor bonuses appropriate to their theme. They will continue to diverge some more as they get to tier three, but that’s for another post on another day…