Okay, ill take greater evo and use a spell pen item and enhancements.
Okay, ill take greater evo and use a spell pen item and enhancements.
What about the spells i took? any mus thave buffs or somehting i didnt take?
If I am not mistaken, getting killer blade barriers require evocation focus and items. Also getting any of your insty kill spells to land reliably on mobs from Gianthold to Amrath are going to require investment in spell pen via enhancements, items, and possibly a feat use. Otherwise destruction/slay living/implosion won't work like you may be anticipating.
I dont use a feat on my fvs but he is one of my oldest characters and is pretty geared out.But even for a 28 pt.fvs decently geared the only place you might run into issues is running with the devils and amrath.but blade barrier works better in most situations anyways.
IMHO, blade barrier is, by far, the most potent offensive divine spell in the game. Sure, destruction is nice, implosion can be fun, cometfall has its uses, but BB works on almost everything - from mid-level trash mobs, through Amrath red-names, to melee epic mobs. Keyword for any other offensive divine spell is: situational.
So, you should try to max it out as much as you can. Starting with metas, you'll want maximize, empower, heighten, quicken and extend. Sure, you could theoretically live without extend, but it hugely increases bladebarrier damage/sp as soon as mobs start having enough HP not to be one shotted by 1 pass through the BB. Plus, it's great for utility buffs like recitation and holy aura.
Also, you'll want the two spell focus: evocation feats. Sure, you could live without them as well, but as you reach a certain threshold getting your DCs up gets progressively harder, and +2 from feats becomes very very important. Side note, be sure to wear evocation focus items as soon as you can get them - Anathema ring has +100 SP and +1 to evocation spells, it's ML 11 and drops in Cursed Crypt (necro4 finale). It's a pretty rare drop, but they pop up on the AH from time to time, usually at around 300k. Robe of Fire drops in the Sands, is ML 8 and also gives +1 to evocation - you can probably buy it off the AH for as little as 5k. At higher levels, be sure to upgrade the Regalia from Mindsunder, it gives +2 to evo spells. You can also wear the Napkin from Reaver's Fate, +1 to all DCs.
So that's 7 feats, toughness makes it 8 and you're done. Be sure to take some enhancement based spell pen, spending feats on spell pen on a divine just isn't worth it IMHO. Mental toughness is useless for a class that can easily hit 2800-2900 SP with 14 starting CHA and a +2 tome (Cunning trinket from the birthday event stacks with all other SP sources and gives 100 extra SP to a FvS/sorc).
Anyway, be sure to check out this thread: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=199266.
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash
U want offensive casting consider this: Wizards and sorcerers can easily out dps a favored soul: I have a lvl 14 wizard that can hit 540 on his disintegrate (non crit) and the highest I've been hit by cometfall (non crit) has been 382. Wizards have free offensive spells called SLAs no other class has them. Sorcerers have a capstone that grants them +20% damage. What I'm saying is that an offensive favored soul is possible to build but can never measure up to arcane dps.
My advice would be to dump the idea of a favored soul offensive caster and build either a generalist built which is capable of both melee and spell dps (I have one such idea take a look for yourself: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=303932) or the more popular built which is the soul surivivor which is an extremely capable tank built with great melee dps and healing ability (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=268346)
In general, this kind of build works well if you mostly solo. In a group and in raids no one wants to chase mobs kiting through a BB when it would be much faster to let your melee's beat them down, (this applies mostly and engame and especially epics). Epic mobs are only tickled by Blade Barriers in epics, and for me, at end game BB kiting went from being fun to way too monotonus. IMO many other tactics (such as hold and beat) work a lot better and a lot faster than the old kite and BB in endgame.
Last edited by Mellkor; 02-27-2011 at 11:28 AM.
Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,
***Argonnessen*** ~~Ascent~~
just understand a dump stat AoV WF can solo heal Raids so you can 2 if you are good enough.
also you must farm DQ until you have a Green blade if you want crit BB and CF or GH Blue Scale