so altitis strikes again and i rolled a new toon last night.
was past 12 so i didn't give it too much thought and threw together a cleric.
ran straight in to elite waterworks and had a blast, so i'm keeping her =) any toon that can take 3 incaps and recover each time works for me.
so, basically here's what i did and just looking for some comments on where to steer her (i'm being lazy i know)
vet 32pts
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
16 8 16 8 18 6
lvl up's into wis.
empower healing
all points have gone into diplomacy. !!!ALL FUTURE POINTS WILL GO IN TO CONCENTRATE!!!
notes, reasoning and current thinking:
heighten was taken as i love soundburst, though once i started i realised it was probably a little early to take this.
one idea thing i was thinking was adding 1/3 lvls of monk for stunning fist as i'll have a decent wis score, possible taking zen archery as well for mob debuffing.
considering lvl's are going into wis, would it be worthwhile taking precision to increase to-hit for my stuns?
which would be better 0, 1 or 3 lvls. i'm thinking 0 to get clr cap, 1 for stunning fist and 3 for aligning the heavens being the main perks of each possibility (oh and either 1 or 3 lvls would add my wis to my ac...)
obviously i'd like radiant servant too.
the playstyle i'm looking to achieve here is one of sit back and control/support the battle.
oh! and is my cha too low?? =p