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Thread: Spells

  1. #1
    Community Member Mordiz's Avatar
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    Default Spells

    I'm a new player and currently have a 6clr/1ftr and really enjoy playing him. What I want to know is what are the absolute must have spells on my spell bars, for solo play and for grouping?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    1: Join group.
    2: Ask if anyone has any specific spell requests.
    3: Swap spells in the nearest tavern.
    4: Fill remaining slots with spells you want for yourself.
    5: Play your Cleric.

    Rinse/Repeat depending on the quest you're about to begin.
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  3. #3
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    I'm assuming with the fighter splash you're planning on meleeing a fair bit? whatever, make sure to get radiant servant - its that good for boosting your healing capabilities & once you've levelled & have more practice, you'll rarely have to actually use healing spells at all, leaving far more SP for buffing/casting... great for melee clerics as its effectively a tick-every-3-secs regeneration effect.. if your party benefits too, then hey thats also nice

    A general selection of spells to keep at all times:

    level 1:
    Nightshield (saves plus protection from magic missiles etc, very valuable all the way to cap)
    remove fear (useful in some places where enemies cast fear-based spells.. a handy buff for the start of quests to give the extra +4 to saves vs fear too)
    command (use on low will-save enemies like ogres to put them down for easier disposal)
    divine favour (boosts melee damage & to-hit)

    level 2:
    resist energy (not taking damage is better than healing it & this will stay in place once the protection from energy type spells have ben consumed)
    soundburst (cheap low level crowd control.. enemies that are stunned dont fight back & hurt people for you to spend all your SP healing)

    level 3:
    Prayer (the +1 to damage & skills arent given by recitation, so having both doesnt totally overlap & can be helpful)
    protection from energy (replace with protection from elements later as the single-target-single-element one here is very much a situational buff, gets expensive otherwise)

    level 4:
    freedom of movement (stops hold, web, slippery surface effects etc)
    death ward (not only stops instadeath effects a la deathblock gear, but also prevents level drain etc. swap out for mass version later)
    recitation (some overlap with prayer)
    divine power

    level 5:
    greater command (mass version of level 1 command, very powerful and effective)
    true seeing (some enemies use blur, or even displacement, this neutralises it)
    protection from elements (replace with mass version later)
    raise dead (very handy)

    level 6:
    blade barrier (all hail the king of unresistable dps spells!)
    cometfall (knockdown & damage, whats not to like?)
    Heal (100% the best single target healing spell you have, far, far more efficient than multiple cures)

    level 7:
    destruction (instakill when it hits, very useful for selective targeting)
    mass protection from elements (always useful)
    resurrection (very handy)

    level 8:
    summon monster 8 (that air elly is awesome for crowd control, but can blow out AoEs including friendly ones)
    holy aura (stacking +4 to all saves, very useful.. also blinds nearby evil enemies on initial cast, no save but can be effected by spell resistance)
    mass death ward

    level 9:
    energy drain (lower enemy saves, hp etc. for follow-up spells. also possible to drain them to death tho expensive in SP)
    implosion (wheeeee instakill aura! even works on some stuff like undead)

    For situational use, things like dismissal/banishment are good against demons & elemental etc, various summons, restoration-type spells are handy.
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 02-24-2011 at 08:06 AM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  4. #4
    Community Member Airgeadlam's Avatar
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    Agree with the selection made by Fuzzyduck81. But the most important thing you need to do is, like Antheal said: Play YOUR cleric. Advice on spells is nice, for sure, but it really helps only if suits to your playing style. You got 6 levels of cleric now, so a MUST HAVE is Radiant Servant I enhancement, for its bursts avoid the use of sp on heals most of time, allowing you to CC/Buff/Offensive cast more. Maybe if you could post your build here, and tell us what's your plan (as Fuzzyduck81 said: Do you want to be a combat cleric, focused on melee? Which are your stats? How would you like to play, and such) we would be able to provide better help. Not only spells are important, must be careful on feats and enhancements too.

    Waiting for your feedback! Cheers.

  5. #5
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    A lot depends on what your starting WIS was, and how many level ups you put into WIS (if any).

    My Melee Cleric has a totally different spell set up than my offensive caster Cleric.
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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default Heal Bot

    I look at the adventure were doing. What is the main type of damage occured there. poison, acid, fire..etc then make sure I can heal against that. No matter what I make sure I am taken care of for what I need. So any buffs you want take them. So many people want a Cleric to just heal and blade barrier. role play your cleric. So what will make you ant to come back and play again tomorrow. Also if in a party ask what they need/want. Try for the needs and then the wants. Let them kow if you don't have something. Resists/heal/cures are usally the biggest.

  7. #7
    Community Member thewalex's Avatar
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    I carry Stawart Pact (level 5). I can't tell you how many times it's saved me (or a party member) if I hit a spot of bad lag. Mass Cure Light, Medium, and Serious I use in parts 4 and 5 of the shroud (with empowered healing on and either an Amrath Superior Devotion VIII or my Dragontouched Greater Potency VII in effect). Quickened Mass Heal I've found to be very effective in either the Shroud or Amrath Quests, where everyone is tightly grouped.

    So far as summons, the Summon Monster VII's wind elemental is nice for "tripping" most mobs. I've been surprised as the things it's knocked down. And the Hezeru (Summon Monster VIII) is nice for soloing as well.

  8. #8
    Community Member Mordiz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input guys. I tried a few of the pre-made classes and decided I liked the Warpriest of Siberys but the pre-made build seemed a bit plastic. After deleting him I used to create a new cleric (for no other reason than it was near the top of the forum at the time) and i'm enjoying the build (if not fully understanding the finer details).

    Problem I have with grouping now I have the confidence to do so is I get different advice from every group I'm in and I just get in a mess. I know the more experienced players can solo to a high level but as a new player I've realised it'll only get me so far.

    The reason for this thread is so I can have the most common spells/buffs already on my bars and avoid the 'noob cleric, why haven't you got so and so'

    This may sound stupid coming from a cleric but do you guys (and girls I'm sure) have all your healing spells on your bars or as you get higher level drop the lesser stuff?


  9. #9
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    must haves:
    Resist energy, without question, have it
    Freedom of movement (when you get access to it)
    Death Ward: again (when you get access to it)
    Protection from elements (the spell that covers them all, if you dont have the mass yet, get the single, and just self buff...a dead cleric cant heal :P)
    cures are a given and mandatory on a cleric
    raise dead when you get lvl 9 as a cleric.

    you could get bulls strentgh and bears endurance if you wanted to, but buffing members of your party all the time with these will suck up your blue bar quick...
    meh, best advice i can offer...get it leveled, find a well played cleric and learn from them...or just pm phalaeo from the thread above, she's pretty good with this kind of thing

    if you plan on doing a lot of melee then divine favor and divine power should be on you all the time when youre hitting wary tho as it can cause a mana drain if you spam the **** out of it when its not needed.
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  10. #10
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mordiz View Post
    This may sound stupid coming from a cleric but do you guys (and girls I'm sure) have all your healing spells on your bars or as you get higher level drop the lesser stuff?
    While i still only have access to single-target heals, i generally keep the 2 highest tier ones in my main hotbar - once mass cures become available, i generally only really use mass CMW since potency 6 isnt hard to get which will actually make it more effective than MCSW without the potency (again referring back to your presumed desire to be melee-capable too, the sora kell set is amazing for melee clerics/favoured souls as it boosts to-hit, damage & grants sup potency 6, plus the item stat bonuses are wisdom, charisma & strength, all of which are useful). Of course, by that stage you'll also have both tiers of RS which will likely make up the bulk of your healing with SP healing only needed in emergencies.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

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