I created my new wizard. I intend on going the Pale Master route. I'm still low level (4) and doing quite alright. I plan on using a UMD build so I can throw scroll heals around plus it's useful for many other things. I've also been putting points into Move Silently and Hide, since Wraith Form gives bonus's to that and it seems like it might be useful later on.
Right now I'm wiz4 and thinking I should have put the first two levels in rogue.
Can I be successful on my current route? Or should I go 2/18 rog/wiz for what I want to do?
I'm not VIP but I have 32 point builds and vet status, and several adventure packs and a few other characters.
Resources isn't a problem, just wish I haven't used that set of +1 stat tomes ^^
Question is, should I reroll and take two rogue levels and get a high UMD/move silently/hide initially?
Or is Hide/Movesilently with wraithform still ineffective for sneaking around when I want too?