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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Warforge, Human 32p builed, newbie

    Hi there,

    i am quite new to the game and not a native speaker. I have benn reading the forum and choosed a warforge for playing a wizard. Since this sound as an advice from the forum.
    To be honest I can not realy identify with the warforge and i am thinking of playing a human wizard. May sound strange or stupid, but what am i missing from playing a human? What is the disadvantage?
    I am playing mostly solo or with my brother once a week. So it will be long way to the level cap. I am not willing to farm high end equipment. We simply like to play the quests (which are all new to us) on normal and hard.
    Any advice how to skill my human wizard for a beginner? Or am i supposed to keep my warforge?

    Thanks for your help in advance

    P.S.: Excuse my bad english ...

  2. #2
    Community Member Mrmorphling's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    The main difference between human and WF is the ability to self heal as a wizard can cast an array of 'reconstruction' spells that heals Warforged but cannot cast the normal healing spells (divine spell so clerics,FvS etc.).

    On the other hand humans get an additional feat and the enhancment human adaptabilities that will allow you to boost your intelligence by 1 pt easily.

    All in all atm there are 2 viable paths for a wizard and both are tied to a Prestige enchancment: Archmage and Palemaster; if you choose AM the common knowledge suggests going WF to realibly self heal while if you decide to go PM you can be human as PM gets a couple of other way to self heal (death aura and negative energy burst namely).

    This is not meant to address all the difference between humans and WFs but to highlight what can be usefull to make a choice at the beginning of your DDO career

    For what concerns skills you shouldn't have troubles as wizards get more skill points than anyone else so after maxing Concentration, Balance, Use Magic Device, after putting 1 pt in tumble and about 10 ranks in jumps you're still left with plenty of points to customize your skills.
    Last edited by Mrmorphling; 02-22-2011 at 01:23 PM.

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