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Thread: Build advice

  1. #1
    Community Member Limey's Avatar
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    Default Build advice

    Just got FVS on sale and having trouble deciding on a 32 point build. Looked at a few on here but they seem to rely on uber gear or TR stats. I don't mind throwing +2 tomes into it.

    This toon may just end up a shroud runner so I as long as I can melee Harry I'm happy. I don't really need a full char planner export, so anyone got a suggestion on:

    Starting stats and which one to increase at level ups
    Race (excluding WF or Horc)
    I am open to splashes

    Last edited by Limey; 02-22-2011 at 06:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Gelb's Avatar
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    Default At least 14 CON, 15 DEX, 15 STR, 10 CHA twf


    I'll give you 2 options

    1) Healing & Melee FVS

    I don't think you should be dps'ing in Shroud so much, considering if you end up dying in part 4, you cannot heal your party. As a fvs, you get a lot of mana to heal people, so they will expect you to heal them and they are right. If you have 1 solo healer or 2 other healers with you in your party I'd say why not, go dps but if you are the only healer or the back up healer for the other one I say you are better off not dps in part 4.

    2) "I cannot heal" type of FVS

    These fvs are disliked by a lot of people, so I'd say you can always toss some heals But if you don't wanna heal at all, it is your choice, your playing style.

    Anyways, no matter what you do with your toon, on a fleshy and non horc fvs, you should consider two weapon fighting. Start at least 10 CHA so you can cast all your spells. (You need 19 end game CHA to cast all your spells. 10 base + 2 tome +6 item, +1 enhancement)

    Start at least 15 DEX. You need 17 DEX for whole twf chain.

    Start at least 14 CON (You can drop it to 12, if you are human, fvs get a lot of hp, but I recommend 14 at least)

    Put rest into STR, so you can hit things. At least 16 STR would be nice.

    Feats would be something like; thoughness, twf, improved twf, greater twf, extend, maximize, quicken, improved critical (you'd need to be a human to have 8th room for this feat.)
    Maximize is opitional too, if you like putting Blade Barriers I'd say go for it.

    ***Your build is not going to have a lot of wisdom, don't expect things to die by your spells easily, your blade barriers can hit most of things with nice damage no matter what your wisdom is though.***

    The race is up to you, races gain weapon proficency depends on their race as a fvs, humans have longsword for example, wf have great sword.

    Optional: After taking 18 fvs levels, you will have all the healing spells you could have, so you can take your 2 last levels as 2 monk for evasion and extra feat, up to you.
    Last edited by Gelb; 02-22-2011 at 06:26 AM.
    • Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
    Gelbseele, Gelbsexy, Gelbstory, Gelbmystery, Gelbfrenzy, Gelbmusic, Gelbwise, Gelbilicious, Gelbshot
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  3. #3
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    Personally i'd go human.

    By the sound of it you want either an Evoker, or a Superior Soul, (the latter build having slightly better melee with very slightly lower dc's on offensive casting.

    Both builds work well with just +6 stat items, semi-decent weapons, and +2 tomes on 32 point builds.

    They do both list some nice loot and tomeage in the build, but it's really just value adding, the basic build plans themselves will be very satisfying to run (i've run up both in 32 point as raw toons with no special gear) and with good solo ability with solid raid heals.

    The raid loot will accumulate very quickly, because you'll find yourself in high demand with any level of competency really. Then you will 'uber it up' on the build anyway.

    (personally i prefer the Superior Soul, but i like to melee a lot, the Lord of Blades build does a better job in a melee fight, but the lack of useable DC's can be a bit of a drag sometimes, making you a little more party dependant in some quests/raids, and more viable in others, i like to keep at least one of each type in the stable myself, but then again, i play too much, lol)

    Coit out~
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  4. #4
    Community Member Limey's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Thanks for the input, I think I have it now (I was forgetting the cha/wis dynamics for spellcasting)

    Yeah I won't pile into Harry unless given the OK lol it was just really way of expressing potential survivabilty/damage output. Probly go with a build along the lines of Impaqts SS

  5. #5
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    the Elf FVS splashes can be pretty respectable in melee, honestly.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  6. #6
    Community Member Gelb's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Limey View Post
    Thanks for the input, I think I have it now (I was forgetting the cha/wis dynamics for spellcasting)
    You need only 10 CHA, a CHA based fvs gives you 400 more sp, still nice if you like solo healing, but nothing awesome considering you give up on Wisdom to get all Charisma stats. Don't put more than 12 CHA if you don't want to be only healing fvs.
    • Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
    Gelbseele, Gelbsexy, Gelbstory, Gelbmystery, Gelbfrenzy, Gelbmusic, Gelbwise, Gelbilicious, Gelbshot
    Gelb means "yellow".

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