Is that while you are all happily nerfing khopeshes, turbine has long since nerfed TWF.
Any min/maxer left holding his now gimped khopeshes would have to LR (due to holding way to many build points in worthless dexterity) or simply reroll (such a move would gimp rangers completely). All the min/maxers who have already pulled SoSs or crafted greensteel greataxes/falchions would wave them in celebrations of (short lived) superiority.
Then turbine would have to rebalance TWF vs THF yet again, and all of Xendrik would worry about their builds.
I'm not really in the mood to argue, but that wasn't what I said.
Maths has an important place in D&D rules, but not all editions put the same emphasis in character options and optimisation.
Some even encouraged players to see low stats not just as flaws, but as a role-playing challenge, as a means to flesh flaws out as character quirks.
DDO clearly puts a strong emphasis on number crunching - it's driven by both numbers and twitch.
The old D&D motto was you win by playing.
DDO has no such thing, you win when you complete the quest.
We could argue you never actually win, since you usually end up reincarnating the same character, and run the same quests all over again.
Considering characters don't actually die, but they revert back to STONES, it reminds me of some kind of Valhalla...
But I'm rambling...
Back on topic: I briefly tried Khopesh, I saw why it was considered good, and I tweaked some of my characters to wield one. Or two.
But I didn't try to shoehorn one where it didn't feel "right".
I tend to do "internal role-play", that is I try to pick feats, gear and classes that fit with the mental image I had of a given char.
Of course, as I learnt more about DDO, I found out some archetypes worked better than others.
And I started considering some class combos I would have never touched in pnp.
My DMs had an [un]healthy dislike for what they considered "powergaming", and that dislike has rubbed off a bit.
I am not sure how devs could rebalance weapons.
Big crits help vs high HP foes. High HP foes must pose a challenge for big critting chars.
Vicious cycle.
Maybe retooling AC to be meaningful at higher level contents, without significant grind, could provide players with a broader spectrum of choices.
Finesse would be more viable, and a big critting weapon would be useless if your hits failed to connect.
As another aside: /not signed on katana.
Please don't give devs ideas; they already tried giving half elves anime looks...
Last edited by Alabore; 02-22-2011 at 11:36 PM. Reason: ...
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
Why is the Khopesh anything but a flavor weapon?
Ask 1000 random people what that is, and maybe 1 might know.
It should not be the best overall one-handed weapon in the game. It shouldn't even be in the top 3.
It should have had a crit profile of 20-20 x3.
Of course nothing will change.
I have had this khopesh since i was a child!
There are many like it, but this one is mine!
Hands off my khopesh!
(I only have one toon that uses the khopesh, but he has an unnatural relationship with his curved piece of lime oxide, leave his ubie stick alone!)
Coit out~
Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda
I agree its lame to break the rules for one weapon type and make it the only generic weapon type that has a x3 -and- also is 19-20. They had to make a weapon that is THF 5d6 damage 18-20 x3 (post nerf) just to beat a TWF khopesh because of this screw up early in the game which made khopesh OP. -LeFail.
The time to realize this and nerf it of course is long gone, now that nine bajillion greensteel khopesh have been made.