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Thread: new race

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default new race

    hey guys i hav this idea that maby i could make the like stat sheet and stuff like that for a wraith race. i got a few ideas on what 2 hav and stuff and i think it could give necromancers and rouge assassins the boost they need in DDO. now yes, i no at lev 12 pale masters can go wraith but i see that as just a few skills boosts, im talking about feets, stats, preatty much everything. i was wondering if there were any wraith exsperts out there who could help me make the stats and stuff cus tbh, i hav no idea where 2 start so it would be really klw is u guys could help as well. also i only want ppl to comment who want to help, not ppl to say "whats the point in doing it when necro mancers can at lev 12" or "it will be to hard and DDO would never do that" i just want 2 try what ever the odds are that wraiths will soon be flying around in korthos =D some of the basic ideas i hav so far are:
    extra sneak skill boost
    move silently is always on full (cus they dont hav legs)
    start with necro spell focus feat
    they can only be chaotic nutral
    cant be healed by possitive energy
    extra jump skill boost?
    they hav that thing thats like blurry but not blurry on always
    cant use posstive spells (such as cure light wounds)
    im not really sure on stat boosts and down grades yet
    cant use the "past life" stuff because they are undead and what ever class they are would hav been the class they were before they were undead
    feaver fall always on
    bounus to ac?
    instead of normal weps like long swords and great axes, they could like get there claws encharnted or something so they like hsv +1 claws, thundering +1 clawrs of back stabbing
    instead of wearing armor they could improve the charnce the enerny will miss bacuse of the thing thats like blurrysness that isnt blurryness

    please tell me what u think about that stuff and feel free 2 suggest changes to it.
    Last edited by chaos6000; 02-17-2011 at 11:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Talesin's Avatar
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    <<WARNING: Don't Feed The Troll... Let It Die>>

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Dungeons and Dragons Online is the name of the game we play, don't forget. Take a look on the PnP Wraith, then keep in mind that we don't get to play evil PCs in DDO at all, plus there are many others things that are on the way to being implemented, and well... Think about it

  4. #4
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaos6000 View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kairil View Post
    Dungeons and Dragons Online is the name of the game we play, don't forget. Take a look on the PnP Wraith, then keep in mind that we don't get to play evil PCs in DDO at all, plus there are many others things that are on the way to being implemented, and well... Think about it
    well thanx 4 the advice and not calling me a troll or anything lol. i no that we dont play evil things and stuff but its early days i just thought it was a gd idea, the wriath dosnt HAV 2 be evil, it could be umm..........used 2 be a nice guy when he was a alive and still kinda is? lol. but anywayz, i will at least try and make it and stuf. i just need a bit of help. and yer, it dosnt hav 2 come out in the very next update or anything, i no there r more important things or better things that need 2 be done but cant blame me 4 trying can u?

  6. #6
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaos6000 View Post
    well thanx 4 the advice and not calling me a troll or anything lol. i no that we dont play evil things and stuff but its early days i just thought it was a gd idea, the wriath dosnt HAV 2 be evil, it could be umm..........used 2 be a nice guy when he was a alive and still kinda is? lol. but anywayz, i will at least try and make it and stuf. i just need a bit of help. and yer, it dosnt hav 2 come out in the very next update or anything, i no there r more important things or better things that need 2 be done but cant blame me 4 trying can u?
    Speak (type) english and I might be inclined to read anything you type. Move along.

  7. #7
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    Dreadful idea.

    Almost totally incomprehensible due to to the "dudez" writing style. It was so painful to read that I couldn't finish it.

    Learn how to enunciate your ideas so that others can read them easily.

    Ideas such as these should be developed to a reasonable degree offline in a proper editor and then pasted into the forum's editor rather then being a stream of consciousness splurge.

  8. #8
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Is there a google translation somewhere or can someone tell me what the OP was saying?

    I sorta understood that they wanted a wraith race. To which I say:

  9. #9
    The Hatchery
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    I still want thri-kreen and quad-wield peshes

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