what are some of the Prestige Classes you would like to see added (D&D pnp or even Pathfinder pnp).
what are some of the Prestige Classes you would like to see added (D&D pnp or even Pathfinder pnp).
If they ever give use druid class I would like to see Loremasters.
I'd like to see the Warpriest PrE added.
Originally posted by C-Dog
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.
I would love the ultimate magus added, but I know that one will never make it. If you do it right, its basically 17 wizard/10 or 11 sorc, plus with a few more spells known then a normal 10/11th sorc would have, increased caster level( basically just made you cast at 20th wizard and like 15th sorc without the extra spells), the ability to drop a sorc spell slot to spontaneously meta magic a wizard spell and a few bonus feats.
I already know this will never make it in, as the meta magic thing is not needed, so far we are not getting the increased caster level feats, and the insane amount of SP that pre would have would be overboard I bet. But I still would love to see it somehow
Turbine's absurd treatment of AC and Attack Bonuses has made most dex builds unviable. Even characters who have a damage source other than strength (i.e. rogues) find themselves spec'ing strength.
Copying the duelist prestige class wouldn't work, though, because it's horribly implemented in D&D 3.5. Instead, a dex based class that uses dex bonus for damage when wielding certain weapons (usually daggers and rapiers) would help add a little variety to a game that's 100% focused on strength right now.
Revenant Blade from the Player's Guide to Eberron book. It would give elves a super-badass PrE to go into.
Also, Scorpion Wraith. Something really cool and tough for drow to take. Really, both those races are so hurt by the -2 Con that they need something to make them alluring (other than having hotty females).
Robi's Free to Play Guide
I play as: Nagasnake, Olmanjenkins, Tyrogan, Chicobo, Torriin, Kensaito, Koruna, and Goldenac.
In fact, that's about the only Arcane I would play.
If I understand correctly, a major reason Druids got delayed and delayed is because shape-shifting is a huge development problem. By the same reason there is no Polymorph spell yet. Fleshwarper should be easier, as he shifts shape only once in a great while (like once per level), then stays that way until next change.
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I don't think it's a 3.5 PrC, but I'd like to see Daggermaster (a 4E Paragon Path). It feels weird to me that Rogues have no reason to use Daggers.
Something like this:
Tier I: Dex-mod for damage instead of STR-mod with daggers
Tier II: +1 crit range on daggers (like Kensai III, added after keen/Imp. Crit)
Tier III: +1 crit multiplier on daggers
This would give tier III Daggermasters DEX-based damage (which would still be less than STR-based damage fully geared out), and a weapon with the same crit-profile as a Kensai III's Khopesh (but less base damage).
Always been a fan of Eldritch Knight - can't even remember how "good" it was, but used to love the name.
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Contemplative or Entropomancer might be interesting, but I can't see them ever being implemented. Ur-Priest could be a fun one, but spell-stealing might be hard to implement.
As for PrEs that will be implemented, I'm looking forward to Warpriest.