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Thread: Evoker Cleric?

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  1. #1
    Words! pie2655's Avatar
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    Default Evoker Cleric?

    Clerics seem to hav some nice offensive spells later in the game. So i was thinking of possibly making an Evoker Cleric. Im not very experienced with cleric and other divine classes so im kind of clueless. Is this stupid? Is this even possible? and would i be better to just be a healer?
    Im not very experienced with cleric and other divine classes so im kind of clueless.
    Thanks in advance if you have a good anwer.

  2. #2
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    they get alot of nice ones,

    and alot of those substitude the arcane versions, only... slower.

    finger of death = destruction.
    charms = symbol of persuasion
    mass hold monster mass = symbol of stunning

    its only problem is that you need an high caster level to kill spell resistance, and need an VERY high wisdom to achief an high DC to beat theyre saves

    here we go:

    20 cast levels + 3 enhancements + 2 item + 2 feats(not sure)? = 27 (+6 past lives if you have)
    DC = max wisdom 48(+19 stat) +10 base + 2 school focus + 2 item +9 heighten = 42-ish

    enough to be dangerious.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pie2655 View Post
    Clerics seem to hav some nice offensive spells later in the game. So i was thinking of possibly making an Evoker Cleric. Im not very experienced with cleric and other divine classes so im kind of clueless. Is this stupid? Is this even possible? and would i be better to just be a healer?
    Im not very experienced with cleric and other divine classes so im kind of clueless.
    Thanks in advance if you have a good anwer.
    Cleric build catalogue 2010. Offensive casting cleric. Just because it makes your life so much easier, I'd recommend finding room in your feat list for Empower Healing at some point to take Radiant Servant. You can still heal almost as well as any healbot - there isn't a big difference, any cleric can heal.

    You only have to worry about one stat as a cleric (wisdom). As a FvS, you need max wisdom, and enough charisma to be able to cast spells (charisma of 19 for level 9 spells, which you can get with a starting Cha of 12 or lower, depending on gear, enhancements, and tomes). Of course, more Cha on a cleric is handy too, and with the extra SP on a FvS, there are advantages to both types of divine casters. Being able to swap spells is handy - just as many recommend rolling a wizard before a sorc, it might benefit you to roll up a cleric before considering a FvS.

  4. #4
    Community Member Fishcatch22's Avatar
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    A problem IME with offensive caster clerics is that they just aren't that popular in groups, since many are perceived as bad healers, even if they have Emp. healing and RS. People are going to think you're going to focus on killing things, and just let them die, similar to how many poorly played Battleclerics operate. Make very sure you can still fully raidheal (take Emp healing; Quicken and Maximize are already givens), or you're just playing a poorer version of a WF wizard. Don't say you're an offensive caster cleric, and just throw some Destros and Implosions around when they aren't looking. They will already expect you to lay down BBs. Make sure to fit in spell pen and Greater spell pen.
    Last edited by Fishcatch22; 02-12-2011 at 05:37 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by FrancisP.Fancypants View Post
    The best PVP in this game happens in the forums. Usually when someone brings up the need for more PVP.

  5. #5
    Words! pie2655's Avatar
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    Well healing bores me, and clerics ge tnice offensive spells. So basically i was thinking of filling the caster role in the group. Id be a backup healer. Only healing when ABSOLUTELY necesarry, so i wouldnt filll the healer roll.
    Is this just stupid?

  6. #6
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pie2655 View Post
    Well healing bores me, and clerics ge tnice offensive spells. So basically i was thinking of filling the caster role in the group. Id be a backup healer. Only healing when ABSOLUTELY necesarry, so i wouldnt filll the healer roll.
    Is this just stupid?
    imo your setting yourself up for a /fail.
    sorry to say it but you'll soon find out that its true.

    Dont get me wrong, my main is cleric, and i've being in love with the class since release, but nearly everytime a group sees that cleric icon the first thing they think is... ok to zerg and play stupid as we got a healer.
    It dosent matter how many times you say what you say about how your've built your cleric, or how you want to play YOUR cleric, the general population of the game will soon make you hate what you have, and you'll be either soloing eveything or dropping the build.

    In a guild situation.. well that changes everything and it'll probly be accepted, just dont expect to pug and be allowed to play that build else you'll soon find your the only one alive in the group with other ppl hating you for not being their "personal healbot".

    That aside what your proposing would work well, and its part of the reason i love the class so much - we can do so much. But I wouldnt try this in a pug situation - even a guild one i'd be cautious over as well as sooner or later someone is gonna start expecting you to drop heal scrolls on them .
    Somedays your the Bug
    Somedays your the Windscreen.

  7. #7
    Community Member AndyD47's Avatar
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    Default Go ahead,have a blast.

    I love playing/grouping with offensive casting clerics/FvS.

    Very versatile and you could probably solo most bosses you could care to with a beastly BB.

    Just don't neglect your ability to heal completely,as was mentioned RS is really good for healing/saving mana for casting...RS is the enabler to your sloppy drunk party animal casting cleric.

    If you wanted to forgo healing in its entirety you'd probably be better off playing a wizard, for the simple fact that they get way more feats for spell focuses/penetration and such.
    Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
    Sarlona/Pherrocious TR Artificer in progress - Heborric 20 Rogue -Aparal 20 FvS

  8. #8
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fishcatch22 View Post
    People are going to think you're going to focus on killing things, and just let them die, similar to how many poorly played Battleclerics operate.
    while they undoubtedly will blame you, i'd like to point out that *they* let *themselves* die if they build their character to need a babysitter in anything other than full-blown boss fight situations. need heals when fighting sor'jek in SoS? fine (and hey, as an added benefit you're also nuking sor'jek most likely).

    need heals in waterworks normal so badly you can't last to the end of the fight? that isn't the cleric's fault. perhaps you should not have rolled a character that can't take care of themselves for a few seconds.

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