i made my first Kundarak shield today and previously i'd been using light and darkness, so i went to test it out in chains epic and then tides epic, and finally elite invaders.
so first up i went to chains expecting to have have DR 29 vs the first archers. (i'm a pure wizard with brambles)
the DR 19 is the number displayed in the inventory screen next to weapon damage numbers and the extra 10 is from the brambles.
i was getting DR 19 whilst actively blocking and 10 whilst standing still like a lemon. i took the brambles off and actively blocked and was getting DR 9. thats 10 less than the invetory says it should be. i went to epic tides and got the same numbers.
i went to elite invaders and let the renders hit me, i was getting dr 19 whilst actively blocking. no brambles on but wouldn't have made a difference seeing as the renders do slash damage not pierce.
so i then went back to epic tides and actively blocked with light and darkness, without brambles i had DR 12, in my inventory screen it says my blocking dr should be 14, so thats 2 less. with brambles and light and darkness it was DR 17, not 22.
i clearly don't understand how DR, Epic mobs DR bypass and blocking DR works. could someone please enlighten me