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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default suggestions for arcane archer

    1.According to Archmage and Pale Master,we get less active abilities for arcane archers(just one:true strike...).And True strike gets too long cooldown time(30sec.).We should get more useful active abilities.
    2.there's no sp cost for arcane archers except for imbuing stance.We conjure a stack of useless arrows but only use one arrow indeed.
    I suggest the enhancements should change to that:
    arcane archer Ⅰ:
    Grants +20 SP.Grants the abilities to summon arrows .For arcane archer,you can summon +1 25%returning arrows.
    summon arrows:summon a stack of arrows(100).Bound to Character,not use in brawl,destoryed after leaving dungeons,cost 10SP.

    arcane archer Ⅱ:
    Grants +10 SP.You get improved summon arrows:chaotic and fire dimension shoot.Your summoned arrows get +2 25%returning.
    Improved summon arrows:chaotic,summon a stack of chaotic arrows(add true chaos effect),same to summon arrows,but cost 20 SP.
    Dimension shoot:fire an arrow throgh a magical portal and attack the aimed enemy directly,as if point blank shot,ignoring the distance and the barriers,no need to face the anemy.cost 3 SP,3 sec. cooldown time.

    arcane archer Ⅲ:
    Grants +10 SP.You get improved summon arrows:lawful.Your summoned arrows get +3 50%returning.
    Improved summon arrows:lawful,summon a stack of lawful arrows(add ture law effect),same to summon arrows,but cost 20 SP.

    arcane archer Ⅳ:
    Grants +10 SP.You get improved summon arrows:evil and fire chain missiles shot.Your summoned arrows get +4 50%returning.
    Improved summon arrows:evil,summon a stack of evil arrows(add pure evil effect),same to summon arrows,but cost 20 SP.
    chain missiles shot,like the spell "chain missiles",you can also strike the enemys near the target you aim at,no more than 4.cost 5 SP,5 sec. cooldown time.

    arcane archer Ⅴ:
    Grants +10 SP.You get improved summon arrows:good.Your summoned arrows get +5 75%returning.
    Improved summon arrows:good,summon a stack of good arrows(add pure good effect),same to summon arrows,but cost 20 SP.

    The imbuing stances still keep the same as now.

  2. #2
    Community Member Raodin-bel-iori's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Some pretty cool ideas here. My arcane archer hardly uses his magic at all except for maybe casting barkskin or ram's might. This would really make thier sp more useable.

  3. #3
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Raodin-bel-iori View Post
    Some pretty cool ideas here. My arcane archer hardly uses his magic at all except for maybe casting barkskin or ram's might. This would really make thier sp more useable.
    i use mine as a back-up healer.

  4. #4
    Community Member sirdanile's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    So wait... you want to add the ability to create different type of arrows? AND have the imbues? AND nerf the returning down from 100%? I like the "Dimension shot" thing though.
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