Gemstone recently hit level 12, and in true TR tradition is hitting the level 11 quests on schedule.
BYOH: Bring Your Own Heal
YLYC: Your Loot Your Choice
If you're interested in running at-level Titans for Xp and loot, and are between levels 9 and 12, stock up on cure pots and get your sigil!
Taxis will be leaving from Tempest Spine courtesy of a over-level sorc who will not be coming into the raid.
I keep a 15th level monk outside the entrance just in case no one else joins, so a 12 monk would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I'll need at least 2 other people to avoid XP penalties.
If you want to learn the raid, come early - I'm happy to show you the ropes, but I'm not gonna wait.
For part 2, bring Visors for DW and a good balance (mid-high 30's will do, 40 is prefered) if you don't want to hang out on the ladder. If more than one person is interested in performing a task, we'll roll for it. Please also have voice chat - I try to use Party Chat for directions, but sometimes I don't have enough time for that.
1. Gunner: VoiceChat needed, and balance of 40 prefered. Primary controller of the gun.
2. Backup Gunner: Hangs out on the gun platform just to fire the laser - not responsible for gun movement while Gunner is at station. This role also includes running bottom crystals (just the first 2, and should use sneak while in the room)
3. Bottom Pillars: VoiceChat needed. No THF please - S&B or TWF with your best construct beaters.
4. Top Pillars: The more the merrier - please have some way to deliver ranged damage to constructs.
5. Top Crystals: Balance of 40 prefered - stay on top when loading the crystal. Multiples are encouraged.
Feel free to run around as you please at the beginning, but once we're loading crystals and moving the gun please find a ladder and get off the bottom floor unless you've won the roll for dropping pillars.
I'm bringing plenty of Raise Dead scrolls, so don't fret if you die on a ladder - you'll get a raise and your loot in the end. While ladder duty is extremely boring, it's also important to minimize the chance of the Titan running around at a bad time. If you get thrown onto the bottom floor during a pillar drop, please run toward the Titan and take your death like a ... well, you get the idea.