So I just turned lv6 and got my shintao 1 . So when you click the shintao icon another comes up. Do I need to bring that icon to a hot bar to use it? And how do you use the restore, cure curse, can't remember the other 2 , but it says they are light activated ? So does this mean only 1 light move? Right now I'm very unsure, I do have however the fire stance down pretty good with fire strike, and fire light fire the dragon thing, light, light, light for heals and the mountain stance, and I think the mount light mount I think it boosted my damage but not very sure about that one. The biggest problem I have faced so far is not checking my ki for my Finnish move I lose it cause of not enough ki. Oh and good practice for new monks , go run the kobalt assault bout 6 times on normal that really helps and really focus on making your moves more than fighting and take a hire cleric for just incase but park him inside , just behind the gate.