I suggest Earth->Wind->Fire apply an Otto's Resistable Dance effect with standard Monk DC.
After this attack you could cast charm person with a clickie and summon Capt Planet.
Edit: I guess you would need water too, I forget about that.
Winston Churchill:
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
The developers beat you to this... by a long time.
Min level 20.Shining Star
* Cooldown: 6 seconds
* Usage: Active
* Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
You use the combined power of Earth, Wind, and Fire to set up harmonic vibrations within your enemy that force them to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC 10 + Monk Level + Charisma mod)
I hope we could have a pure force finisher, force force force=monk lvXd10 AOE FORCE damage.
Hmm... Random thoughts on what it would be like if monks got another finisher almost every couple levels.
Level 3
Cold, Air, Cold
Storm Surge (Ice) -> Snowball Swarm
Level 5
Air, Earth, Air
Storm Surge (Electric) -> Call Lightning
Level 7
Fire, Air, Fire
Storm Surge (Fire) -> Flamestrike
Level 9 (These would be short term ones... I'm thinking the minute long only kind of short)
Dark, Earth, Dark
Shroud of Despair -> Cloudkill in aura form centered on the monk
Light, Earth, Light
Shroud of Hope -> Righteous Might (+4 STR, +2 CON, DR/Evil)
Level 11
Fire, Void, Fire
Fireshield (Fire)
Cold, Void, Cold
Fireshield (Cold)
Level 13
Air, Void, Air
Displacement, Mass -> Semi-short term entire party buff. (6 seconds per character level please!)
Level 15
Dark, Void, Dark
Horrid Wilting
Light, Void, Light
Level 17
Earth, Void, Earth
I really like some of these, I think you're onto something here.
I'd remove the automatic level progression for the elemental strikes and tie those to a level of advancement in the stances involved - e.g. you can only get access to the Storm Surge finishers if you have at least L3 with the main strike involved (so SS: Ice would require L3 Cold Strike). The finishers involving Light/Dark could be automatic as you level up though.
Can I suggest one you missed though -
Earth Air Earth: Storm Surge (Earth) -> Earthquake! AOE Knockdown Test (uses standard trip DCs, modified by any trip weapon or equipment you might have)
Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-31-2010 at 05:49 AM.
I'm tired. Its early in the morning. So if this was sarcasm...
Well, it has to be sarcasm. Because I don't even play a monk, I've never even made a veteran monk as a bank toon, and I knew about Earth-Wind-Fire Shining Star. I even knew it was a Charisma-based DC. It works in Epics.
Was this a fishing expedition to see how many other monks didn't know about it? I'm confused.
Hmm... earthquake doesn't really seem stormy now does it? How about some acid rain? (Yeah I know that particular spell is horrendously weak.)
Conversion of my previous post to a five tier PrE format with some additions:
Level 6, Tier I, 4 AP Cost; Requires: One Adept Elemental stance & Concentration II
Grants: Storm Finishers & +15% Increased Potency on Finishing Strikes.
Earth, Air, Earth -> Storm Surge (Acid), Acid Rain
Cold, Air, Cold -> Storm Surge (Cold), Snowball Swarm
Air, Earth, Air -> Storm Surge (Electric), Call Lightning
Fire, Air, Fire -> Storm Surge (Flame), Flamestrike
Level 9, Tier II, 1 AP Cost; Requires: Void II, Tier I
Grants: Earth's Power Finishers, +5% Potency, +3% Critical Chance on Finishing Strikes
Dark, Earth, Dark -> Shroud of Despair, specialized aura version of Cloudkill
Light, Earth, Light -> Shroud of Hope, Righteous Might (+4 STR, +2 CON, DR/Evil)
Earth, Fire, Earth -> Trembling Earth, AoE Knockdown
Earth, Cold, Earth -> Chill of the Grave, AoE Slow
Level 12, Tier III, 1 AP Cost; Requires: One Master Elemental stance & Concentration III, Tier II
Grants: Elemental Balance Finishers, +5% Potency
Fire, Void, Fire -> Fireshield (Fire)
Cold, Void, Cold -> Fireshield (Cold)
Air, Void, Air -> Displacement, Mass (6 seconds per character level)
Level 15, Tier IV, 1 AP Cost; Requires: Void III, Tier III
Grants: Pathway Finishers, +5% Potency, +3% Critical Chance
Dark, Void, Dark -> Path of Shadow (Horrid Wilting)
Dark, Cold, Dark -> Path of the Storm (Icestorm)
Light, Void, Light -> Path of Light (Sunburst)
Light, Fire, Light -> Path of the Flames (Incendiary Cloud)
Level 18, Tier V, 1 AP Cost; Requires: One Grandmaster Elemental stance & Concentration IV, Tier IV
Grants: Destiny Finishers, +10% Potency (40%), +3% Critical Chance (9%)
Earth, Void, Earth -> Eternal Prison (Imprisonment)
Cold, Fire, Cold -> Shooting Star (Cometfall)
Air, Cold, Air -> Winds of Change (Haste)
Dark, Air, Dark -> Tyrant's Boon (Mind Fog)
Light, Air, Light -> Saint's Gift (Greater Heroism)
Actually, I couldn't disagree more with you on the idea that an earthquake isn't stormy. An earthquake is exactly an 'earth storm', resulting as it does from a conflict within the element in question, as with a volcanic eruption which would mirror your fire surge, or a blizzard that would mirror your cold surge etc. Morover, an earthquake could legitimately be described as a 'surge', since that means 'to rise, or swell' which is a large part of the effect of an earthquakes along certain fault lines, particularly oceanic ones (where it subsequently then also causes a water based surge aka tsunami).
However that's all nit picking. In fairness to you the storm surge idea is your idea not mine, and you will of course have a feel for what that is supposed to mean in terms of effects. I certainly concede that my vision of it may be different, and you should stick with yours for consistency of approach!
I don't want to argue with you about that one suggestion because I think the premise you've come up with is very sound, so I don't want to cause an unnecessary distraction for any dev who might read it and think 'yeah, that could work...'Dev's would almost certainly change the specific effects to fit their balance & game development vision anyway.
I also quite like your idea refinement of them being 1AP purchases with prereqs rather than automatically granted.
I do think that you should start a new thread in the suggestions forum for your idea though.
Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-31-2010 at 09:22 AM.