Quote Originally Posted by MrWizard View Post
psssst - he's talking about me...
Thank you for proving my point.

Im not saying drop ce and take pa. Im saying drop something thats not giving you as much and take PA.

You argue that a new player needs those points of ac. I agrue that he needs those points of damage even more. Hes not going to be tanking whenever a better tank is in the group, and as a new player that may be often. The difference will be even more pronounced when he gets to raiding levels and is either A. not tanking because there is nothing tankable, or B. not tanking because there are better alternatives.

My fighter rarely turns ce on, or uses all his ac gear. Its not important to me to not get hit if there are mass heals/cures coming in to keep me up. Im wasting peoples time by ac'ing up if there is enough healing coming in to keep the no ac str rogue next to me up. In that case im losing damage from feats (ce over pa) and gear (swapping out ac gear for dps gear in a few slots) for what? So my red bar doesnt move as much as the guy next to me? Who cares how much my red bar moves so long as there is still some red left in it? Even if Im only avoiding 3-5 hits per 20 instead of 18-19, there are still other members in the party that are taking damage so the heals are coming in regardless. The best thing for me to do in that situation is to put out as much damage as I can, as fast as I can. If things go wrong I can always ac up to save the day if needed.

A fighter has plenty of feats, even a tr, that they can afford to take power attack. Any fighter that doesnt take it, inevitably is selling themselves short, regardless of how many normal sins completions they post on you tube.