Hello, I've been playing for a short while, so I'm probably still a bit of a newb, but I've been using only one Fighter who's level 7 now and I've been following the revisited Stalwart Soldier build (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p...&postcount=179) but have been considering swapping out some feats for a few reasons.

The main problem I've been having so far is casters; they totally destroy me. Other enemies can hardly ever get through my AC, but I have hardly any saves and no magic resistance. So the main things I'm considering dropping and swapping out are to increase saves and improve survivability against casters

Mostly I'd just like a thorough overview of each of these feats and how useful they are to an intimitank, with long-term playability in mind. Ratings for each of them would be very helpful.

Feats I'm Thinking of Dropping:
Improved Trip (don't use it very often, seems like it could be used on something else)
Power Attack (too much focus on offense when defense still needs improvement)
Skill Focus: Intimidate (how much more intimidate do I really need?)
Skill Focus: UMD (how useful will this really be?)
Weapon Focus/Specialization Feats (too much focus on offense when defense still needs improvement)
THF Line (too much focus on offense when defense still needs improvement)
Dodge (it is only +1 AC... how useful is that?)

Feats I'm Thinking of Taking:
Lesser Dragonmark of Sentinel (protection from magic seems like it would be helpful)
Luck of Heroes (more saves)
Lightning Reflexes (more saves)
Resilience (+4 to all saves sounds really nice)
Bastard Sword Proficiency (to use with Tower Shield and in combination with THF line if I keep it)
Weapon Focus/Specialization Feats (particularly Focus, to make up for attack penalties from tower shields and stances)
Improved Shield Bash (to use while blocking so I can put out some damage while still taking hits)

All help and advice is appreciated.