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  1. #1
    Community Member drwranck's Avatar
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    Default Jaerlach's progression compilation

    By popular demand, here is a thread dedicated to the progression of the "Jaerlach build" by Junts. This is by no mean my work, and all credits goes to Junts for his hard work and dedication.

    I will start by quoting Junts himself.
    "This isn't a guide. The paladin guide is a guide. This is a build thread, so I try to reflect what it's got. I do have a few paragraphs on initial stat distribution for new players, though. In general, a new player can do alright with this build as long as they spend their early time prioritizing the dps and let the ac come later instead of vice-versa.'

    "This isn't a build for 99.9% of players on here. This is the character I actually play. It's posted to provide ideas and information to people with similar characters, even those lacking some of the equipment, as you can see from Sephi's post. The OP makes it pretty clear you can't just roll this up and play it anymore"
    Last edited by drwranck; 12-20-2010 at 02:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member drwranck's Avatar
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    Default Jaerlach post update 1

    Now updated for Update 1, the infinite self healing tank

    In addition to the elite-quality armor class and ability to intimidate if necessary, the build now incorporate the torc and self-cast healing (150-210 points for cure serious wounds) to function as a mana battery: capable of soloing shavarath quests on elite and self-healing throught Abbot infernos. Grazing hits proc the torc and concordant opposition, so the mana keeps pouring in even when mobs can't break the armor class.

    You'll find things in the following order: basic stats, feats, skills, enhancements, equipment, and ac/sckill breakdowns

    Jaerlach Kesepton, Lawful Good, Human Male
    2 fighter / 18 paladin (fighter levels at 1 and 8)

    Strenght: 32/36 (71 + 5 levels + 3 tome + 1 fighter enh + 6 item, 4 more in stance)
    Deterity: 21 (12 + 2 tome + 7 item)
    Constitution: 24/28 (14 + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 human, 4 more in stance)
    Intelligence: 14 (11 + 3 tome)
    Wisdom: 17 (8 + 3 tome + 6 item)
    Charisma: 28 (14 + 4 tome +2 paly enh + 1 band of Siberys + 7 item)

    Hit pounts: 507 standing; 547 stanced, 20 more with minos legends, 40 more with Yugoloth pot (607 in full hp raid mode, eg while tanking Horoth)
    Spell points: 587


    1: Khopesh
    1f: Power Attack
    1h: Toughness
    3: Dodge
    6: Skill focus: Use Magic Device
    8f: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    9: Combat Extertise
    12: Maximize Spell
    15: Empower Healing Spell
    18: Quicken Spell

    Skill ranks:

    Intimidate: 23
    Use Magic Device: 11
    Balance: 5
    Jump: 8
    Tumble: 3

    Enhancement lines

    The action points for this kind of build are extremely tight; paladins have rough ap, and he tries to get into everything.

    Bulwark of Good 1-4
    Resistance of Good 1-3
    Sovereign Host / Unyielding Sovereignty
    Extra Smiting 1-3
    Exalted Smite 1-2
    Divine Sacrifice 1-2
    Paladin Toughness 1-2
    Human Toughness 1-2
    Paladin Charisma 1-2
    Human adapt and greater adapt
    Fighter Str 1
    Paladin Divine Righteousness
    Paladin Divine Might 1-3
    Fighter Haste Boot 1
    Human Improved Recovery 1-2
    Paladin Extra Lay on Hands 1-3
    Paladin Courage of Good 1
    Paladin Focus of Good 1
    Paladin AC Boost 1
    Paladin Defender of Siberys 1-3
    Paladin Devotion 1-2


    Helm: Beacon of Kira (Minos available when not needing to self-heal)
    Eyes: Mineral 2 Goggles: wizardry 6, 1 charisma skills, +35 hit points, +5 concentration skills, protection +5, heavy fortification
    Neck: Torq of Prince Taiyum, Jorgundal's collar during tower of despair tanking
    Cloak: Concordant Opposition: 10 hit points, 1 strength, 150 spell points, 5 charisma skills, +6 wisdom, etc
    Belt: Belt of the Defender of Siberys (+6 constitution, gfl)
    Hands: Epic Spectral Gloves (+7 dexterity, +4 to hit, +4 resistance), Vile Blasphemy (+6 dexterity, +3 UMD)
    Feets: Gyroscopic Boots of Striding, Kundarak Delving Boots, Firestorm Greaves
    Wrists: Chaosgarde
    Ring1: Chattering Ring
    Ring2: Band of Siberys (+6 strength, +1 exceptional charisma, 20% healing amp)
    Armor: Epic Vambraces of Inner Light (+7 charisma, command, radiance guard, blue +2 max dex, colorless +1 exceptional str)
    Shield: Levik's Defender
    Trinket: Bloodstone/Epic, Head of Good fortune, Litany of the Dead, Mummified Bat


    Mineral2 Khopesh: Holy, Acid Burst, Insight 4
    Lightning2 Khopesh: Holy Shock Burst, Shock Blast

    Equipement is incredibly flexible, with access to swappable boots and necklaces readily available.

    AC breakdown:

    10 base
    15 dragontouched
    9 shield
    2 rituals
    5 protection
    4 insight
    6 aura
    5 dexterity
    2 Chaosgarde
    3 Chattering ring
    1 Dodge feat
    5 Combat Expertise feat
    2 Defender of Siberys 3 set bonus
    4 superior defensive stance

    73 unbuffed

    +3 barkskin
    +1 haste

    77 self-buffed

    +4 bard
    +2 recitation
    +2 barkskin (over pot)

    85 raid buffed


    23 ranks
    15 item
    6 shroud
    9 charisma
    4 greater heroism

    = 57 (61 with Head of Good Fortune and bardsong)

    Use Magic Device:

    11 ranks
    9 charisma
    6 shroud
    4 greater heroism
    3 Skill Focus:UMD feat
    2 "of command"

    = 35 in pure combat mode (raise dead)

    +3 titan gloves
    +2 Head of Good Fortune

    = 40 in UMD swapped mode (nofail heals scroll if called upon)


    Lay on hands with the 32% healing amplification nets 332 a use, at 5 uses + sovereignty + the self-healing, the character can self-heal while tanking some raid bosses for extended periods (I routinely fight whichever of the Judge/Jailor the party's not killing by myself without needing another healer unless the raid's on elite).
    Last edited by drwranck; 12-20-2010 at 01:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Jakarr's Avatar
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    reserved for future commentary
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    D&D promotes gang activity? Ya, because when I meet a bunch of Crypts I obviously assume they are all D20 players.
    What a stupid ruling, we all know that D&D promotes satanism, not gangs.
    In-Game Eldgrim The Gray-FvS Life Now

  4. #4
    Community Member drwranck's Avatar
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    Default Jaerlach post update 6

    This is the first update to this build post in quite a while, because I've been really, really lazy. The changes are fairly significant to what had been in this thread previously, primarily due to the lesser reincarnation to a straight 20 paladin build. However, the build maintains its same functionality: It threat tanks, it's still specced to heal itself, and it's traded what had been a mediocre intimidate for a fairly worthwhile DPS mode.

    Without Denieth marks and enhancements and no fighter enhancements, a low 60s intimidate was fairly irrelevant, and I used threat for pretty much every situation that wasn't groups of trash mobs. With a mid-40s intimidate now, I can still do that and have improved the threat tanking (via capstone and divine sacrifice 3) and dps output considerably. Outside of not evading, this is a really flexible build, and I've enjoyed doing some things on it I hadn't really intended when I planned it out: like thf hate tanking at 70 ac with power attack in easier raids or when faced with really significant DPS characters. Using thf and divine sacrifice, I've been able to out-threat the very best damage dealers in my guild without any kind of head start. I'm still not using my best threat weaponry, either (No shards for epic sos or epic xuum yet), so this's only going to improve going forward.

    This remains a 32 pt build because it is a record of the character I am playing. It could easily be improved as a 34 or 36 pt character, and the statistic layout would certainly be different for other players. However, with a full suite of +3/4 tomes on the character, the benefit of upgrading to a 36 pt build would actually be a statistical loss for 300+ raids. If I were ever to acquire spare tomes of +3 or better in every statistic where I benefit, I would tr twice to a 36 pt character and use them again. However, barring acquiring a whole set from shroud 20s and tod 40ths and the like, I will be staying 32.

    People interested in making this build should consult the very bottom of the post, where I'll discuss what statistical layouts are appropriate for someone who isn't building their statistics around +3 and +4 tomes (especially the +4 charisma tome). I've also chosen not to take divine might 4: I'd need to drop a strength bracket to get it, and I'd rather have 1 hit, 1 damage and spend 0 AP than get 0 hit, 2 damage and spend 4 action points. It simply improves the build more, especially for epic quests, where I'm pretty much able to never turn off power attack. With the change to epic mob to hit, it's also pretty easy to become unhittable for epic trash, though I rarely find this necessary in a good group; its easier to two-hand and kill the held stuff. It is, however, a nice option if something's going badly.

    Jaerlach, Defender of Siberys v 4.0
    Human Paladin 20 (32 pt)

    Str: 38/40 (17 base + 3 tome + 5 lvs + 1 en + 6 item + 4 DoS + 2 yugo + 2 helm)
    Dex: 22 (13 base + 2 tome + 7 item)
    Con: 28 (14 base + 3 tome + 1 except + 6 item)
    Int: 13 (10 base + 3 tome)
    Wis: 17 (8 base + 3 tome + 6 item)
    Cha: 26 (14 base + 4 tome + 6 item + 1 excep + 1 enhancement)Code:

    11 ranks UMD
    11 ranks intimidate
    23 ranks concentration
    7 ranks balance
    1 rank tumble


    1: Toughness
    H: Khopesh
    3: Dodge
    6: Power Attack
    9: Improved crit: slash
    12: Combat Expertise
    15: Maximize Spell
    18: Quicken SpellEquipment layout: Ideal gear

    Note: I have a ton of swap items.

    Eyes: Mineral 2 goggles: wizardry 6, 15 hp, 20 hp, 1 cha skills, 5 con skills, heavy fort, protection +5
    Head: Epic Shining Crest of St Markus (deathblock, gtr healing lore, toughness), Epic Helm of the Red Dragon (magma surge, 7 str, 1 exceptional str), Epic Big Top (3 umd), Epic Chimaera's Crown (Natural Armor +5, slot), epic Helm of the Mroranon (intim 15, slot)
    Neck: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (no need to epic it: it's just a colorless slot)
    Cloak: Concordant Opposition: 10 hp, 1 str skills, 150 sp, 5 cha skills, 6 wisdom
    Belt: Belt of the Defenders of Siberys (6 con, greater false life)
    Hands: Epic Spectral Gloves (7 dex, 4 to hit, ghost touch, resistance +4), 2 sets of Vile Blasphemy for clickies (and +3 umd for only 1 lost AC), seven-fingered gloves for major UMD situations.
    Boots: Epic Kundarak Delving Boots (fom, 1 con), Epic Firestorm Greaves (fire absorb, 1 con), Epic Dustless Boots (striding 30, 1 con), boots of anchoring
    Bracers: Chaosgarde (dodge +2), Epic Bracers of the Hunter (sneak attack +5)
    Ring1: Band of Siberys (6 strength, 1 charisma, healing amplification, 2 ac set bonus)
    Ring2: Chattering ring (dodge +3)
    Trinket: Epic Bloodstone

    Armor: Epic Red Dragonplate: Socketed Greater Nimbleness, +6 charisma

    Shield: Epic Kundarak Warding Shield, socketed +7 ac and Good Luck, Epic Shield of the Scorpion (for gtr spearblock)


    Mineral 2 Khopesh: Insight 4
    Lightning 2 Khopesh: Insight 4

    Epic Sword of Shadows, silvered: main DPS weapon
    Epic Xuum, cold iron: Because making two epic SoS is indulgent, even for a build planning to use like 20 epic items. And a better weapon for fire-vuln mobs.

    Because I don't wish to make a 2handed dual shard weapon that would be replaced by my epic weapons, right now I'm using an epic antique greataxe: Its roughly the same damage output as a mineral2 greataxe vs things that have acid resistance, due to its very high base damage.

    I'll also be making some epic weaponry that isn't essential. I'll make my first epic chaosblade here as a vorpal/high end ac-mode dps weapon for soloing, and I'll probably make an epic dynastic falcata to make it cold iron and have something for tharakk hounds or demons i want to be in ac mode against.

    The helms are interchangable: The shining crest is Minos Legens on steroids, providing greater lore for my healing as well as toughness and a free deathblock. Putting +1 str on the helm of the red dragon means its +2 str to wear it in dps situations, meaning that in straight DPS gear I'll run 40 strength before titan's grip with full sneak attack, seeker, and an epic SoS/xuum that break all raid boss DR. Its not quite the same as the same build as a KOTC, but for a character who's DPS mode is their 3rd priority, it's incredibly good. Its also more flexible than KOTC dps builds against non-outsider damage, making it a more flexible damage-dealer for epic content. Big Top provides a UMD bonus to help make up for the UMD I've shed through giving up Command and my old skill focus: UMD. Chimaera's Crown lets me max out my ac in a rangerless party for nothing but the loss of my toughness, which is rarely required anyway. I have some free colorless slots on a couple helms: I'd probably put +1 wis in them for a few bonus SP, as nothing else seems even a tiny bit useful.

    Especially in tank mode, the saves on this build are incredibly high, well into the range of being meaningless numbers (the buffed numbers are over 40 in every category).

    The AC and skill breakdowns will follow the enhancement layout for those interested in the specifics.

    My enhancements:

    Divine Might 1-3 [6 AP]
    Paladin Cha 1 [2 AP]
    Human Str 1 [2 AP]
    Human Healing Amp 1 [2 AP]
    Bulwark of Good 1-4 [10 AP]
    Resistance of Good 1-3 [6 AP]
    Follower/Sov host [2 AP]
    Unyielding Sovereignty [4 AP]
    Extra Smiting 1-3 [6 AP]
    Exalted Smiting 1-2 [3 AP]
    Divine Sacrifice 1-3 [6 AP]
    Extra Lay on Hands 1-3 [6 AP]
    Defender of Siberys 1-3 [8 AP]
    Paladin Weapons of Good [2 AP]
    Paladin Devotion 1-2 [3 AP]
    Divine Righteousness [1 AP]
    Racial Toughness 1-2 [3 AP]
    Paladin Toughness 1-2 [3 AP]
    Total [75 AP]

    (defender of siberys requirements: 3 AP)
    Focus of Good 1
    Courage of Good 1
    Paladin AC Boost 1I have 2 AP in this setup I have yet to decide where to place. Extra turning 1/energy of the templar 1 or something I guess.

    AC breakdown (base)

    10 base
    16 plate
    06 dexterity
    05 protection
    03 chattering
    02 chaosgarde
    06 own aura
    01 dodge
    02 set
    01 armor alchemical
    04 stance
    05 natural
    04 inspire heroics
    01 haste
    02 recitation
    68 ac base
    THF mode:

    +4 shield wand
    72 ac THF PA modeS/B Modes

    09 shield
    01 shield alchemical
    04 insight
    82 ac s/b PA

    05 combat expertise
    87 ac S/B CE modeAdd 2-3 ac to all these numbers for airshp buffs: I left them off due to the variability of which buffers are available, but my guild always keeps 2 ac buffers around. Right now those 2 make up for the broken recitation effect.


    Skill breakdown:


    11 ranks
    15 item
    6 charisma skills
    8 charisma bonus
    4 greater heroism
    2 luck
    46 intimidate


    11 ranks
    6 cha skills
    8 cha bonus
    4 gh
    29 before swaps
    +3 epic bigtop
    +3-5 assorted glove swaps
    35-37 umd (+3 bunny hat if that's your thing, too). I've been lazy with the hats because I have so many raise

    clickies that I don't really use umd for much besides teleporting and shield wanding anymore.


    New Character advice

    A gear layout that's more modest, especially one that isn't based on the red plate, is a lot easier to do: only 20 dex, not 22, is necessary for even the other epic armors. This makes it easier to go 12 dex and drop to 16 strength to bring charisma to 16 for a new build. It'll also be necessary for those players to find one more point for intelligence, so it might be easier to go to 15 str and keep the 13 dex: then you can hit 20 with regular spectral gloves before you get your epics, too. A 15/13/14/11/8/16 build is probably the way to go for a new 32 pt build.

    If you are a 34 or 36 pointer, you should spend those points bringing back strength. A 16 str is very good (a 34 pt) so that you are back at a bracket with just a +2 tome (putting you 1 tome, 1 base behind me, so just 2 points).This is the kind of build that benefits a lot from doing a lesser reincarnation after you've raided a while and really started to tome twink, since almost everything is based on a minimum-required statistic (dex, int, cha).

    I have no commentary on your action points. Action points are variable and easy to reset. What's best for you will depend on particulars of your equipment and exactly what you're doing at a given time. You need to learn to figure that stuff out yourself. With a character like this, you'll adjust all your AP every time you get a new item or tome to take advantage of AP savings offered by human stat enhancements.

    I have no comments on other racial variants. I think the human healing amplification and feat are very important to doing this particular build. I would not want to make the commitment to 12 con for a drow build. I don't think
    the elven falchion advantage is significant either, since both it and drow bonuses cost a lot of AP that you simply do not have. Human healing amp I + 1 feat + better stat enhancements = win.
    Last edited by drwranck; 12-20-2010 at 01:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member drwranck's Avatar
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    Default Jaerlach post update 8

    Updated: 17 Dec 2010.

    This build is now updated to current, reflecting changes in equipment, paladin access to intimidate, and the transition to a 36 point build.

    People interested in making this build should consult the very bottom of the post, where I'll discuss what statistical layouts are appropriate for someone who isn't building their statistics around +3 and +4 tomes. I've also chosen not to take divine might 4: I'd need to drop a strength bracket to get it, and I'd rather have 1 hit, 1 damage and spend 0 AP than get 0 hit, 2 damage and spend 4 action points. It simply improves the build more, especially for epic quests, where I'm pretty much able to never turn off power attack. With the change to epic mob to hit, it's also pretty easy to become unhittable for epic trash, though I rarely find this necessary in a good group; its easier to two-hand and kill the held stuff. It is, however, a nice option if something's going badly.

    Jaerlach, Defender of Siberys v 4.0
    Human Paladin 20 (36 pt)

    Str: 40/42/44 (18 base + 4 tome + 5 lvs + 1 enh + 6 item + 4 DoS + 2 yugo, and +2 helm swap and +2 ring swap)
    Dex: 22 (12 base + 4 tome + 6 item)
    Con: 22/26 (14 base + 2 tome + 6 item, +4 dos or +2 excep)
    Int: 13 (10 base + 3 tome)
    Wis: 17 (8 base + 3 tome + 6 item)
    Cha: 26 (15 base + 3 tome + 6 item + 1 excep + 1 enhancement)Note: Ship buffs not included in statistics (add 2 to each for all 6 shrines if you wish)


    11 ranks UMD
    23 ranks intimidate
    23 ranks concentration
    6 ranks balance
    1 rank tumble


    1: Toughness
    H: Khopesh
    3: Dodge
    6: Power Attack
    9: Improved crit: slash
    12: Combat Expertise
    15: Maximize Spell
    18: Quicken Spell

    Equipment layout: Ideal gear

    Note: I have a ton of swap items.

    Eyes: Mineral 2 goggles: wizardry 6, 15 hp, 20 hp, 1 cha skills, 5 con skills, heavy fort, protection +5
    Head: Epic Shining Crest of St Markus (deathblock, gtr healing lore, toughness), Epic Helm of the Red Dragon (magma surge, 7 str, 1 exceptional str), Epic Big Top (3 umd)
    Neck: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (no need to epic it: it's just a colorless slot), Epic Hyena-Claw Necklace (15 intim, con 7, toughness), Epic Siren's Charm
    Cloak: Concordant Opposition: 10 hp, 1 str skills, 150 sp, 5 cha skills, 6 wisdom
    Belt: Belt of the Defenders of Siberys (6 con, greater false life) or Colethenis's belt (6 con)
    Hands: Epic Gloves of the Claw (6 str, 5 stacking intim, 30% healing amp), Seven-fingered gloves
    Boots: Epic Kundarak Delving Boots (fom, 6 cha), Epic Firestorm Greaves (fire absorb, 6 cha, greater falselife), Epic Dustless Boots (striding 30, 6 cha), boots of anchoring
    Bracers: Chaosgarde (dodge +2), Epic Bracers of the Claw (heavy fortification, +2 excep con)
    Ring1: Band of Siberys (6 strength, 1 charisma, healing amp or +2 str, dos set bonus), Ring of the Ravager (6 str, 1 str, 2 str, ravager set bonus)
    Ring2: Chattering ring (dodge +3), Epic Ring of Venom (6 dex, sneak attack +4)
    Trinket: Epic Bloodstone, Epic Gem of Many Facets

    Armor: Epic Red Dragonplate: Socketed Greater Nimbleness, +6 dexterity

    Shield: Epic Kundarak Warding Shield, socketed +7 ac and Good Luck,


    Mineral 2 Khopesh: Insight 4
    Lightning 2 Khopesh: Insight 4

    Epic Sword of Shadows, silvered: main DPS weapon

    Epic Chaosblade, silvered: Main threat-tanking weapon

    Major gear swaps:

    Sevenfingered+epic big top is 39 UMD. Ravager ring+belt and ring of venom provide DPS mode, along with Claw Bracers+gloves. In tanking mode, the epic gem of many facets allows continued completion of the claw set bonus (4 damage, 20% threat) as well as completion of the epic Siren's set, providing insight 4 when using either the epic sword of shadow or the epic chaosblade. The chaosblade is, accordingly, a better threat weapon than the mineral2 khopesh by a fair margin. These combine to significantly improve threat-tanking ability. Hyena claw provides intimidate and toughness and can be socketed +1 con to provide 20 additional hit points.

    The helms are interchangable: The shining crest is Minos Legens on steroids, providing greater lore for my healing as well as toughness and a free deathblock. Putting +1 str on the helm of the red dragon means its +2 str to wear it in dps situations, meaning that in straight DPS gear I'll run 40+ strength before titan's grip with full sneak attack, seeker, and an epic SoS that break all raid boss DR. Its not quite the same as the same build as a KOTC, but for a character who's DPS mode is their 3rd priority, it's incredibly good. Its also more flexible than KOTC dps builds against non-outsider damage, making it a more flexible damage-dealer for epic content. Big Top provides a UMD bonus to help make up for the UMD I've shed through giving up Command and my old skill focus: UMD.

    Especially in tank mode, the saves on this build are incredibly high, well into the range of being meaningless numbers (the buffed numbers are over 40 in every category).

    In addition to covering the armor class and damage, the healing amplification is also extremely high: 20% from human, 30% from claw, 20% more from tod ring, 5% from paladin and 10% from the airship buff create 216% healing amplification. With a +2 str ring instead of the healing amp ring, it's a mere 180%. Combining the 85-90 armor class with healing amplification on that level ensures that the waves of exhaustion fix does not make tanking overly difficult.

    The AC and skill breakdowns will follow the enhancement layout for those interested in the specifics.

    My enhancements:

    Divine Might 1-3 [6 AP]
    Paladin Cha 1 [2 AP]
    Human Str 1 [2 AP]
    Human Healing Amp 1-2 [4 AP]
    Bulwark of Good 1-4 [10 AP]
    Resistance of Good 1-3 [6 AP]
    Follower/Sov host [2 AP]
    Unyielding Sovereignty [4 AP]
    Extra Smiting 1-3 [6 AP]
    Exalted Smiting 1-2 [3 AP]
    Divine Sacrifice 1-2 [6 AP]
    Extra Lay on Hands 1-3 [6 AP]
    Defender of Siberys 1-3 [8 AP]
    Paladin Weapons of Good [2 AP]
    Paladin Devotion 1-2 [3 AP]
    Divine Righteousness [1 AP]
    Racial Toughness 1-2 [3 AP]
    Paladin Toughness 1-2 [3 AP]
    Total [76 AP]

    (defender of siberys requirements: 3 AP)
    Focus of Good 1
    Courage of Good 1
    Paladin AC Boost 1I have one left-over action point. I use it on extra turning to have an even number of turns for when divine righteousness and divine might are dual-purposing.

    AC breakdown (base)

    10 base
    16 plate
    06 dexterity
    05 protection
    03 chattering
    02 chaosgarde
    06 own aura
    01 dodge
    02 set
    01 armor alchemical
    04 stance
    05 natural
    04 inspire heroics
    01 haste
    02 recitation
    04 insight
    03 airship buffs
    75 ac base
    THF mode:

    +4 shield wand
    79 ac THF PA modeS/B Modes

    09 shield
    01 shield alchemical
    85 ac s/b PA

    05 combat expertise
    90 ac S/B CE modeAirship buffs make a big difference.


    Skill breakdown:


    23 ranks
    15 item
    6 charisma skills
    8 charisma bonus
    4 greater heroism
    2 luck
    5 gloves of the claw
    2 coinlord feat
    2 bard song
    67 intimidate


    11 ranks
    6 cha skills
    8 cha bonus
    4 gh
    29 before swaps
    +3 epic bigtop
    +5 seven-fingered gloves
    +2 luck
    39 umd swapped around (though there's rarely a need to do that)

    New Character advice

    A gear layout that's more modest, especially one that isn't based on the red plate, is a lot easier to do: only 20 dex, not 22, is necessary for even the other epic armors. This makes it easier to go 12 dex and drop to 16 strength to bring charisma to 16 for a new build. It'll also be necessary for those players to find one more point for intelligence, so it might be easier to go to 15 str and keep the 13 dex: then you can hit 20 with regular spectral gloves before you get your epics, too. A 15/13/14/11/8/16 build is probably the way to go for a new 32 pt build.

    If you are a 34 or 36 pointer, you should spend those points bringing back strength. A 16 str is very good (a 34 pt) so that you are back at a bracket with just a +2 tome (putting you 1 tome, 1 base behind me, so just 2 points).This is the kind of build that benefits a lot from doing a lesser reincarnation after you've raided a while and really started to tome twink, since almost everything is based on a minimum-required statistic (dex, int, cha).

    I have no commentary on your action points. Action points are variable and easy to reset. What's best for you will depend on particulars of your equipment and exactly what you're doing at a given time. You need to learn to figure that stuff out yourself. With a character like this, you'll adjust all your AP every time you get a new item or tome to take advantage of AP savings offered by human stat enhancements.

    I have no comments on other racial variants. I think the human healing amplification and feat are very important to doing this particular build. I would not want to make the commitment to 12 con for a drow build. I don't think the elven falchion advantage is significant either, since both it and drow bonuses cost a lot of AP that you simply do not have. Human healing amp I + 1 feat + better stat enhancements = win.
    Last edited by drwranck; 01-31-2011 at 11:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Irongutz2000's Avatar
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    Default :p

    I group with jear daliy, an he is a NOOB! If wanna know how to build a real pali ask me hahaha j/king of course ...well mostly
    Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.

  7. #7
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    This thread disturbs me.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This thread disturbs me.
    first time a stalker builds a shrine for/with you?
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  9. #9
    Community Member LordSemaj's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This thread disturbs me.
    As it would any sane poor soul having it happen to them.

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