The topic title is basically the question. Why should I become a Ninja Spy?
As s precursor, I have just leveled my first monk to level 6 and chose to take the ninja spy prestige. My monk build is a dark path monk (obviously) that's mainly build for strength and wisdom - I am going for a stunning theme. Now I have tried the ninja spy for some time and here's my impression.
1. Shortswords as Ki weapons: Why? Really, that's it. In what scenario would I ever prefer a shortsword over my handwraps? I have not yet found one.
2. +2 balance, hide, move silently: While balance is a good skill both hide and move silently are not really party compatible.
3. 1d6 sneak attack damage: That's a nice one.
4. 10% faster sneak: Still too slow to keep up with your party.
5. +1 Ki regeneration: I misread that one and assumed I would get a flat +1. Well, no, it only gets applied while sneaking. I have used this ability rarely since, once again, sneaking with a party is not that much fun.
6. Shadow Fade: Nice, but the party wizard usually applies the same effect and its in effect for more than a minute. The ghost portion was fun to play around with but ultimately it's a Ki based invisibility potion. On the other hand, this counts as a dark move....which does what?
So basically for my investment of 8 enhancement points (Jump 2, Tumble 2, PrE) and a feat (Dodge) I would not have taken otherwise I get 1d6 sneak damage and +2 balance PLUS a few abilities that won't really see play. I can see how it would be somewhat better when soloing, but I don't think that's such a big improvement, to be honest. Is there anything about the ninja spy that I'm missing? Any special tricks on how to get the most out of this prestige class? At the moment I'm really inclined to just respec the enhancements and maybe swap out dodge.