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  1. #1
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Default Consumer's Max DPS Fighter


    There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever - Thomas Edison

    After playing with DPS calcs and testing things in game I have decided that this will be the final DPS build I will roll.

    It has max slashing DPS, is able to use glancing blows to increase damage when surrounded, can use stunning blow and high strength to incapacitate mobs, can use heavy picks for autocrit, can use warhammers and mauls to kill undead, has high to hit with both THF and TWF while being able to maintain a high attack speed for 6 and a half minutes of continuous combat.

    A thread by Shade was the original inspiration for the build - - it obviously has to be changed to actually provide what the OP promised and to work in current content.

    Having originally posting this in the builds forum (and receiving no replies) I have tweaked the feat choice and stats to suit the new toon it is meant for.

    20 Fighter

    Stats - 34 pt

    Strength - 20
    Dexterity - 15
    Constitution - 16
    Intelligence - 6
    Wisdom - 8
    Charisma - 6


    1 - TWF
    3 - PA
    6 - Toughness
    9 - ITWF
    12 - GTWF
    15 - Stunning Blow
    18 - WF: Blunt

    1 - WF: Slashing
    2 - THF
    4 - WS: Slashing
    6 - ITHF
    8 - IC: Slashing
    10 - GWF: Slashing
    12 - GWS: Slashing
    14 - GTHF
    16 - Quick Draw
    18 - SWF: Slashing
    20 - WS: Blunt


    Fighter Attack Boost III
    Fighter Extra Action Boost II
    Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Fighter Weapon Alacrity
    Kensei Greatsword Mastery III
    Fighter Critical Accuracy III
    Fighter Kensei III
    Fighter Greatsword Specialization II
    Orcish Extra Action Boost III
    Orcish Melee Damage II
    Orcish Power Attack III
    Orcish Strength II
    Fighter Strength III


  2. #2
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    16 base
    7 item
    4 tome
    3 exceptional
    = 30 unbuffed
    2 rage
    4 madstone
    = 36 sustained


    The builds biggest weakness, with all the enhancements and the majority of it's 18 feats dedicated to DPS the HP falls short. However as the toon was originally meant for a Blitz build it has a Barb past life for an extra 10 HP. It will still spend most of its time with mid 500s HP. I will point out it is not a tank, it gets more damage from not having agro due to Tharne's and will not be tanking raids unless desperate.

    200 Fighter
    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Draconic Vitality
    30 GFL
    260 Con
    10 Barb Past life
    22 Toughness
    = 552 HP
    40 Double madstone
    40 yugo pot
    = 632 HP
    45 Greensteel
    = 677 HP


    20 base
    5 levels
    4 tome
    6 item
    3 exceptional
    2 HO strength
    3 Fighter
    3 Profane abashai
    = 46 unbuffed
    8 power surge
    2 rage
    2 madstone
    2 yugo pot
    2 guild shrine
    = 62 str sustained
    6 psionic
    2 double madstone
    4 Barb past life
    = 74 burst
    3 house d potion
    2 store pot
    = 79 maxed

    To hit

    These numbers show potential, not application.

    Epic SoS

    20 BaB
    10 Weapon
    26 Strength (62 STR)
    2 Shintao
    4 Weapon Focus
    2 Mastery
    = 64 to hit
    -8 PA
    = 56 to hit
    5 Backstabbing
    2 Flanking
    = 63 to hit
    8 Inspire Courage (morale)
    2 Inspire Greatness (competence)
    1 Haste (enhancement)
    3 divine favor (luck)
    = 77 to hit
    4 attack boost
    = 81 to hit
    2 Frenzied Berserker set
    2 Epic spectral (4 competence)
    2 Litany
    = 87 to hit
    8 burst STR (79)
    = 95 to hit with PA on
    -4 moving
    = 91 to hit

    Picks / Warhammers

    20 BaB
    5 Weapon
    26 Strength (62 STR)
    2 Shintao
    = 53 to hit
    -8 PA
    -4 TWF
    = 41 to hit
    5 Backstabbing
    2 Flanking
    = 48 to hit
    8 Inspire Courage (morale)
    2 Inspire Greatness (competence)
    1 Haste (enhancement)
    3 Divine Favor (luck)
    = 61 to hit
    4 attack boost
    = 65 to hit
    2 Frenzied Berserker set
    2 Epic spectral (4 competence)
    2 Litany
    = 71 to hit
    8 burst STR (79)
    = 79 to hit with PA on
    -4 moving
    = 75 to hit


  3. #3
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    The reason this build has both TWF and THF chains is to maximise DPS under all circumstances. The most common hole most people like to dig at is the DPS of a build is only maximised under favourable circumstances. It is often claimed that Barbs have a distinct advantage over FIghters in that they do not lose damage when swapping to another weapon type. However due to a lack of feats and already lower DPS this does not help them. A Fighter can take both TWF and THF to maximise not only single target DPS but aoe DPS as well.

    I will be posting DPS for multiple situations, each with a different gear set.

    Pit fiend - 50% fort - 0 DR with Red Augment Crystal of Devil's Ruin (68 STR over 1 minute) - THF Twitch

    1 minute max - 523 DPS

    Pit fiend - 50% fort - 15 DR (68 STR over 1 minute)

    1 minute max - 481 DPS

    Head - Epic Helm of Frost
    Goggles - Tharne's Goggles -;s_Goggles.jpg
    Trinket - Litany of the dead -
    Necklace - Shintao Cord -
    Body - Epic Marilith Chain -
    Cloak - Epic Envenomed Cloak -
    Belt - Colethenis's Belt -
    Bracers - Epic Bracers of the Claw -
    Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw -
    Ring - Ring of the Ravager -
    Ring - Kyosho's Ring -
    Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion -

    Weapon -

    Trash - 0% fort - 0 DR (62 STR over 5 minutes) - THF Twitch

    5 minutes - 667 DPS

    Trash - 2 targets - 0% fort - 0 DR (62 STR over 5 minutes) - THF

    5 minutes - 676 DPS

    Trash - 3 targets - 0% fort - 0 DR (62 STR over 5 minutes) - THF

    5 minutes - 765 DPS

    Head - Epic Helm of Frost
    Goggles - Tharne's Goggles -;s_Goggles.jpg
    Trinket - Epic Bloodstone -
    Necklace - Shintao Cord -
    Body - Epic Red Dragonscale Robe -
    Cloak - Epic Envenomed Cloak -
    Belt - Colethenis's Belt -
    Bracers - Epic Bracers of the Claw -
    Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw -
    Ring - Ring of the Ravager -
    Ring - Kyosho's Ring -
    Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion -

    Weapon -

    Trash - autocrit - 0% fort - 0 DR (62 STR over 5 minutes) - TWF

    5 minutes - 1516 DPS

    Head - Epic Helm of Frost
    Goggles - Tharne's Goggles -;s_Goggles.jpg
    Trinket - Epic Bloodstone -
    Necklace - Shintao Cord -
    Body - Epic Red Dragonscale Robe -
    Cloak - Epic Envenomed Cloak -
    Belt - Knost's Belt -
    Bracers - Epic Bracers of the Claw -
    Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw -
    Ring - Encrusted Ring -
    Ring - Kyosho's Ring -
    Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion -

    Main hand - lit II heavy pick
    Off hand - lit II heavy pick

    Epic Velah - 0% fort - 0 DR (62 STR over 5 minutes) - THF Twitch

    5 minutes - 657 DPS

    Head - Epic Helm of Frost
    Goggles - Tharne's Goggles -;s_Goggles.jpg
    Trinket - Litany of the dead -
    Necklace - Shintao Cord -
    Body - Epic Marilith Chain -
    Cloak - Epic Envenomed Cloak -
    Belt - Colethenis's Belt -
    Bracers - Epic Bracers of the Claw -
    Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw -
    Ring - Ring of the Ravager -
    Ring - Kyosho's Ring -
    Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion -

    Weapon -

    Epic Queen Lailat - 0% fort - 0 DR with Red Augment Crystal of Demon's Ruin (62 STR over 5 minutes) - THF Twitch

    5 minutes - 657 DPS

    Epic Queen Lailat - 0% fort - 20 DR (62 STR over 5 minutes) - THF Twitch

    5 minutes - 601 DPS

    Head - Epic Helm of Frost
    Goggles - Tharne's Goggles -;s_Goggles.jpg
    Trinket - Litany of the dead -
    Necklace - Shintao Cord -
    Body - Epic Marilith Chain -
    Cloak - Epic Envenomed Cloak -
    Belt - Colethenis's Belt -
    Bracers - Epic Bracers of the Claw -
    Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw -
    Ring - Ring of the Ravager -
    Ring - Kyosho's Ring -
    Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion -

    Weapon -
    Last edited by Consumer; 12-18-2010 at 03:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    20 Fighter

    Stats - 32 pt

    Strength - 20
    Dexterity - 15
    Constitution - 15
    Intelligence - 6
    Wisdom - 8
    Charisma - 6


    1 - TWF
    3 - PA
    6 - Toughness
    9 - ITWF
    12 - GTWF
    15 - Stunning Blow
    18 - Toughness

    1 - WF: Slashing
    2 - THF
    4 - WS: Slashing
    6 - ITHF
    8 - IC: Slashing
    10 - GWF: Slashing
    12 - GWS: Slashing
    14 - GTHF
    16 - Quick Draw
    18 - SWF: Slashing
    20 - IC: Piercing

    32pt DPS

    Trash - lit II GS, no ToD sets, 52 STR - 446 DPS
    Harry - 345 DPS

    Trash - khop specced - 519 DPS
    Harry - khops - 375


    From level 1-12 use a Carnifex, once you have GTWF switch to Khopesh. Greensteel Khops out DPS Greensteel Two handers.

    Twitch, a lot.

    Delay PA enhancements to help keep to hit maxed while leveling.

    Max haste boost asap.

    While zerging runs to level up ~8 haste boosts will be good enough for most quests. This means you can take toughness enhancements instead of EAB.

    Do not swap from weighted weapons to heavy picks after using stunning blow.

    Learn which mobs have which DR and what is required to break it.

    If possible always be flanking a mob.

    Do not twitch on the spot, keep moving a round the mob to make sure it is between you and the rest of its friends.
    Last edited by Consumer; 12-20-2010 at 10:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Very interesting build. Does the 32 point have different feats or is that a typo?

    I'm curious about taking TWF and THF though, as well as the Blunt spec feats. Whilst undoubtedly they'll give more DPS, how much more realistically once you start using eSOS? Do you really think this is better than taking a few more Toughness feats?

  6. #6
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    if this build is max dps then why would you include backstab and possibly even flanking bonus to hit? you talking about the 1st millisecond of melee before you take agro?

  7. #7
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold_Stele View Post
    Very interesting build. Does the 32 point have different feats or is that a typo?

    I'm curious about taking TWF and THF though, as well as the Blunt spec feats. Whilst undoubtedly they'll give more DPS, how much more realistically once you start using eSOS? Do you really think this is better than taking a few more Toughness feats?
    Different feats.

    On a 32 pt your likely to have less gear and therefore less HP, as the HP is already borderline at max the extra toughness feats will help a lot.

    Each time you hit stunning blow with TWF the mob makes 2 saves, when your offhand is a stunning +10 warhammer that extra save is worth a lot of damage.

    During autocrit TWF with picks far out damages THF.

    There are plenty more situations which favour TWF endgame.

  8. #8
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mystafyi View Post
    if this build is max dps then why would you include backstab and possibly even flanking bonus to hit? you talking about the 1st millisecond of melee before you take agro?
    Because hate tanks and ingimpitanks are often used in raids.

    You will not always be the first one to get to a mob especially with a Fighters lack of movement speed boosts.

    When tanking you would swap to lightning strike goggles.
    Last edited by Consumer; 12-19-2010 at 10:09 AM.

  9. #9
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    Default esos autocrit dps

    how much dps u gain from switching to picks on a GS spec'd fighter on autocrit mobs?
    or simply wat dps a esos fighter do on autocrit trash?

  10. #10
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baii View Post
    how much dps u gain from switching to picks on a GS spec'd fighter on autocrit mobs?
    or simply wat dps a esos fighter do on autocrit trash?
    ~400 DPS, I'll give a proper figure tomorrow.

  11. #11
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Does this beat the barbarian max DPS you posted in the barb thread? Oh, and this build seems to have too low HP to be much use, I understand that it's supposed to be MAX DPS, but it doesn't seems to be practical as a 'everyday' play build.

  12. #12
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    You base the builds on Horc. Would Halfling (guile) or Helf (rogue diletante for +3d6 SA damage) do a lot lower?
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

  13. #13
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baii View Post
    how much dps u gain from switching to picks on a GS spec'd fighter on autocrit mobs?
    or simply wat dps a esos fighter do on autocrit trash?
    Apparently its more than enough to sacrifice a decent amount of potential HP to pick up more than one style.

    I favor specing into one style and using a bunch of toughness for HP. If anyone complains that I am twitching with an eSOS instead of using heavy picks in autocrit situations, they got issues, heh. I like having use of my feats all of the time. In a double spec situation, you arent using half your feats situationally. In a single weapon spec + multi toughness for HP build you use all of your feats *most of the time. When you are NOT using them you are equipping a blunt weapon to hammer on skellys.

    If I was so worried about maxing for autocrit, I would build a str based assassin heavy pick speced. Thats pretty much your max DPS build, if we are ignoring HP. Would spec for khopesh, as theres no need to spec for picks on a rogue when you hit on a 2 in autocrit anyhow.
    Last edited by Chai; 12-19-2010 at 10:40 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  14. #14
    Community Member Wraith_Sarevok's Avatar
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    Oh it's too much! I can't stop laughing!

    So it's not bad enough that you completely rip off Shade's title format and replace his name with your own, but you have to quote THOMAS EDISON (omg...) and add lots of pretty colors to make sure you get everyone's attention.

    But enough fun and games, let's look at the problems with this concept. First of all, it claims it's not a tank, so not fun at all to play in ToD or VoD. When an emergency tank is needed, you'll have to switch toons. But then again, my THF WF Evasion Kensai tanks both all the time on any difficulty level with 659 unbuffed HP, so I have no idea why the OP says it can't tank. My guess is he's never tanked either of these quests.

    What's with the odd ability scores? Obviously the OP has never found a +4 tome in his life. He will be forced to either True Reincarnate to make them even or permanently glue some gear to his back. It either results in wasted effort/time or wasted versatility. They will be unable to use Silver Flame potions until they acquire +4 tomes for their stats, so 100% dependent on healers. The build is completely gimped in skills with 0 to spend on anything. Balance, Spot, and Tumble are three of the most useful skills to melee with Haggle being nice for making more cash off vendors. Have fun getting knocked down for MINUTES when fighting Mariliths and Air Elementals!

    It takes BOTH TWF and THF chains. What a waste! Choose a fighting style and stick with it. You miss out on tons of HP and have to grind a ridiculous number of hours to acquire these weapons. Is it really worth it to do a few more points of damage for 5 minutes? Quick Draw is a wasted feat, I don't need to go into how much more useful 20 HP is than erasing 2 seconds of boost delay that's subject to lag. Honestly, stop gimping and punishing yourself for no practical reason.

    The gear layout is flawed. The Abishai sets are completely worthless as they take up 3 good slots and only provide profane bonuses. Hezrou cookies are your friends! They completely outdo the profane bonus on that set for 1 minute and can be maintained in stacks of 100. Meanwhile, you free up slots for Epic Red Dragon Helm (Augment: Resistance +4), Madstone Boots, and a 45 HP Green Steel cloak with a guard for even more HP and versatility.

    The real killer is the claims he makes. This is NOT the max DPS. I took one glance at the layout and the words, "5 minutes," summed up why it doesn't work. It can't be sustained for longer than 5 minutes, whereas Barbarians can go 40+ minutes of permanent rage and near-equal maintainable DPS levels.

    This build might very well be the highest burst DPS that a Fighter can reach, I don't deny that possibility. But it will always be inferior in HP, DPS, and versatility when compared to a Barbarian. In the end, I outstrip this build in any role you can name just by extending Shade's original Frenzied Berserker concept.

    You're not Shade. You can never BE Shade. If you had any concept of what he was trying to do, you'd be extending his original build, not walking all over it with a Fighter mock-up. If you actually read between the lines, he's saying a Fighter has to give up tons of HP to achieve the same levels of DPS that a Barbarian can reach. Try reading his posts sometime and you'd see that he actually knew the mechanics inside and out. He actually proved his claims by going out and testing them in the field before posting video feedback.

  15. #15
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Ok I just need to chime in to ask a question I have.

    Consumer, I have seen many of your posts stating "str sustained" and then you go on to list things such as :

    8 power surge
    2 rage
    2 madstone
    2 yugo pot
    2 guild shrine.

    How in the world are those all "sustainable"? +8 power surge. Ok how many do you have? the guild shrine? Isn't that an hour at a time? Things like that.

    I'm not here to rip on you or any of your builds ( see enough people trying to do that to you to begin with ) just asking questions I'm very confused about.
    Last edited by dredre9987; 12-20-2010 at 01:30 AM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    Does this beat the barbarian max DPS you posted in the barb thread? Oh, and this build seems to have too low HP to be much use, I understand that it's supposed to be MAX DPS, but it doesn't seems to be practical as a 'everyday' play build.
    Yes it does beat it, no the build is not for everyone.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feithlin View Post
    You base the builds on Horc. Would Halfling (guile) or Helf (rogue diletante for +3d6 SA damage) do a lot lower?
    Half Orc gives:

    4 strength
    3 haste boosts
    3 PA
    4 THF damage

    A fundamental part of my play style is that I am the first into a room and the first out. SA has limited use to me, I will use Tharne's because their after often situations when you do not have agro and there is nothing better to put in that slot for the majority of the time.

    Both Halflings and HE provide lower DPS, not only against trash but against fort, autocrit e.c.t.

  18. #18
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    The ignorant strike again

    Quote Originally Posted by Wraith_Sarevok View Post
    Oh it's too much! I can't stop laughing!

    So it's not bad enough that you completely rip off Shade's title format and replace his name with your own, but you have to quote THOMAS EDISON (omg...) and add lots of pretty colors to make sure you get everyone's attention.
    Why would someone use a similar format to Shade?

    Maybe because it is recognisable, maybe it is easy to read.

    Why would someone use a quote to describe their build?

    the brain of science - in ddo the number cruncher and the min maxer - me

    so fearful in its potentialities - in this case possibly the best DPS build in DDO

    and so abandon war forever - rather than to stop people playing DDO, to encourage the use of better builds through beating their builds


    To break up blocks of text, to make it easier to distinguish between different sections of the build and easier to read.

    But enough fun and games, let's look at the problems with this concept. First of all, it claims it's not a tank, so not fun at all to play in ToD or VoD. When an emergency tank is needed, you'll have to switch toons. But then again, my THF WF Evasion Kensai tanks both all the time on any difficulty level with 659 unbuffed HP, so I have no idea why the OP says it can't tank. My guess is he's never tanked either of these quests.
    I never said it couldn't tank:

    I will point out it is not a tank, it gets more damage from not having agro due to Tharne's and will not be tanking raids unless desperate.
    As usual your inability to read lets you down.

    I tanked VoD with it today at 16 when the tank was too weak.

    What's with the odd ability scores? Obviously the OP has never found a +4 tome in his life. He will be forced to either True Reincarnate to make them even or permanently glue some gear to his back. It either results in wasted effort/time or wasted versatility. They will be unable to use Silver Flame potions until they acquire +4 tomes for their stats, so 100% dependent on healers. The build is completely gimped in skills with 0 to spend on anything. Balance, Spot, and Tumble are three of the most useful skills to melee with Haggle being nice for making more cash off vendors. Have fun getting knocked down for MINUTES when fighting Mariliths and Air Elementals!
    You don't have a haggle Bard then lol. With 1 skill point to sue per level it goes into balance, spot is useful mostly for a persons first few toons where they are unaware of locations where hidden mobs are grouped, tumble is almost useless lol.

    Nowadays we have this thing called a guild airship. Now on this airship there are shrines that give bonuses to stats, these shrines can be used to balance these stats over sacrificing build points.

    It takes BOTH TWF and THF chains. What a waste! Choose a fighting style and stick with it. You miss out on tons of HP and have to grind a ridiculous number of hours to acquire these weapons. Is it really worth it to do a few more points of damage for 5 minutes? Quick Draw is a wasted feat, I don't need to go into how much more useful 20 HP is than erasing 2 seconds of boost delay that's subject to lag. Honestly, stop gimping and punishing yourself for no practical reason.
    Yes we've already seen your knowledge on quick draw in the Barb forum, you didn't even know what the feat did until recently and I doubt you have tested it.

    You know nothing about DPS or apparently about building optimal toons, why don't you post your build up so I can have a look at it.

    The gear layout is flawed. The Abishai sets are completely worthless as they take up 3 good slots and only provide profane bonuses. Hezrou cookies are your friends! They completely outdo the profane bonus on that set for 1 minute and can be maintained in stacks of 100. Meanwhile, you free up slots for Epic Red Dragon Helm (Augment: Resistance +4), Madstone Boots, and a 45 HP Green Steel cloak with a guard for even more HP and versatility.
    You realise mad stone boots have a clicky on them, well when you acquire multiple pairs you can use multiple clickies and do not need to keep them on to sustain +2 strength. The Epic slots on the 3 items are worth more than +7 str is.

    The real killer is the claims he makes. This is NOT the max DPS. I took one glance at the layout and the words, "5 minutes," summed up why it doesn't work. It can't be sustained for longer than 5 minutes, whereas Barbarians can go 40+ minutes of permanent rage and near-equal maintainable DPS levels.
    This is max DPS, I proved that with multiple postings of numbers, you are apparently saying that Fighters cannot achieve max DPS because they do not have the duration that a Barbarian can achieve. This is a stupid and naive idea.

    This build might very well be the highest burst DPS that a Fighter can reach, I don't deny that possibility. But it will always be inferior in HP, DPS, and versatility when compared to a Barbarian. In the end, I outstrip this build in any role you can name just by extending Shade's original Frenzied Berserker concept.
    Except in most quests you don't. Most quests do not require more than 13 haste boosts (looking at ~8 from shrine to shrine most of the time) so in the majority this build cleans you out in every single situation.

    You're not Shade. You can never BE Shade. If you had any concept of what he was trying to do, you'd be extending his original build, not walking all over it with a Fighter mock-up. If you actually read between the lines, he's saying a Fighter has to give up tons of HP to achieve the same levels of DPS that a Barbarian can reach. Try reading his posts sometime and you'd see that he actually knew the mechanics inside and out. He actually proved his claims by going out and testing them in the field before posting video feedback.
    Why would I want to be Shade, a poster biased to one class and unable to accept facts presented to him.

    While Shade posts proof, I post proof, you post nothing of worth lol.

    As proved in my Barb thread (one of my Barb threads sorry) I have capped 2 Barbs and am more than capable on providing far better advice than you.

    I thought you would have learned in the Barb thread that you should not argue with me but I guess not.

  19. #19
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post

    8 power surge
    2 rage
    2 madstone
    2 yugo pot
    2 guild shrine.
    13 power surges is 13 minutes of boosts back to back

    Rage is provide by a caster or in pots

    madstone comes from boot clickies

    yugo come in pots and have a long duration

    if your in a quest for more than an hour something's up

  20. #20
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    The ignorant strike again
    When you say this kind of stuff, it indicates you are not ready for actual debate on the internet. If you are going to post an absolute, you should be ready for criticism of the same. In some cases, these people are correct. Name calling will turn your thread into a troll fest, which is what alot of these DPS threads become anyhow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    Why would someone use a similar format to Shade?

    Maybe because it is recognisable, maybe it is easy to read.

    Why would someone use a quote to describe their build?

    the brain of science - in ddo the number cruncher and the min maxer - me

    so fearful in its potentialities - in this case possibly the best DPS build in DDO

    and so abandon war forever - rather than to stop people playing DDO, to encourage the use of better builds through beating their builds
    A str based khopesh assassin who uses heavy picks in autocrit still puts this to bed early sans dinner in most situations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    I never said it couldn't tank:
    Actually you pretty much did, saying someone would need to be desperate to have you tank. With middeling 500s for HP you dont have to say this. It is true anyhow. My bard has more HP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    As usual your inability to read lets you down.
    There it is again. Not being ale to disagree without having to insinuate the other person doesnt know whats up due to lacking some basic skill fails when speaking to people with 25 years of game experience. We have seen just about every type of "pun pun" build imaginable, read all the claims about max DPS, /grin each time we see them, and the minute we show you otherwise you feel this need to come back with insults. Insults dont change facts. You can insult Thomas Edison all you want, the lights are sill on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    I tanked VoD with it today at 16 when the tank was too weak.
    I tanked VOD on 400 HP hate tanks at level 14 some odd years ago. Its not exactly the test of uberness nowdays. When you are tanking horoth on elite we can have this quaint little conversation about tanking.

    Right now we are talking about a ~3 year old quest as a test for a modern build. VOD has been SOLOED on elite. I have seen multiple summoned oozes tank VOD in the past, ROFL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    Nowadays we have this thing called a guild airship. Now on this airship there are shrines that give bonuses to stats, these shrines can be used to balance these stats over sacrificing build points
    I love it when I see ship buffs in builds, and /grin each time I see it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    Yes we've already seen your knowledge on quick draw in the Barb forum, you didn't even know what the feat did until recently and I doubt you have tested it.
    We were using quickdraw in this game back in 2007. It is not a new concept. Get over thinking that you somehow brought this to the table and no one knew about it before hand. It has been a well known feat in alot of builds for years. You have brought this up in 4 threads now. Give it a rest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    You know nothing about DPS or apparently about building optimal toons, why don't you post your build up so I can have a look at it.
    A rogue weilding light hammers takes your aggro, hilarity ensues.

    There are plenty of str based assassin khopesh builds up. If they maxed str and took khopesh and 20 rogue levels and assassin 1-3, they already put a clown suit on anything a barbarian or fighter are doing in DPS land in what you call "the most common situaions". Anything else I could add would be icing on the cake. Does a football team whose already winning by 50+ points need to score another touchdown? Rogues are up by as much as 65% in 0 fort situations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    You realise mad stone boots have a clicky on them, well when you acquire multiple pairs you can use multiple clickies and do not need to keep them on to sustain +2 strength. The Epic slots on the 3 items are worth more than +7 str is.
    Yes, yes madstone, like quickdraw, have been around now for a LOOOOOONG time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    This is max DPS, I proved that with multiple postings of numbers, you are apparently saying that Fighters cannot achieve max DPS because they do not have the duration that a Barbarian can achieve. This is a stupid and naive idea.
    Only when hasted, which is a short period of time. Again you are bantering arguements from past threads.

    Once that haste burst runs out, fighters get behind barbs in the DPS line. I would rather have 30 minutes of sustainable DPS than some 20 second party poppers that last ~ 7 minutes.

    When a rogues haste party poppers run out, they still take this build to bed. They also have almost as many HP, heh. Mine has ~525.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    Except in most quests you don't. Most quests do not require more than 13 haste boosts (looking at ~8 from shrine to shrine most of the time) so in the majority this build cleans you out in every single situation.
    Rogues still W7F PWN, in a very similar situation. Haste boosts run out and they still have this like a baby. Even mechanics who do ~91% assassin DPS got fighters and barbarians on lock D.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    Why would I want to be Shade, a poster biased to one class and unable to accept facts presented to him..
    Shade understood numbers based banter to be just that. He understood that people will always show the numbers for the most favorable case scenario their build will face and gloss over all else. He posted videos while you banter numbers. Application proves numbers based theory. Sans application, your builds are but a simple math excersise. Application is just better. You want to prove yourself better in 100% ort situations? Beat down the portal faster than he did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    While Shade posts proof, I post proof, you post nothing of worth lol. ..
    Here you go again. Someone disagrees with you so they have nothing of worth? This is why these DPS threads end up being "extra special."

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    As proved in my Barb thread (one of my Barb threads sorry) I have capped 2 Barbs and am more than capable on providing far better advice than you...
    I had capped multiple barbs in 2007. You need to drop the whole "better than you" thing. And while youre at it numero two, please hike up your skirt and do a fancy curtsy when assassins walk past. They still got 65% on this. /rolls the drums as the assassin parade marches down main street.

    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    I thought you would have learned in the Barb thread that you should not argue with me but I guess not.
    Only in your imagination, do you "win" these fun little internet debates you disagree with people in. In reality, we are playing a game, not doing math problems. You just put all your eggs in one basket. When horoth turns around and /winks at you for 600+ points of damage, your awesome DPS just went from second best to last place. He gets a bunch of HP back, and the raid has a chance of failing. Theres a reason why fighters build HP into the equation. Some people dont like to get all their TOD completions on normal, and claim they are max DPS while pushing all the easy buttons to avoid real danger.
    Last edited by Chai; 12-20-2010 at 08:20 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

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