Hello, i got a level 9 Dark monk
I usually use the Wind strike that does 2d6 damage and uses 6 Ki with the Dark strike that does 1d20 damage (1-50 on critical) and uses 10 Ki.
I also use the 25% Displacement of the Ninja Spy 1.
Stunning Fist - At 15 Ki, usually too high. And whenever I do use it, it doesn't seem to work or be effective. I read somewhere that they don't work with red name bosses, which are one of the only times that i would need them. Because they havn't been working, i use them less and less, so I can't tell for sure.
Finishing moves - They don't seem strong enough. They don't deal damage.
Different elemental paths: Is it possible to use i.e. water and air strikes in wind stance? Or am i only allowed to use wind strike?
Void strike - Whats the use of 1-4 force damage ?