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  1. #1
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    Default Why Stonedust Handwraps are fail, in my opinion.

    Why Stonedust Handwraps are fail, in my opinion.

    Put simply, combined with the staff makes the stonedust handwraps:

    +4 handwraps of stunning +6 w/ lesser vampirism, flesh to stone on vorpal confirmed crit and while in earth stance chance to proc stoneskin.

    Now, even with the force damage ritiual these still are horrible for dps compared to a +x holy burst handwraps of pure good (plus you can add an icy kit on top of this).

    Devs, aside from the Mabar epic handwraps which are really only good for undead there are still no end-game handwraps available.

    Why do I think they are fail? If they wanted to give us some end-game type handwraps that would be useful for dps when we're not using our epic mabar wraps, then they would have made an item with acid damage, or acid burst damage to combine with the stonedust handwraps to create:

    +4 acid/acid burst handwraps of stunning +6 w/ flesh to stone on vorpal confirmed crit and while in earth stance chance to proc stoneskin.

    Had they been desgined as such, I'm sure people would cry foul because *guess what* they'd be just about on-par with greensteel items.

    But of course, this will never happen. Why do I think they *should* have been designed as such? Put simply, the stonedust handwraps obviously have a "earth" style theme, right? And when you use your Strike of the Enduring what happens on a crit? Oh that's right, you deal extra *acid* damage. Furthermore, what is the debuff ability of Porous Soul? Oh right, again 10% more *acid* damage. See where this is going?

    But apparently to think this creatively and give us some wraps that are competitve for end-game is just out of the question. We clearly need some more nerfs. Ninja Spy III? Out of the question.

    Well, that's my rant. Feel free to point out the flaws in my argument, I'd be glad to hear any feedback from the community. This is just my opinion. There could be some disgruntled monk feelings within this post.

    Last edited by thecreechmmo; 12-18-2010 at 06:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    Why should monks be top DPS as well as being good in so many other ways?

    Wouldn't that be unbalanced?

    I'm not expert on the class and may be wrong in my assumption, but as it stands I'm pretty sure they can get (with a minimum of gear):

    high AC
    high saves
    self healing
    massive spike damage
    excellent maneuvreability

    I think it's just a fluke that devs haven't make them more insanely powerful with gear, because of badly thought out designs, but I think that will change in future when better items become available.

    Monks are ridiculously overpowered and while the idea of having easy button races and classes like warforged and monks available at the DDO store so Turbine can make some money out of the powergamers looking for an edge, there has to be a limit on this blatant imbalance.

  3. #3
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    Hate to be a bubble burster but there not intended to be endgame handwraps. Look at the min lvl and the other items out of the series.

    ON a side note, you souldnt icy burst ANY holyburst handwraps, just plain holy is better due too ring damage not stacking with holy burst twice.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by karnokvolrath View Post
    ON a side note, you souldnt icy burst ANY holyburst handwraps, just plain holy is better due too ring damage not stacking with holy burst twice.
    Noted. Thank you!


  5. #5
    Community Member Malithar45's Avatar
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    Have all the acid damage you want on your "endgame" wraps. Enjoy those 0s on all those devils. :P

  6. #6
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecreechmmo View Post
    Why do I think they are fail? If they wanted to give us some end-game type handwraps that would be useful for dps when we're not using our epic mabar wraps, then they would have made an item with acid damage, or acid burst damage to combine with the stonedust handwraps to create:
    This post is fail.

    Stonedust wraps weren't meant to be end-game wraps.

  7. #7
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    Not sure whats ur Prob i use the Upgraded version with Vampirism on my lvl 20 Monk.I have 2 the Mabar Epic HW that was before U8 my Main Wraps.I crafted me Holy Burst on my Tod Ring and working atm on next Ring to get me Acid Burst on it.I realy like the HW u stun many with Handwraps rest i stun with the Stunning feats,i heal my self all the time with them and with my Light Way feat im possible to double the healing.U Possible to Flesh to stone many Mobs on norm hard and Elite and sometimes in Epic´s.Got 10 Mobs Flesh to Stone in a Epic Chrono.

    It can be better but hey better then nothing^^

  8. #8
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dummeskind View Post
    ... Holy Burst on my Tod Ring and working atm on next Ring to get me Acid Burst on it...
    You sure you don't want shocking burst on that second ring...? Lots of things in end game are immune to acid.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TPICKRELL View Post
    You sure you don't want shocking burst on that second ring...? Lots of things in end game are immune to acid.

    Shocking Burst is the way to go.

    As far as end-game wraps, I really don't see a need. There is so many other ways a monk does excelent damage. At end game, use the Mabar Wraps (light damage plus a light damage version of lightning strike) with 2 TOD rings (Holy Burst/Shocking Burst) and rotating through ki stikes (usually LitIII 2d20, EarthII 12 extra damage, and VoidIII 4d4 force... then adding one of the others if the target is weak against it) and hitting the Smite Tainted Creature every 15 seconds adding twice my wisdom modifier to damage AND most mobs are stunned or incased in jade so I am constantly critting.

    Add in Quivering Palm for insta-kill on most trash.

    Do you REALLY need to do more damage? Even with a dex/wis monk you should be doing SICK damage at end-game.

    If you want to see a bigger first number, go play a Barb....
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecreechmmo View Post
    Why do I think they are fail? If they wanted to give us some end-game type handwraps that would be useful for dps when we're not using our epic mabar wraps, then they would have made an item with acid damage, or acid burst damage to combine with the stonedust handwraps
    Stonedust handwraps are not endgame. Hell, I wouldn't even use them for leveling.
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  11. #11
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    I'm going to have to agree with the OP here.

    I fully realize that the stonedust are not meant for end game use, but the problem is, they aren't even good for use while you are the minumum level to attain them.

    I play a full healing amp clonk. I can attain amp at the 360% range. With fists of light and these wraps, I won't lie the HP gained per hit is nice. The problem is, your damage goes so far down the tubes when you switch to these its not even funny.

    You potentially lose holy burst + pure good + icy burst + force ritual, or similiar wraps, for the ability to gain what, 1-3 hp more per hit? NO thanks ill take my extra 14~15 dmg per hit and much more on crits instead. The ability to self preserve is better served by being able to whallop things in front of you. These wraps cause nothing but death by attrition comparitively.

    Whats worse is, I spent 8 full chain runs of the series, and about 6 runs of eyes of stone in order to make these wraps. Whom actually effect my toon more than most, because of the healing amp to find out they are a gimmick weapon. Do yourself a favor, and just icyburst some wraps of your choice instead.

    Change the effect to vamprism (not lesser) and I think it becomes alot more fair.

  12. #12
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    ...but cant monks get a rediculous line of damage types from assorted burts when they are critting...and dont they have a technique that allows them to auto crit mobs? why do they need even more dps?
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  13. #13
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    I know it's not optimal but I'd still rather have Force burst of Stunning +8/10 with ToD Holy Burst and Shocking Burst rings. There are still a lot of things that are immune to Holy/Holy Burst so why double on useless damage. There much fewer critters that are immune to Force/Force Burst. And hand wraps are the only non-named weapons that have Force/Force Burst on them so take advantage of that. Plus you can add Icy Burst to them as well.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    my endgame wraps were a pair of +4 holy icy burst of bleeding

    i loved those
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  15. #15
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    Made a set with vampirism on them. Had a little play around on them with a capped monk. I quite like them. Certainly not any use at end game but they're going to be a pretty solid favourite when i TR him thats for sure and I think they'll still be a strong contender even for vale content.

    As i take a reasonable wisdom stat the +6 to stunning is plenty sufficient untill inspired quaters/amarath. The 3% chance of a random stun (before save) and the 5% chance of a FtS (before save) means plenty of easy kill mobs outside of the ones from stunning fist. Vampirism will be a very nice bonus as he'll TR as dark path again.

    Not really sure what you'd like from a level 12 set of wraps but I'd say they're pretty sweet now that the FtS DC is 27 despite what the game text says. (17DC)

  16. #16
    Community Member corpman's Avatar
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    look im one of them guys who likes to do soe srious damage but there is no reason monks should get anything to get them more dps. I have a capped dex based monk that can hold aggro over (conservative number) 80% of the tanks on my server an there are a few monks on the server that out dps mine. now dps covered self buffed ac at 75 (still waitin to get some more end ame gear then will be mid 80's self buffed ac). why should any class have the highest ac and very high dps endgame? i think this is aother of those i love this class so much i want it to be made easy for me to have everything threads.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Zectarash's Avatar
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    Is this DC the same for Gorgon Armor? And could someone take a picture of these wraps to post here?
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steveohio View Post
    I'm going to have to agree with the OP here.

    I fully realize that the stonedust are not meant for end game use, but the problem is, they aren't even good for use while you are the minumum level to attain them.

    I play a full healing amp clonk. I can attain amp at the 360% range. With fists of light and these wraps, I won't lie the HP gained per hit is nice. The problem is, your damage goes so far down the tubes when you switch to these its not even funny.

    You potentially lose holy burst + pure good + icy burst + force ritual, or similiar wraps, for the ability to gain what, 1-3 hp more per hit? NO thanks ill take my extra 14~15 dmg per hit and much more on crits instead. The ability to self preserve is better served by being able to whallop things in front of you. These wraps cause nothing but death by attrition comparitively.

    Whats worse is, I spent 8 full chain runs of the series, and about 6 runs of eyes of stone in order to make these wraps. Whom actually effect my toon more than most, because of the healing amp to find out they are a gimmick weapon. Do yourself a favor, and just icyburst some wraps of your choice instead.

    Change the effect to vamprism (not lesser) and I think it becomes alot more fair.

    This whole lordmarch quest line is aimed at newer players, albeit they have to buy the second part to upgrade weapons

    Of course you will lose a bunch by switching from much better handwraps, but newer players(assuming) don't usually have the plat in reserve to get the kind of wraps that really outclass vampiric stonedust, if they don't mind some grind to get their hands on a pair of course. I'm in the same boat as you, I won't be getting these because I'd lose so much per hit too.
    Comes down to money vs grind, I think. Don't have the money? Grind! for something other than money to buy something better.

  19. #19
    Founder Fafnir's Avatar
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    I made a pair up today. Reasonably lacklustre but a nice quest chain.

  20. #20
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astraghal View Post
    high AC
    "High enough to matter" is still challenging to get.

    high saves
    Saves barely matter. FvS and Palis get great saves too. Rogues and Bards get good Reflex, which is the save that actually somewhat matters.

    self healing
    Unless you go for massive healing amp (which only really kicks in towards endgame), it's not enough to do much more than a Pali's Lay on Hands, in terms of self-sufficiency. I get much more healing from pots than from self-healing abilities on my Monk.

    Probably a Monks best advantage. Still, a Barb is likely to have higher DCs. And Barbs have among the highest tanking DPS. And it does nothing vs. Bosses.

    Rogues and Rangers (halfway) get. And Rogues are top DPS.

    massive spike damage
    If you're a Dark Monk. Who otherwise kind of suck compared to Light Monks, currently. And it doesn't actually add much DPS.

    excellent maneuvreability
    Eh, nice to have, but hardly a huge benefit.

    I'm not expert on the class


    easy button [...] classes like [...] monks
    Enough said. Monks are the most challenging class to build well, play well, and gear well.

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