Just as the title says, I'm looking to sell Icy Burst Kits (Recipe 3/4/5 + 300 Motes).
Prices below, although I may be willing to accept other items, just let me know what you have and maybe we can work something out.
90K Plat = 1 Kit
1 Large Devil Scale = 4 Kits (Or 2 Scales = 10 Kits)
2 Large Arrowheads = 1 Kit
10 Major Pots = 1 Kit
1 GS Blank = 3 Kits (Let me know which one you have)
Cloak of ice/Bluefire necklace = 3 Kits
+2 Tome = 2 Kits
1 Tome Page = 2 Kits (Or 20 for a full set)
100 stack of cookies (Hezrou/Titan/White Abishai (or 20 of each color) = 1 Kit
Current stock : 26
I also have a few Glaciation kits (You give me a random weapon and I upgrade it until it has Superior Glaciation 8 on it).
The price is the Equivalent of 10 Icy Burst kits for each item upgraded.
Send me a PM or find me in game (Neorulez/Neoforged/Neofists)