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Thread: Debate this.

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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Debate this.

    Doing a Shroud run and it goes bad in part four. Lots of noobs and a bad leader. It ends up being me and a buddy left alive as the only two melees along with one healer who know how to heal well after round one. I'm certain every other melée in there had very low hp or no fort item or both as fast as they dropped. As my buddy and I never went below half health from the mass cures being thrown by the healers. The other healer took one to the face just before the end of round one.

    Anyway on to the point. After the round two I opened the trade window to give this competent healer a stack of 20 mana pots. I tell him my buddy and I will be able to take Harry down just keep us up and chug as many pots as he needs and let me know if he needs more.

    He responds and says I will but why should we do this. All it's doing is enabling these guys. It let's them know that they can come to a raid with no clue and no gear and vets will just carry them thru raids. He also states the leader hasn't given a single direction and it only shows him that others will run his raids for him. The healer states we can do this but I'd rather you keep your pots and we just run it again with people that want to contribute rather than be carried thru a raid.

    I thought about it for a second. My first thought was it would be cool for us to do it and show off. Then the healers words sunk in and it made more sense not to carry these guys thru just to show off. We could speed run in almost the same amount of time it would have taken to kill off Harry and get everyone up before Harry in round 5 and deal with us just 2 manning Harry again in round 5. So I took his advice and we fought until his mana bar dropped and we died then we dropped group and ran again.

    What would you have done?

    I don't know if there is a right or wrong choice but I'd like to see what the opinions are on the situation.
    Last edited by Disavowed; 12-07-2010 at 03:00 PM.

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