Just curious, what's your DC and what's your experience in elite and epic content with it?
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
well as of right now I am still working on lvling my monk (2nd TR) but right now at lvl 18 I have only been able to test it in vale slayers. My dc right now for it though is 36 will save. When I cap my monk since he is a WF with no cha. His finial dc will be 38. I might try to find a way to get a cha item on him to take away the -2 for his dc.
As of right now though His dc for Kukando his higher than his dc for stunning fist and thats with a +5 to wis mod.
*butting in where not invited*
40 standing, a Jidz seal away from 43.
Works quite nicely in epics against most monsters, casters occasionally save, desert reavers/genies often save.
It's will based, so use your mass hold experience as an indicator how it will land.
Works really great in ToD to handle orthons when beating on sulu. Stun, abundant step, kill orthon, resume dps. Same concept works well in many other situations. Stunning a monster that runs through a trap is really fun.
Overall it's a nice additional CC/DPS asset.
It also has the advantage of single-pulling mobs.
Hit the Coo-coo-ca-choo or w/e you call it on one epic mob in a group of other epic mobs far away? Only the one you stunned will come to you, after its been un-stunned.
Also, stunned devils port straight to you, so its a way to single-pull them if you'd like for some reason, instead of getting 50 Orthons cleaving your hjealer.