Get some sf pots, some fs greeves, and a cloak of ice. Then you wont need a cleric for normal shrouds if the melee are even halfway decent.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Hahahaha! I was Twigz in that Shroud run yesterday, you were killing me! Talking so much smack then dieing in part 4 was hilarious! You said you were gonna solo Harry when most of the melee's died but instead I had to....
Whoever was that last cleric standing with me in part 4, I salute you! Great job at keeping me up to finish the job!
My cleric has just a bit above 2k SP and i manage 3 Rounds of solohealing. While standing right next to Harry so i get the max out of Torq and ConcOp.
Most shrouds i see wipe are due to **** poor Melee Performance.
Dont be afraid to let those die who arent able to survive a Mass Heal Cooldown. They arent worth it.![]()
I am no native english speaker
Other Toons: Siaphas, Kelderian, Kelras, Keldi, Kelmons
AltS- Pugtastic, Pugalicous, Pugnificent, Pugspione, Pugruly.
All proud members of Halfling Commandos
My Clerics use Empowered HealingMass Cure Light, Mass Cure Mod, sometimes Serious (my FVS does not have mass cure Mod so uses light/Serious) I do not use Mass heal in Part 4 in pugs, as the chances are there are people who cant live between Mass Heals if they get DBF. ALso, I like to run around and do other things. I do not use Max or reg empower, and usually don't use quicken unless I am also meleeing.
My FVS/Pure Cleric sit between 380 and 400 and can stand toe to toe with Harry--it's nto about HP--it's about gear. This is why we see 700pt non evasion DPS die in 10 seconds and whom can't live between Mass Heals if they get 2 bad rolls in a row..
Im not of the mind that someone with low HP deserves to die, as many will not have HP gear yet--but really-I REALLY REALLY hate having to rez peopel after part 4 cuz it takes too long as people go afk or ignore you when you ask if they are there.
Last edited by moops; 11-11-2010 at 06:19 PM.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Also answer me this. There were three clerics in that shroud, if all three of them were throwing a cure light at approximately the same time how does a 700hp barbarian die. Something tells me that someone was just standing there with their aura up like a moron... Because if they weren't it's mathematically impossible for me to die.
Did you guys ask who was healing first?
3 healers should not be healing at one time, they should be taking turns--with one spot healing, and the 3rd using their SP for DPS or swinging something at Harry if it is a normal run, and for most hard runs..
If a whole group wipes, it is never one person's fault, it is in fact prob the whole groups fault.
Case in point--I was in a run where I forgot to FOM myself, and the other cleric was healing first, but, he for some reason did not heal, and I ofcourse got held, half the group died, but the other half knew something was wrong and adjusted their tactics and pulled out from Harry, and I got unheld and we finished part 4 in 3 rounds instead of the one round that it shoudlve been--but we were able to finish because of the smart actions of players. BTW this cleric also went AFK in part 5 lol. But we adjusted, and my Battle Cleric did not have to use any resources.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
i find that people who die in part 4 or 5 are the types of players who pull out of the helaing scrum because they are taking a little too much damage for their likes.
when i first started running shroud, i stood on the outside and just alternated mass heals and mass cure serious. Now, I target myself, step in there with my mopg and litII and swing away. when my hps drop, i hit the mass heal hot key and swing away.
So it looks like the problem is either you're skittish or your clerics/fvs's didnt heal. If its the former, i cant help - thats on you; if its the latter, well i say suck it up, pay the repair bill and dont group with them anymore.
I run epics every day.
If you need more than 500 hp in epics then you're doing something terribly wrong. I can't think of a single epic which contains competent players that requires someone have more than 500 hp. If I'm wrong please tell me. There are a few classes in this game that can't even achieve more than 500 hp without gimping themselves ie drow sorcs and/or wizards since neither has class toughness enhancements and drow only contains two tiers. Max hp a drow sorc can achieve is 327. Granted they're not a melee class but the point stands. As a matter of fact somewhere around 400-500 is more than enough, anything else is excessive although it's a nice buffer but saying that you NEED more is hardly the case.
AltS- Pugtastic, Pugalicous, Pugnificent, Pugspione, Pugruly.
All proud members of Halfling Commandos
Sorry that was an exaggerated example. Three people weren't throwing cures at the same time but if they had been the point remains that nobody should die in part 4.
Honestly it wasn't one person's fault it was actually a suboptimal pug group and you're right nobody asked who was healing first. It just seemed to be the group strategy of the healers was to stand as closely to harry, not do anything and expect the auras to keep everyone topped up and occasionally throw a cure light or cure mod.
The fact remains is that too many people are depending upon the aura when it's really... not that great. The aura is probably the most over rated clerical ability in the game. In fact I would even venture to say it's a waste of turns when you have something as amazing as the burst which could easily healing shroud part 4 by itself if it was maximized + empowered + empowered heal'ed.
I'm just tired of the jihad method of healing in any raid and/or quest. I really miss clerics before update 5.
Ummm I never died man, a cleric and I was last men standing in part 4. Twigz is a 20 Fighter. You guys completed, I /death out at 10%....
Xymox- I don't remember 100% who was leading but yeah I think so, there were 3 healers. I remember toward the end of part 5 the leader asked is anyone was not finishing and I said I was gonna /death out and Royal was like YOU BETTER GO NOW and the leader told him not to be a **** and let people get out through a DDoor someone through up. I /death'd out anyway because I've been burned on DDoors before.