Without being too wordy-

There is a Botanical Gardens being planned from the ground up in the town where I went to college (not driving distance from where I currently live). I am a professional Horticulturist- I have a career in Horticulture (or had before the economy went sour). They are specializing in my exact specialty... I love this town, I love my work... I'd give my left whatever to be involved.

Frequently in my business (Public Horticulture) volunteers and employees work side by side- the people who can't commit to a full time job or are simply retired or even in private business in the plant industry often donate their time to efforts that will continue greatness and education in Horticulture. It's very common to have an unpaid volunteer actually be the area's leading expert on Epiphytic Neoregelias and to sit on a Public Garden's scientific committee. It's also common to have Joy Housewife show up because she likes pretty flowers and she can't tell a bud from a root.

I want to get involved in this new conservatory- was looking on their site and there's oodles of stuff I can contribute well to.

How do I "cold-call" these people to let them know I'd like to "volunteer on a professional level" without sounding snotty and full of myself? How do I break the ice? There is no formal volunteer program that I can see, but the website indicates that people are starting to get involved.

I can explain more if need be- I guess I'll leave it at this to start and hear what you guys have to say.