As a premium user, I am currently looking for support on my didn't-get-my-125-Turbine-Points-for-reaching-3000-favor-just-before-TR problem but you need to fill in some information about your credit card and payment method to send an email. Why is this? Is account support only for VIP users? If so, where do I go with my problem? If not, why do you require information for your emails that not all accounts need to have?
As a workaround I submitted an email saying n/a at the required payment fields and paypal as a payment method (which is true now but at the time I was a free user). This was about a week ago I think, so it's not impossible this will actually work. Didn't get a response yet though. If this works and is the way you are supposed to do it, please be clearer about that on the account support page.
EDIT: well, I've gotten a response now so apparently just filling in something works. It's a bit counter-intuitive though, so please be clearer about that on the account support page.