I always thought shr plz. = boot me I would rather solo.
I too felt this way...especially when I had not picked up the quest yet myself...
BUT there is a real practical use to the share...
I am now a fan of share.
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
http://darkside.guildportal.com http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=174849
Yes and it is also bad...when doing a shroud...and somebody asks Share Plz? Or a Von5/6 or anything you have to be flagged for an the quest giver is at the entrance. (unless like VOD or Hound where it can save a lot of time if forgotten). But it is bad...because if your showing up to a raid like shroud where a Share Please is never needed....it is most likely that your also gonna be just as useless in the quest.
Which is the flip side. As for saving time speed running...sure....but then you get into crazy situations where you and your buddy decide POTS are faster than shrines...it can get crazy.
The point is...its all in the usage. Not the best opening line.
And yes...most long time players wont ask for it, cause we know where the quests are.......
its a rite of passage.
(I've watched this thread for the last 2 weeks)
(at level 20 I totally agree.. & i hate retards)
(as a lvler & freshly returned myself.. this thread is an argument in attrition)
I understand in more ways then none.. the turnoff of 90% of the time getting that tard dribbling at the chin that has to be handheld. No clue his roll or his class is so hard a turn off, at times it would be better to fake a DC and play an alt.. cause your brain is boiled///
I'm still returning to this game & getting my junk right. I do consider myself a nooblet in learning DDo, I first played DDo for 2 months back with pre purchased on first release back in 06'?
Lately I'm so lost(the game is alot larger to new players then the old fogies) .. hell I take every quest lately just to avoid this situation. If i can get the quest under my cloak(so I can find it under my quest log) of ability to find.,. it's cake. If I have to find the quest fresh or hadn't ever ran it.. I'm bah!! where?? what zone? share? doodle/
Does it make me a bad player cause I am not familiar compared to a person that had limited updates for years to run 100s of time the same dung run ..compared to a person fresh or just joining that lvl of the game?
Some I understand on classified as dribble worthy.
Some of us are just inexperienced on how far DDo has expanded theses days..
Does it give me the right to be handheld & not find the way myself? No + the F before the no.
But any game has & will continue to have it's ****** handheld that you wish to pull your hair out on.
I'm seriously glad DDo has a stiffer build curve compared to cookie cutter builds by the 98% of a class. (cuts out alot of people that are used to the ease of games like Wow.)
How many threads on the DK Forums(WoW) or preached.. we do not use fast weapons for Tanking or dps.. lol.. rimefangs!!!
My char I played on wow.. sits unplayed since the 4.0 update. Do i regret it? not in the least...
That's my was dps gear at that time,., I also tanked before the Update more times then often.
You will have a majority % that have no clue on how to research or visit the boards. & another that try to do there best on researching.. & they post majority the time or atleast research others posts.
In life all you can do.. is learn from your previous actions/mistakes or be the mule carried by other...
I've rambled enough..
just don't judge all books by its cover plse
edit: Ceyn- lvl 5 Pali
Last edited by Thsil; 11-16-2010 at 01:52 AM.
If one of my coworkers says, "I left my wallet at home, can you lend me $5 for lunch," I would certainly fork over the $5 and I would be happy for the opportunity to help them out.
If one of my coworkers says, "Give me $5," I'd probably just stare at them or reply with a puzzled grunt because it's crass and bordering on rude to just abruptly demand that someone give you money (even if it is just $5).
If someone starts a conversation with
Player3: hi, all.
Player3: forgot where the quest is. could someone share so I can find it?
...then I'd be delighted to open up the L window, look for the quest and hit Share and I'll at least mention which house the quest is in.
If someone starts a conversation with
Player3: shr plz
...then I'll be significantly less delighted.
I also forgot to pick up HoX yesterday. At the raid entrance, I typed in:
PopeJual: Crud.
PopeJual: Shr plx
and I immediately got a share even though I didn't even bother to spell the please "correctly." No one complained and I didn't end up on any /squelch lists. It's almost as if the players in the game can recognize context and differentiate between circumstances. Go figure!
Ah, I got Joel Siegeled. Instead of just putting me on your list and moving on with your life, for some strange reason you felt it necessary to announce it to the entire forum as if your wear the tiara of forum godliness and the rest of your underlings here should be in awe that you put someone on your so-called black-list. Well, I guess its an honor to be singled out by you, Sire. I shall now commemorate the event by drinking a nice warm can of Rhinegold. Cheers!
Sistasole~Medie~Valintino~ Solobot~Pashadenali ~
No person who joins a PUG and immediately types "share plz" does so because they are new players. Anyone who's relatively new to grouping probably doesn't know that quests can be shared. People who are new to the game and trying to figure things out will most likely ask actual questions.
Anyone who joins a PUG and immediately says "share plz" is doing so out of habitual laziness and is quite likely going to be a serious drain on the party.
The more I read your posts, the more you remind me of that guy in Chem class I used to go to college with. Please PM me with your name, address and tel#, And I'll swing by for a jaunt out to the pub, where we can reminisce about that time we Eiffel-Towered that girl during Lab.
I just remembered a pair of quests where I will ask for a share (*AFTER* I say hello to the group) when I join a party.
Bring Me the Head of Ghola Fan
Slavers of the Shrieking Mines
Edit: I will jump to another character and share with the rest of the party if none of them have it yet, though.
Last edited by PopeJual; 11-22-2010 at 07:21 AM.
Ok, so I'm an @$$hat.
I was tooling around Korthos with my brand new cleric with an LFM up for the wilderness area quests on elite. I didn't need an opener (I can do that myself thank you very much). When a ranger joined the LFM. I had been working on slayers while waiting and the 'newcomer' (I don't want to say that the player was new - just new to group) entered the instance.
I told them politely that I was just working on slayers while waiting for at least 1 more since we would be taking on the "Stopping the Sahuagin" on elite. No big deal.
So I worked my way back to the quest entrance to rendezvous with the new party member. And was preparing to enter the quest - I figured we could knock it out and move on to the next. While standing at the quest entrance, the ranger asked if I could "share plz". I figured, meh - what the heck and obliged. Then the ranger asked if we could try hard first since he was not too sure if we could take on the ice spider at the end. Again, I decided to be nice and oblige the request. Mind you this guy/gal is already on strike 2 now.
1-Asking to share a quest that the quest giver is very near the entrance.
2-Asking to run on Hard when the LFM said Elite runs.
So as I had already figured, the run when very smooth other than a ranger with no Spot or Search skills and a lack of being able to solve a puzzle which they claimed 'I know 'cause I've run this quest several times'. But I can deal with those little things. After completing the quest however, I told the ranger that I was going to run the quest on Elite (since we low-balled it on Hard despite the LFM). I politely asked if they would like to come along (although hesitantly), they said that would be fine.
I run back up and around the hillside, grab my end reward (vendor fodder) re-initiate the quest and go cliff diving. I politely waited for the ranger to do the same before zoning in. Once I am inside the quest (on Elite finally) the ranger asks 'Share plz'. Are you freakin kidding me? I tried to keep my tone level:
"You were just at the quest giver, why didnt you pick it up then?" I asked.
"I forgot to talk to him again" came the reply.
I recalled from the quest zone, back to Korthos Village - simply dropped group and then re-entered the zone and quest on Elite and soloed it.
I don't mind 'sharing' but c'mon!!
I guess this is what I get for trying to be social on Korthos. /shrugs
I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Sarlona! Yep, back again.
"shr plz" or any other real short butchered form of the statement = KICK THEM NOW. You won't regret it.
"Could you share the quest" Or any variation that shows they can at least form a complete sentence.. = Give them a share.. They might be new or haven't run that quest in awhile.
It's not so much the request... It's how they ask that determines the real bad... omg lets recall/reform players.
Have you ever seen "shr plz" turn out not to be a drag on the quest? Aside from guildies screwing with you...
If the person is in House K and they want to do BaM with you and ask for a share.. we give it to them... trust me.. their running to House D is a time waster for you... now if the are on the way to DQ 1 and ask for a share.. well.. laugh your butt off cuz you know they know zippola...
..now when i get a request for a share... I love to share.. I'll give you ww, XC, judo's mom, PoP, Bam, judo's mom, Trolls and so on.. :P
Begbie TY Cauthey